“我” 直到现在都有可能 我是在一个梦境里 简化我的周遭 这样我才能想象 长期处在临界状态 这样我可以混沌的危险的蛮横的独裁的到达 这是尔我空间设计研究室自己的工作室。所以在满足功能的基础上,我们赋予它更多概念的东西,期待它承载我们更多的情感,包容我们更多的独白。 The design is for our own studio. So on the basis of satisfying functions, we give it more conceptual things, expecting it to carry more emotions and contain more soliloquies. ▼工作室一览,overview of the studio
我们将空间打散再重组。空间功能多变和重合,让活动其中更加自由,设计需要思维的解放,我们希望这是一个不被束缚的办公室。 We scattered the space and then reorganized the space function to be changeable and overlapping, so as to make the activities more free. The design needs the liberation of thinking, and we hope this is an unfettered office space. ▼工作室爆炸轴测图,the exploded axon of the studio
不限定行走的路径,不约束静处的体态,不局限工作的面向,是愿意坐着、躺着还是站着,是愿意看着山看着天还是看着城市都可以。 We do not limit the way of walking, willing to sit lying or standing, willing to look at the mountains or looking at the sky or looking at the city just upon to you. ▼交流展览空间局部,白色的空间基调与局部的红色片墙相结合,the communication and exhibition space, the white tone is complemented by the red walls
▼交流展览空间局部,墙体上开洞口,保证视线的流通性,partial interior view of the communication and exhibition space, the openings on the wall provide a good visual continuity
▼交流展览空间局部,partial interior view of the communication and exhibition space
每一处都是可以停留和驻足的地方,向着光去思考、去唤起每一秒的新生。 Every place can stay or stop, you can think towards the light, we hope you arouse every second of new life. ▼交流展览空间局部,人们可以坐在台阶上,partial interior view of the communication and exhibition space, people are sitting on the steps
▼交流展览空间局部,人们可以在空间中摆各种姿势,partial interior view of the communication and exhibition space, people can stay in the space with various guestures
▼交流展览空间局部,洞口提供了动作的连续性,partial interior view of the communication and exhibition space, the opening provides a continuity of the action
色彩没有什么明确的意义。它在我们的眼睛里是瞬化的,因天气因情绪或者无因。 Color has no clear definite, it is transient in our eyes because of weather or mood because of nothing. ▼交流展览空间细节,红白两色穿插出现,details of the communication and exhibition space with an interweaving of red and white
空间沉默地承载着我们。我们可以去感受自然、感受自我、感受力量。空间包容了我们的情绪,情绪支配着我们的肢体。 The space is silent and carries us. We can feel nature, we can feel ourselves, we can feel power. The space contains our emotions. ▼从白色的工作区看红白交织的交流展览空间,viewing the communication and exhibition space in the red and white colors from the white working area
▼白色的水吧/会议/选样空间,the water bar / meeting / sampling space in the white color
▼空间细节,details of the space