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An assortment of colorful banners welcomes passengers at the high-speed train station in Tai’an, China. The headlines perched above the Jiunv Crest (Nine Women’s Peak) showcase a Hometown Moon or a Hometown Cloud, inviting people to walk on the moon or wander around the cloud. The intriguing wording is part of a creative campaign inviting travelers to visit attractions lying beyond the main scenic area of Mount Tai. The strategy looks to breathe new life into Nine Women’s Peak, a branch of the famous mount that gives its name to the city of Tai’an.

▼视频,Video © 花生工作室

2019 年初,袈蓝建筑受业主山东鲁商集团的委托,介入村落整体规划设计及“故乡的月”等单体建筑设计。彼时,“故乡的云”已初具雏形。费翔《故乡的云》在建筑中反复播放,熟悉的曲调荡起人们情感的涟漪、催生关于“乡愁”互动,九女峰开始在社交媒体平台崭露头角,为东西门村带来了新人群、新面貌、新产业、新可能。一个几年前还是贫困村的山区,摇身一变成为游客趋之若鹜的“网红”,鲁商集团借“一朵云”验证了“作为传播载体的建筑”所具备的巨大能量。

At the beginning of 2019, Shandong Lushang Group commissioned Syn Architects to develop the overall planning and design of the mountainous area, its villages, and the Hometown Moon, the representative structure of the project. In no time at all, a Hometown Cloud state of mind began to spread out. Fei Xiang’s theme, Hometown Cloud, was played repeatedly in the building. The romantic song from the ’80s swayed people’s emotions, creating a nostalgic atmosphere. Nine Women’s Peak drew attention on social media, bringing new people, new faces, new industries, and new possibilities to the area around Dongximen Village. The region of humble villages became an online phenomenon that attracted thousands of tourists. During the project, Lushang Group effectively used the image of “a cloud” to demonstrate the enormous value of architecture as a communication medium.

▼项目鸟瞰:“故乡的月”与“故乡的云”遥相呼应,Aerial view:theHometown Moon and theHometown Cloud echoing each other© 郑焰

自然,仅靠散点式单体建筑无法承载一座村落的复兴。不到一年,“故乡的云”网络热度便有降温之势,鲁商需要一种全盘思考和整体逻辑,将总面积约 55 平方公里的山村串珠成链,规划其产业及空间结构,并注入新的“惊喜”,持续、系统地满足“喜新厌旧”的来访者。袈蓝建筑由此参与,凭借乡村领域多年实践经验,立足济南城市群客源市场,串联生产、生活、生态“三生空间”。“八楼小剧场”及“故乡的月”等建筑体及相应配套设施陆续亮相,在乡村越来越被向往的当下,建筑师回归儒家文化的发源地,重建城市与乡土、人与乡愁关联,寻找被遗忘的价值与被忽视的可能性。

However, a series of scattered constructions is not enough to stimulate the growth of a region. Thus, the online popularity of the Hometown Cloud slowed down in less than a year. Today, Lushang Group demands a long-term holistic approach that can connect the string of mountain villages in the 55 square kilometers area. The definition of industrial and spatial structures and the introduction of new wonders that satisfy visitors looking for fresh experiences is needed too. In this regard, Syn Architects integrates daily life, industrial development, and environmental science in every project. Taking advantage of its years of practical experience in rural areas, the firm developed client markets in Jinan, Shandong province’s capital city. Additionally, attractions such as the Balou Theater and the Hometown Moon, and their supporting facilities, were unveiled one after the other. In this way, Syn Architects returns to the birthplace of Confucianism, rebuilding the relationship between dualities such as the city and the countryside, modern society, and homesickness, searching for forgotten values and neglected possibilities.

场地平面图,Site plan© 袈蓝建筑

“故乡的月”起源于业主的“命题作文”。2019 年中秋,拈花湾亮起直径 10 米的气球月亮,为古镇增加了魔幻色彩和传播亮点。受此启发,鲁商集团希望在九女峰片区亮起一轮圆月,以“人工奇观”开辟“故乡”IP 的下一篇章。

▼故乡的月手绘(过程稿),Sketch oftheHometown Moon© 袈蓝建筑

The original concept for the Hometown Moon comes from the developer. During the Mid-Autumn Festival of 2019, a moon-shaped balloon with a diameter of 10 meters was lit up in Nianhua Bay, spreading magical colors and lights all around. Inspired by the scene, the Lushang Group hopes to light up a full moon at the Nine Women’s Peak and write the next chapter in intellectual property for designed hometowns.

