发布时间:2021-05-28 08:18:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

SWA Group:蛇口滨海休闲作为深圳湾公园系统最后六公里,是深圳湾海岸的最西侧部分,也是深受市民欢迎的文化旅游目的地。随着越来越多的人口涌入城市,城市中公共空间的设计备受关注,作为活力的触媒和文化载体,公共空间所提供的真实体验常常是人们对一座城市最深刻的记忆。在蛇口海岸,废弃的工业港口和昔日陈旧的岸线被转化为了一个高质量的公共场所,提升了地产价值,聚集了人气,使得新的地产开发和地标文化建筑纷纷落户蛇口沿海地区。

SWA Group:As the last 6 KM of Shenzhen Bay park system, Shekou promenade is the far west portion of the Shenzhen Bay coastal shoreline, and a highly celebrated leisure and tourism destination. As more population is moving into cities, the urban public space design has been an ever-important catalyst for making memorable and popular urban places for people. At Shekou’s coast, abandoned industrial port and out of date shoreline are being converted to high quality public space, which increased the real estate value and attracted more people and businesses to Shekou’s coastal area.

纵观整个6公里的滨海长廊设计,其设计概念源于国际设计竞赛中的优胜方案 “蛇口隐城的文化廊道”。经过两年时间的设计打造,通过发掘场地的历史文脉,塑造了串联在一起的5个主题区段,给市民和游人带来了丰富多元的休闲和旅游体验。景观的独特创意源于解读当地文化特色并从中提炼出令人印象深刻的主题元素。设计的手法充分考虑了蛇口岸线的文化脉络,将场地原始的景观和人文特色(包括码头工业元素、连绵的自然山体,以及蛇口渔港等丰富的文化特质)保存下来,在开发中用新的材料和现代设计语汇来诠释。

Shekou Promenade, the final phase of the ambitious shoreline transformation, was designed with a context-first approach, adopting a place-making narrative developed in the 2014 international competition winning scheme “Culture Lines from Hinterland”. It features 5 distinct character zones, providing rich and diverse experiences for citizen and visitors.

Shekou Promenade’s design employed a place-making strategy that celebrates the site’s unique contextual heritage—mountains along the shoreline, an industrial past, and the hinterland culture. The design interpreted such characters with contemporary languages and materials.

▼项目平面 Plans

设计理念  Concept

“旧貌换新颜”是设计过程中的核心理念,将现有的渔业和工业用途转变成一个崭新的场所,提供具有独特文化特性的丰富体验。蛇口休闲带将海岸沿线的山脉、工业历史和内陆文化,融入到这个富有历史遗产的场所中。六公里长的场地曾被各种港口及相关功能所占据,包括一个驳船码头、一个废弃的石油管道码头、一个古老的民居木板路和蛇口历史上的渔船港口。这些工业元素和内陆文化也在新的景观中得到了重新解读, 再现了对城市独特语境真实的地域感。

“What’s old is new again” is the idea at the core of the design process—transforming existing fishing and industrial uses and blending them into a new place, offering an experience rich with distinct cultural identity. Shekou Promenade’s design employs a place-making strategy that celebrates the site’s unique contextual heritage—mountains along the shoreline, an industrial past, and the hinterland culture. The six-kilometer site was formerly occupied by various port and harbor functions, including a barge dock, a derelict oil pipe pier, an old residential boardwalk, and Shekou’s historic fishing boat harbor. These industrial elements and the hinterland culture were also re-interpreted in the new landscape, recreating a strong sense of place authentic to the city’s unique context.


The historic natural landscape of Shekou was once celebrated for its beautiful mountains and beaches. However, after years of landfilling and shoreline evolution, these natural features that once bordered the shoreline were absorbed into the hinterland landscape. While the natural mountain profile is still visible from the waterfront, the experience of strolling between the water’s edge and the foot of the mountain had been lost entirely. By re-imaging the “mountains” in a new promenade landscape, the design brings back undulating landform features to the waterfront plaza spaces, delivering an interpreted experience of Shekou’s natural mountain topography.


Starting from a landmark pedestrian bridge that connects the old and new Shenzhen Bay waterfront, Shekou Promenade begins with the Nature Park segment, which provides a continuous recreational route for people while separating pedestrian, jogging, and bicycle lanes. Breezeway Plaza, Invisible City Installation, and High-Tide Terrace are culturally enriched nodal spaces that unfold while people walk along the first kilometer. As they proceed, the design captures place-making opportunities introducing the distinct character of this waterfront context. Interpretation of nature’s rich, complex, and subtle beauty.

▼滨海休闲步道 The recreational route


Landscape and site furniture are introduced as an invitation for people to stop and relax along the walk, and to enjoy the great ocean views. Granite seating blocks and wood benches reference wooden fishing boats and Shenzhen’s well know quarry landscape, embedding a contextual material vibe into the construction details. Many simple and bold art installations are also choreographed along the Promenade, including the Breezeway Plaza, Invisible City, and High-tide Terrace. They each serve as a thematic place-making elements that deliver impressions of the waterfront: the tide, the wind, the coastal grasses, and industrial city skylines.

这条后工业化海岸线的转型显然对城市的经济和社会发展做出了贡献。自2007年深圳湾滨海公园一期建设以来, 其房地产价值增加了10倍,蛇口长廊自2017年8月开放以来,平均每天的游客数量达2万人次,特别活动期间游客人数超3万。

The transformation of this postindustrial shoreline has clearly contributed to the city’s economic and social growth. Property values have increased 10 times since the construction of the first phase of Shenzhen Bay Coastal Park, in 2007. The number of visitors to Shekou Promenade has averaged 20,000 people per day since its opening in August of 2017, and exceeds 30,000 during special events.


The last segment of Shekou Promenade is the Fish Harbor Park. As one of the cultural landmarks of Shenzhen Bay, Shekou’s more than 100-year-old fishing harbor has witnessed the city’s dramatic transformation. The promenade design was careful to keep much of the fishing boat parking, repair, and seafood wholesale capacity as part of the promenade experience. That priority was achieved through careful planning of both recreational and fishing production circulation routes to allow multi-use of the shoreline without conflict. The Fish Harbor Park is a place for sports, social interaction, and harbor events.

Architectural shade canopies are inspired by the fishing boats and the colorful barrels the fishermen use in their work.The result is a world-class public open space that reminds visitors and residents of Shekou’s rich industrial and natural history. While so much of China’s past has quickly been covered over with contemporary design work, this project creates a model for cultural resiliency that inspires pride in the people of Shekou.


The result is a world-class public open space that reminds visitors and residents of Shekou’s rich industrial and natural history. While so much of China’s historic past has quickly been blanketed with contemporary design, this project creates a model for cultural resiliency that inspires pride in the people of Shekou.




项目设计 & 完成年份:2014-2017



主创及设计团队:Peiwen Yu、Kinder Baumgardner 、Michael Robinson、Kunkook Bae、Xin Sui、Kuang Xin、Tarana Hafiz


摄影:David Lloyd

Project name: Shenzhen Bay Shekou Promenade

Client: The Urban Administration Bureau of Nanshan district, Shenzhen city

Project location: Nanshan district, Shenzhen city, China

Project design & year completed: 2014-2017

Design area: 13.8 ha

Design company: SWA

Design team: Peiwen Yu, Kinder Baumgardner, Michael Robinson, Kunkook Bae, Xin Sui, Kuang Xin, Tarana Hafiz

Partner: Shenzhen beilinyuan landscape and architectural planning and design institute co., LTD

Photo credits: David Lloyd

项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project


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