发布时间:2018-11-12 08:28:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

威尔夏大道教堂(Wilshire Boulevard Temple)是洛杉矶历史最悠久的犹太教堂,2018年11月11日,位于教堂边的增建项目正式动工。新增的建筑名为“Audrey Irmas”,是一座集合了文化、宗教和活动等多种用途的场馆,与教堂的主殿相邻。

Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Los Angeles’ oldest Jewish congregation, has begun construction of the Audrey Irmas Pavilion on Sunday, November 11, 2018. The new addition will be a multi-use cultural, religious and event space on Wilshire Boulevard directly adjacent to the Temple’s historic sanctuary in Koreatown. The announcement was made by Senior Rabbi Steven Leder.

▼建筑外观,exterior review ©OMA

Audrey Irmas中心将成为OMA在洛杉矶建造的第一座文化建筑。项目负责人为OMA事务所合伙人重松象平和雷姆·库哈斯,合作方包括执行建筑师Gruen Associates、景观建筑公司Studio-MLA,并由Arup担任工程设计。除了新的教堂平台之外,Audrey Irmas中心还将包含一间大宴会厅、一系列会议室和表演空间,以及带有全景视野的屋顶花园。扩建项目旨在为整个社区营造一个鼓舞人心的聚会场所,可以用来举办各种宗教和文化活动以及表演。

The Audrey Irmas Pavilion will be the firm’s first cultural building in Los Angeles led by Partner Shohei Shigematsu and Rem Koolhaas as Partner in collaboration with executive architect Gruen Associates, landscape architect Studio-MLA and engineering by Arup. In addition to a new chapel terrace, it will include a grand ballroom, a series of meeting rooms, performance spaces and a rooftop sky garden with panoramic views. The new addition aims to provide an inspiring gathering place for the entire community, hosting both religious and cultural activities and performances.

▼Audrey Irmas中心将成为一个鼓舞人心的文化和聚会场所, the new addition aims to provide an inspiring gathering place for the entire community, hosting both religious and cultural activities and performances ©OMA


Shohei Shigematsu said, “Focusing on communicating the energy of gathering and exchange, the pavilion is an active gesture, shaped by respectful moves away from the surrounding historic buildings, reaching out onto Wilshire Boulevard to create a new presence. We are thrilled to break ground on this significant project that will provide a new anchor for the Wilshire Boulevard Temple and the broader Los Angeles community.”

▼威尔夏大道教堂与Audrey Irmas中心,Wilshire Boulevard Temple and the Pavilion ©OMA


Rem Koolhaas said, “We are very happy to break ground on this addition to the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, a dramatic tribute to the Temple’s vitality and relevance in Los Angeles. When so many things seem to be pulling us further apart from each other, the Temple is an institution that brings the city closer together in peace. I congratulate my partner Shohei for his leadership of this project, which we hope will become a home for reflection, love and community.”

▼聚会和活动空间,gathering and event place ©OMA

“威尔夏大道教堂自1862年建成以来一直是洛杉矶主要的宗教和文化场所;而我们在威尔夏大道上创造的这座建筑也将成为历史性的地标。”Rabbi Leder说道:“我们要设计的不仅仅是一座满足基本使用需要的新设施,它还包含着我们的希望和愿景:使其为洛杉矶在21世纪的精神和文化圣地。我们已经迫不及待地想要实现雷姆·库哈斯和重松象平带来的富有戏剧感、美感和功能性的设计。同时我们也要向Audrey Irmas女士和其他贡献者致以深深的谢意。”

“Wilshire Boulevard Temple has been a major religious and cultural presence in Los Angeles since 1862; our stunning sanctuary on Wilshire Boulevard is a historic landmark,” said Rabbi Leder.  “In creating the Audrey Irmas Pavilion, we sought a design that would not only create much-needed new facilities, but also embody the vision and intention of our congregation to be a dynamic part of the 21st-century spiritual and cultural conversation that is Los Angeles.  We are thrilled with the dramatic, beautiful and functional design created by Rem Koolhaas and Shohei Shigematsu, and can’t wait to see it realized.  We are deeply indebted to Audrey Irmas and the many other contributors who have made this project possible.”

▼倾斜的体量以一种礼貌的姿态从周围的历史建筑群中偏离,the pavilion is an active gesture, shaped by respectful moves away from the surrounding historic buildings ©OMA

Annenberg基金会董事长、总裁兼CEO Wallis Annenberg表示:“在我所有的慈善项目中,我所试图关注的都不仅仅是赠予,更多的是关于创新。这也是为什么我很高兴能够参与到这次项目当中。如今的美国人拥有比任何时候都更长的寿命,这是一件大好事,同时也为我们带来了重要的挑战,那就是如何让更长的生命变得更有意义,从而让美国的老年群体可以持续地学习、成长并回馈社会,在我看来,这座社区中心能够在丰富和改善市民生活方面发挥巨大的作用,它正是我们目前所迫切需要的。完善的设施和社区生活将会使我们的老年生活成为一生中最美好的日子,这也是该项目建立的初衷所在。”

Annenberg Foundation Chairman of the Board, President and CEO Wallis Annenberg said, “In all of my philanthropic work, I’ve tried to focus not just on giving, but on innovating. That’s why I was so excited to be a part of this new community center.  Americans are living longer than ever before. That’s a wonderful thing. It also presents us with an important challenge: how to make those longer lives meaningful and purposeful, so older Americans can keep learning, growing and giving back.  In my view, this community center can do an enormous amount to engage and stimulate older Angelenos.  It’s the kind of innovative approach that we need now more than ever.  Our older years really can be our best years with the right support, engagement and community life.  That’s exactly what this effort aims to provide.”

▼入口立面,entrance facade ©OMA

Audrey Irmas中心的动工仪式已于2018年11月11日上午10:00在威尔夏大道3663的场地上举行。建筑预计将在2020年底完工。

The Audrey Irmas Pavilion groundbreaking was held on the construction site, at 3663 Wilshire Boulevard at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 11, 2018.  Completion of construction is anticipated in late 2020.


“建筑终于快要落成了,我感到非常非常高兴。这是我这几年以来最期待的一件事,我很激动能够亲自见证这激动人心的一天。” ——慈善家和艺术收藏家Audrey Irmas Enthused philanthropist Audrey Irmas, “I am so pleased and happy that the Pavilion is finally coming to fruition. It is something I have dreamed about for the last couple of years and I am thrilled to be part of this exciting day.”

“很高兴能够与OMA进行合作。建筑简洁的几何形式实际上蕴藏着很大的复杂性,这也为我们的团队带来了很多挑战。” ——Gruen Associates的合伙人兼项目主管Debra Gerod “We are very pleased to have worked with OMA on the Audrey Irmas Pavilion,” said Debra Gerod, Gruen Associates’ Partner-in-Charge and project manager. “The complexities of its seemingly simple geometric forms created intriguing challenges for our team.”

▼21世纪的历史新地标,a historic landmark in 21st century ©OMA


洛杉矶威尔夏大道教堂新扩建项目 Audrey Irmas 中心正式动工
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