▼九女峰片区亮起一轮圆月,A full moon rises up in the sky of the Jiunv Crest © 郑焰


Mr. Zou Yingxi, the lead architect and planner of the project, hopes to infuse a deep meaning into the artificial moon. He longs for a moon that never sets. According to this rhetoric, the building functions as a ceremony hall designed to escape conventionalisms. Among its main features, the structure attracts locals and tourists from other provinces, can host ceremonies and events, and provide spiritual and operational values that strengthen the village’s resources.

▼永不落幕的月亮,A moon that never sets© 郑焰


An ancient poem from the Song Dynasty ponders about the nature of perspective and emotion: “the clouds and the moon remain the same, but mountains and rivers evolve throughout time.” Modern-day catalysts are also capable of evoking nostalgia, regardless of location. As such, an architectural poem about the moon does not need to relate to the classical symbol. Under this philosophy, Syn Architects combines abstract geometrical shapes and simple materials to create a pure space with complex visuals that stimulate the soul, leaving traditional figurative expressions behind.

▼云月是同,溪山各异,“The clouds and the moon remain the same, but mountains and rivers evolve throughout time.”© 郑焰


The location of the moon is essential. It needs to complement the Hometown Cloud in terms of visitor flow and to engage in a fulfilling dialogue with the natural scenery of the Nine Women’s Peak. Following these two principles, the lead architect Zou Yingxi explored the mountainous area, examining its geographical accidents and architectural possibilities. After careful consideration, the final location chosen was a viewing terrace overlooking the Hometown Cloud on the side of a mountain stream, near the entrance of the stream.

▼安放于神龙大峡谷谷口山涧边的“月亮”,The“moon”is located on a viewing terrace overlooking the Hometown Cloud on the side of a mountain stream© 郑焰


“月”在林木枝桠间时隐时现© 郑焰 The structure playfully disappears from time to time among trees and branches

经停车场进入“月亮”,需要穿过一段“洗心路”。绕到巨石的后方,才能看到栈道的入口。大约 5-10 分钟,不长不短,傍山设路、沿溪而行。鸟鸣虫啼、水流潺潺、树叶沙沙、水雾喷涌声,或许还有心脏因激动而砰砰作响……绕一个山体、跨一条河,兜一圈抵达建筑,人们在自然听觉、嗅觉与知觉的陪伴下,寻觅一个“不知所以”的终点,始终难窥建筑的全貌。

The Parking lot is the last reminder of modern civilization. To access the Hometown Moon, visitors must go through a purifying road. It takes about five to ten minutes to walk along the path between mountains and streams. The entrance lies behind a boulder. From here on, visitors begin to enjoy communion with nature. Birds singing, insects chirping, rustling leaves, gurgling streams, and hearts beating with joy and anticipation; the sounds of nature make visitors feel at ease. After crossing a mountain, a river, and exploring a few curved pathways, visitors finally arrive at the building. Here, they ponder about the intriguing nature of the architecture. And on the emotional side, their senses of hearing and smell are stimulated by their natural surroundings.

▼连接“故乡的月”的栈道入口,The entrance to the path leading to theHometown Moon© 郑焰


The long and winding paths increase the curiosity of visitors. Attracted by a building in the middle of nature, they suddenly find themselves inside the structure, wondering about the charms of an inverted moon. Like Buddhist meditation, the experience develops insight by feeling the background of mountains and forests to complete a mental reorganization, soothing the souls of urban residents. Along the plank road, there are playgrounds, cabin camps, bonfire areas, and anti-fog devices. These and other similar spaces enrich the experience and the dimension of the project.

▼建筑入口,Entrance to the building© 郑焰


A group of bridges on top of the structure allows visitors to contemplate the moon by the reflecting pond without entering the building. There is a plank road connection between the group of bridges and the mountain that grants access for this purpose. If there is an ongoing ceremony in the room, the door on the roof can be closed to avoid interference. If there is no activity in the room, visitors touched by the moon on the ceiling can enter the building and contemplate the lower half of the moon.

▼入口平台及柱林,Entry terrace and column forest© 郑焰


When the surroundings become gray, the visitors are officially inside the territory of the moon. The building occupies more than 1,000 square meters consisting of the moon, the cavity, and the grey space. Inspired by the mountain stream by the base of the building, the designer uses architecture as a medium to reproduce the romantic idea of a moon born on the sea.

