发布时间:2022-10-12 22:46:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
本案例巧妙运用枢纽转换概念,实现多功能空间的有序分离与融合,呈现了独特的 X 型布局,满足办公、会议、接待等多重需求,展现了现代办公空间的新趋势。

近年来我们面临的企业办公空间设计也有了更样化的需求在此背景中CUN收到一个新邀请......Over the past couple of years, we are faced with the enterprise office has a more stylish demand. In an environment like this, CUN has received an invitation to join this new project.

这是一家影视投资公司的空间设计,业主希望除去日常的办公需求,能用两栋建筑完成多重工作场景的转化。The client is a media investment company, that would like to have these two buildings renovated as a workspace that can flow from multiple tasks.

影视传媒公司办公设计Office design of film and television media company这其中包括日常办公、总裁办公及会议、剪辑放映会议、基本商务招待这四个部分。These spaces include large daily office areas, president’s office, media editing spaces, playing rooms, and last commonly used business conference rooms.

为了很好的找到一个空间设计平衡方案,CUN一如既往,首先在设计初始找到一种解决策略。这是我们多年在设计中一直倡导的-用策略解决功能诉求,用美学完成空间筹建。With many years of work experience, CUN believes that we are a strategy oriented team. Use the best strategy to find a balance to solve the problem and meet the practicality of the room’s function. As always aesthetics as the core to construct the space.

空间设计的枢纽转换Hub transformation of space design这次我们用到了枢纽转换这个概念,把整体的两栋空间在3维中找到中转枢纽。这是非常关键的一步。We introduce this concept of the X-shape transportation hub, this concept helps us to strongly connect all the spaces within these two buildings.

首先枢纽解决的是功能交叉,因为我们有四个部分的功能要去分解,所以我们在两栋建筑的结合处,寻找出一个空间,成为独立的垂直交通枢纽。First, the function of this hub provides the spaces with a three-dimensional rail-like transportation system.

一层与二层的交互由此产生与完成。它的存在以一个X型的交叉方式,使四个功能区前后上下有序的分开。This X-shape hub creates this vertical and horizontal entanglement of the first and second stories.

接下来,我们在中间枢纽位置处理了一口的步道与二楼的廊桥,通过这个手段,前后建筑又会被分解25成两个不同的竖向。Then, the unique shape of this bridge(hub) also adds a new function to buildings, that it gives people a way to move from building to building not only vertically but horizontally.

前院做了工作入口,一层布局会议室与员工办公区域。完备日常办公功能。二楼布置总裁办公会议区以及总裁助理与财务。后院我布置接待入口,由一楼的招待区可以脱离开来不产生相互打扰。For the distribution of the spaces, at the first floor there is an entrance for the daily use of the employees, and the openings at the back will be used as guest entrances. Other areas at the ground level will be treated as the office and conference area. One of the areas on the second floor will be designated as the CEO & CFO’s office and their own conference room for a certain situations.

二层即能满足喝茶招待又能成为剪辑放映会议区。这样动静分区由前后建筑完成。同时,二层也成为总裁办公独享区域。The rest of the spaces will be used as the media editing and playing room. With a design like this, we distinguish the space into a public and private areas.

最后结合建筑客观条件,将天光由枢纽处引入。成为中间最自然充满想象力的空间。Last but not least, to feel the whole space with the combination of logic and aesthetics, we will introduce sunlight to our hub and sky bridge, making it become a place that inspires people and a playground for their imagination.

在此商业空间设计作品中,整体室内布局也尽量运用好尺度的张驰关系,在每个转折处尽力处理掉直角,弧线不因造型而为之。反而为了功能和感受去服务。In this commercial space design work,on top of that, we will be dealing with the details like all the corners in the spaces, to smooth the sharp angles, and place them with a natural curve, not because of the shape, but the practicability, and function.

在大环境面前,每个向前的奋斗者都有些阳光的心态与坚持的勇气,同时CUN接触到的这些企业客户,也都在变革面前寻找着新方法与新模式。办公室一直是为人,为企业活力而服务的。In the face of a climate where every striver who goes forward has courage to persevere, the corporate clients CUN meets are all looking for new approaches and models in the face of change.

CUN也敏感捕捉企业的变化来寻找更新的设计策略和更匹配的设计方案。相比从设计历史中寻找审美语言,我们更关注解决当下诉求。CUN is also sensitive to changes in companies looking for updated design strategies and more matching designs. Instead of looking for aesthetic language from the history of design, we focus more on addressing the demands of the present.-正像CUN的座右铭所说不做经验设计的奴隶不是审美趋势的附庸者在寻找自己的路上不止步。Just as the motto of CUN expresses,Our design are not slaved by past experience, We are not followers of aesthetic trends,We never stop on the way to find ourselves.

项目名称 : 北京星光耀莱文化传媒有限公司








摄影师:WM STUDIO、四又

崔树CUN DESIGN 寸品牌创始人作为一位80年代出生的设计师身上充满了这个时代的符号,集叛逆,个性,细致,严谨于一身与当下最时尚的元素紧密相连“不做经验设计的奴隶,不是审美趋势的附庸者;不断超越自己!”是他的信条,代表着亚洲年轻设计师在世界范围内不断发声。2015中国设计星全国总冠军2016 INTERIOR DESIGN 中文版封面人物台湾两岸设计封面人物2019中国设计年度人物2016年受邀请米兰设计周于意大利进行“Young/Design/Chinese”主题分享2016年受邀英国伦敦Inchbald设计学院进行“从中国审美到世界设计”主题演讲2016年作为最年轻的设计分享嘉宾于北大百年讲堂进行 《格调》主题分享2016年成为最年轻获得Andrew Martin大奖的亚洲新面孔2016年获得美国IIDA全球卓越设计大奖2016年成为40 UNDER 40 中国设计杰出青年2017年同时获得红点与IF双项德国设计大奖2017年获得全球Architizer A+设计奖 2017年获得意大利A‘ Design奖2017-2019年获得台湾TID空间设计大奖2018 年获得第十四届中国设计业十大杰出青年-光华龙腾奖2018 年获得Architecture Press Release(APR)国际可持续建筑商业室内类别一等奖2019 年获得第十二届佛罗伦萨双年展【达芬奇2019室内设计:金奖】2020 年获得FX Design Awards「公共空间」奖2020年获得A+ Awards 2020「商业展厅」空间类别奖2020年获得台湾TID2020「零售空间」类别奖2020年获得APIDA 2020「设施及展览空间」空间类别奖2020年入围英国SBID Awards2020年获得美国Best of Year 荣誉奖2021年获得金外滩金奖


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