former convicts find a new home in the supercube redesigned
设计方:personal architecture
建筑设计负责人:maarten polkamp and sander van schaik
设计团队:eendert van grinsven, wiepkjen kingma, froukje van de klundert
承包人:hijbeko, capelle aan de ijssel
委托人:woonbron, rotterdam
摄影师:rené de wit, breda
这是由来自荷兰工作室personal architecture设计的释囚之家“超级立方体”。该建筑始建于20世纪70年代中期,这个“超级立方体”当时鲜为人知。在被空置了30多年后,如今这个超级立方体重新进行装修,用作21个刑满释放的囚犯的住所。建筑师想在这个设计中解决三个问题:楼层之间的不连续性、单调乏味的垂直空间以及中间楼层的阴暗问题。解决这些问题有助于营造帮助囚犯重新融入社会的环境。一个矩形核心筒垂直插入建筑平面,屋顶设有天窗。这个核心筒通过引入自然光线到各楼层,加强居民之间的互动,提供了多种功能空间。同时它也是楼梯、服务空间的支撑结构。
译者: 艾比
dutch practice personal architecture, under the guidance of the exodus foundation, has recently renovated the lesser known ‘supercube’ in the iconic ‘cubecomplex’ of piet ploms built in the mid 1970′s. sitting mostly unoccupied for over 30 years, the supercube has been renovated and re-destined as a home for 21 inmates serving the final stretch of their sentences. the original design contained three main problems in the architect’s eyes: the discontinuity between floors, the tedious vertical progression, and the dark inconvenient middle floor – factors which were anything but conducive in an environment aimed at reintegrating incarcerated delinquents back into society. a simple and decisive intervention drastically changed the feel and function of the classic structure: a vertical rectangular shaft breaking through the floor planes and opening a skylight in the roof. this core serves many functions simultaneously by bringing in sunlight into a more integrated series of levels whose visual connections foster interactions between its inhabitants. it is also the support structure for the stairs and contains services such as reception, pantry, laundry, bathrooms, storage and kitchen.