▼入口平台与自然环境对话,The gray area dialogues with the nature© 郑焰

“故乡的月”落位经过了反复的推敲:海拔高度需要适中,建筑不能遮挡背后的山脉,亦不能被前方的小山所遮挡;“月”的直径与水面的相对大小需适中,确保建筑实体与水中的倒影能够共同形成一个“满月”;建筑的腔体需容纳半轮“月亮”(直径 12m),亦能容纳仪式空间所需要的正常高度。

▼剖面图,section© 袈蓝建筑

The placement of the Hometown Moon was designated considering several factors: the altitude needs to remain moderate, and the building must not block the mountains behind it. It should not be blocked by the hill in front of it either. Proportion-wise, the diameter of the moon and the area of the water surface must match to ensure that the architectural piece and its reflection on the water form a full moon together. Furthermore, the cavity in the building needs to contain half of the moon with a diameter of 12 meters. The space also needs to allow the appropriate height required to host ceremonies.

▼建筑实体与水中倒影形成“满月”© 郑焰 The architectural piece and its reflection on the water form a full moon together

立面,facade© 郑焰

屋顶水池的深度需考虑到水的蒸发速度,0.5m 的蓄水池与中部夹层渗透装置共同作用,降低了补水的频率;仪式堂需要无柱空间,“圆月”的完形需要控制梁架的厚度,密肋混凝土无梁楼盖结构提供了一种经济、合理、满足承重需求的解决方案……

The depth of the roof pond needs to consider the water evaporation rate. In this regard, a water reservoir 0.5 meters deep and a central interlayer device work together to reduce the hydration frequency. The ceremonial space needs to remain column-free, and the form and shape of the full moon need to limit the thickness of the beams. A ribbed and beamless concrete floor meets the load-bearing requirements of the structure at a reasonable price too.

▼屋顶水池,The roof pond© 郑焰

▼从侧方望向水池和建筑,lateral facade© 郑焰



▼咖啡厅景观露台,cafe viewing terrace© 郑焰

Syn Architects takes advantage of the materials available in the area to adopt a limited intervention approach. The strategy consists of widening the base of the valley before erecting the building. Such a method also preserves the original spillway to help prevent natural disasters. The foundations are dug according to the calculated diameter of the moon and the space desired. Furthermore, the rocky and mossy walls of the mountain remain untouched as a natural limit to the project. In this way, the walls showcase the struggle between man and nature while further participating in the aesthetic concept.

The natural scenery is the starting point of the Hometown Moon. Indeed, nature is the catalyst that feeds the imagination of architects. They ensure that the solution is reasonable, achieving goals and fulfilling spatial and functional requirements by maximizing the integration with nature.


Thinking about wedding ceremonies from the good old days in China, Zou Yingxi innovates on the concept of wedding banquets in Jinan and Tai’an. The architect hopes to position the Hometown Moon as a beautiful space with a strong sense of ceremony to meet local and national demands for high-end weddings. Emotion is one of the main functions demanded in a ceremony hall. Attendants must feel comfortable and well settled during the ceremony. A formal atmosphere is needed while allowing room to enjoy the reception in leisure. Activities such as make-up preparation and other conveniences, and practical needs such as utensil preparation, lavatory and etc., must be solved too. Above all, the Hometown Moon must remain an emotional place where happiness happens.

▼月与山融为一体,the moon emerges from the mountain© 郑焰



Moon and love are closely interwoven symbols. Ancient Chinese poems chant about love in terms of windy flowers under the snowy moonlight. The Japanese novelist Natsume Sōseki even translated “I love you” as “the moon is so beautiful tonight”. Love is that unique moon living in the depths of our eyes, making everything else pale in comparison.

Syn Architects interprets the unique nature of love by adhering to materials closely related to the mountainous environment. Graceful rock slabs, stone objects, smooth gray concrete cover the walls and floors of the structure, almost as if they were a part of the mountain. And on the roof, the use of highly transparent ultra-clear glass ensures that sunlight can find its way in freely to light up the room.

▼唯美的、强仪式感的空间,A space with strong sense of ceremony© 郑焰


The curved wall of the moon forms a natural echo cavity, like a functional symbol that amplifies the promise between lovers, conveying their vows to the world. From dawn to dusk, the changes of light make the moon adopt different shapes, resembling distinctive states of mind. Besides the moon, there are barely any decorations inside the chamber, not even artificial lights. The large moon is strong enough to light the space, transcend temple boundaries, and even philosophical thought. Without interference from the outside, the project brings people together in a spiritual sense. All in the name of the purity of love between bride and groom.

▼“月”的弧形墙壁形成天然的回音腔© 郑焰 The curved wall of the moon forms a natural echo cavity


The Hometown Moon ceremony hall divides a full moon in half. The reflection over a water-like surface of corrugated steel makes it whole again. Perhaps, the essence of life is flawed. As such, human beings continuously look for their other half, as if looking for consummation. That second half will perfect the essence of the other, like the other half of the moon. Furthermore, the yang principle is present on the upper side of the hall, and yin is contained at the bottom, forming a balanced combination. The philosophical concept of duality (existence and non-existence); is uniquely showcased by the architectural language.

▼“故乡的月”借助水波纹板“倒影”得以圆满,The reflection over a water-like surface of corrugated steel makes the moon full again© 郑焰

袈蓝建筑构筑一种难以诉诸语言的“诗哲建筑”,将佛家的“圆融无碍、圆满无尽”、道家的“空性”、儒家的家族传承集于一体,以一轮“故乡的月”承载遮风避雨的使用价值、仪式仪典的精神价值、观游体验的美学价值、展示乡村发展的标志性价值,撬动政府、资本、媒体、大众的聚合,予建筑以“圆满”。“故乡的月”属于柯布西耶所谓的“ineffable space”,重要的,是身处其中的体验。


Syn Architects has built a poetic and philosophical building that words fail to describe. The project combines the central ideas of Buddhism (harmony, perpetuity, comprehensiveness, and endlessness), the concept of emptiness from Taoism, and the cultural heritage of Confucianism to provide physical shelter from the wind and the rain in the shape of a Hometown Moon. Its exaltation of ritual in our society and its new aesthetic for the countryside demonstrate the importance of rural development. The Hometown Moon also encourages cooperation between government agencies, private industries, the media, and the general population, creating a complete circle through careful design. The Hometown Moon is what Le Corbusier used to call an ineffable space, a place where the only thing that matters is the experience of being there.

▼细节,detailed view© 郑焰

“自建筑落成开始,便与使用者、与自然开启了新的对话,我期待看它被时间修饰,随着树木的生长而进一步与环境相融。 实,建筑只有两种“命运”:被炸掉、被保护。我期待创作一座“让人舍不得炸掉”的作品,那将是我职业生涯的至高成就。为此,我会为建筑赋予更多意义、创造更多情感的纽带,我期待“月亮”能够成为这种建筑——纵使终将消逝,仍能使人的精神世界永生。”——邹迎晞,袈蓝建筑主持建筑师

"Since the completion of the building, it has started a dialogue with users and nature. I look forward to seeing it being modified over time, further blending with the environment as the trees grow.

Each architecture has two destinies: being destroyed or being protected. I look forward to creating an architecture that is reluctant to be destroyed. It will be the highest achievement of my career. For this reason, I will bestow deeper meaning to my architecture and create more emotional bonds for its users. I hope that the moon can become this kind of architecture. Even if it disappears in time, it will still exist in our spiritual world."

——Zou Yingxi,Principal architectof SYN Architects

一层平面图,Floor Plan– Level 1© 袈蓝建筑

▼二层平面图,Floor Plan– Level 2© 袈蓝建筑

▼屋顶平面图,Roof Plan© 袈蓝建筑

项目名称: 乡的月 地点:山东省泰安市道朗镇 客户:鲁商九女峰(泰安)乡村振兴有限公司 项目类型:建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计

设计周期:2019 年 10 月--2020 年 7 月 施工周期:2020 年 7 月--2021 年 6 月 场地面积: 866 平米 建筑面积: 469 平米 室内面积:856 平米 容积率:0.78 绿化率:30% 项目功能:礼堂

项目组成员:主创建筑师:邹迎晞 项目建筑师:刘远,金楠 室内设计师团队:夏福强,钱国兴,曹真真,刘婷婷,李倩茜 室内表现图团队:冯炎,郭萌佳,李辉 景观设计师团队:金楠,徐璐,刘爽,李贝贝,梁景琪 建筑表现图团队:朱枫,陈兰,梁晓婷,阮建军,石丽娜,唐堂,郑礼华,刘爽(手绘)施工单位:山东泰山普惠建工有限公司 结构工程:王强,杨剑,燕东强 机械、电器、管道顾问:黄远征,梅延涛、冀鹏程 照明顾问:创星行光环境设计(北京)有限公司 其他顾问:冯亚松,廖世杰,陈璐,徐言,郑帅 总承包:山东泰山普惠建工有限公司

材料及厂家:石材 / 东德矿业 美岩板 超白玻璃 生态木板 水波纹镜面不锈钢 / 高比不锈钢

摄影:郑焰 摄像:花生工作室


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