OPPO Global Mobile Terminal R&D Headquarters
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group's design for the new OPPO R&D Headquarters will exemplify the OPPO design philosophy of pursuing the perfect balance between refined aesthetics and innovative technology, in a building that will be environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable – a responsible citizen and iconic gateway to Hangzhou's Future Sci-Tech City.
创立于2004年,OPPO已经在短时间内成为中国最大的智能手机公司。而公司在杭州未来科技城设立的全球移动终端研发总部,就体现着其以不竭创新追求完美的品牌精神。“人间天堂”杭州不仅仅是一座创新城市,也拥有着中国最受欢迎的自然风景区以及3项联合国教科文组织世界遗产(UNESCO World Heritage Sites,截至2019年7月,中国共拥有55项)。作为“丝绸之路”及京杭大运河的起点之一,这座城市以五千余年悠久的科技、交流与贸易发展史而闻名。
Founded in 2004, OPPO has grown over a short period of time to become China's largest smartphone company. The setting of OPPO's new R&D Headquarters in Hangzhou's Future Sci-Tech City represents a commitment to the brand's spirit of endless innovation in the pursuit of perfection. Hangzhou, colloquially know as 'Heaven on Earth', is not just a hub for innovation, but is also home to China's most popular natural attractions including three of the world's 55 UNESCO Heritage sites. The city has been shaped by a rich cultural history of technology, information exchange and trade for over 5,000 years as one of the origin sites of the Silk Road and Grand Canal.
BIG began working with the leading global smart device brand at the beginning of 2019 to create an R&D Headquarters and Masterplan. The design expresses OPPO's mission of the elevation of life through technological artistry, with an overarching vision of being a sustainable company that contributes to a better world.
BIG合伙人Brian Yang说道,“最好的科技应当是对生活的自然延展。全新的OPPO全球移动终端研发总部就体现了这一理念。它自然地融入杭州风景秀丽的湿地,同时与两侧高密度的都市建筑及自然景观无缝衔接。它将是OPPO产品在建筑上的体现:追求极致与生俱来,同时又提升着城市居民的生活质量。”
"Technology at its best should be a seamless extension of life. The new OPPO R&D Headquarters embodies this notion, sitting with ease in the scenic wetlands of Hangzhou, while negotiating between the dense urban fabric on one side and the natural landscape on the other. It will be an architectural manifestation of an OPPO product: effortlessly elegant, while elevating the quality of human life in the city," said Brian Yang, Partner, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
Prominently located in the heart of Yuhang District, Hangzhou, OPPO R&D Headquarters rests between a natural lake, an urban center, and a 10,000 square-meter park. As an anchor point along a major access road stretching east to west from Hangzhou, the OPPO R&D Headquarters Tower will be an iconic landmark and gateway to the Future Sci-Tech City and Hangzhou itself.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
OPPO高级副总裁金乐亲认为,“通过这一项目,杭州将成为OPPO在中国最重要的研发中心之一。而BIG为其设计的地标性O形塔也与余杭美丽宜人的天然水体和湿地景观相得益彰。展望未来,我们相信经过OPPO与BIG的通力合作,OPPO全球移动终端研发总部将不仅仅是OPPO品牌形象与企业文化的完美展现,更将是杭州·余杭最具标志性的建筑。这也恰恰传达着OPPO百年计划的内核(OPPO 携手姜文、Eddie Redmayne发起 2121 未来影像计划,旨在“为明天留住今天”,体现着OPPO科技人文主义和至善的品牌理念)。”
“Through this project, Hangzhou will become one of the most important centers of research and development for OPPO in China. The iconic expression of the landmark O-Tower designed by BIG is perfectly complemented and enhanced by Yuhang's beautiful and pleasant natural waterbody and wetland landscape. Looking forward into the future, we believe through our collaboration, OPPO's Global Mobile Terminal R&D Headquarters will not only be a perfect representation of OPPO's brand identity and culture, but will also become the most iconic landmark in Yuhang, Hangzhou. This will precisely represent the keystone in OPPO's hundred-year-plan,” said Jin Le Qin – SVP of OPPO.
The needs of contemporary tech companies frequently put them in a position to choose between ideal deep and flexible floor plates to support creative and dynamic workspaces, and shallow floor plates that provide optimal work environments including access to daylight and views that benefit employee well-being and productivity.
The tower serves as a smooth transition between building scales from the tall towers in the north to Yuanhang Central Park and lower-rise buildings in the south, creating a synthesis between the density of the skyscraper and the intimacy of the public realm. The massing of the adjcent six-story retail podium steps down to meet the human scale of the pedestrian boulevard along the waterfront. Inspired by the mobius strip, the experience is an inifite loop of journeys through the terraces of the building. The retail podium becomes a new public plaza with a green, lively façade for cafes and sports facilities.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
A series of triple-height void spaces and interconnected terraces under the sloping O roof surface will provide visual and physical connectivity between floors, and the opportunity to introduce biophilic social spaces and shortcuts for all OPPO staff. These spaces will bring human interaction out to the facades, where staff can enjoy views out while populating and activating the skyline of the city.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
Wrapped with adaptive façade louvers that are oriented according to sun angles and building geometry to minimize solar gain, the façade will become a fingerprint for the building, with a specific imprint that exists only for the O-Tower, and only in Hangzhou. The fingerprint façade will reduce solar gain by up to 52%, providing significant savings for cooling loads and better thermal comfort for OPPO staff, while at the same time reducing glare, reflectivity and light pollution.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
At the heart of the O-Tower, a publicly accessible courtyard will become an urban living room for the city. The mineral hardscape at its center transforms into a green and lush landscape at the periphery as it extends out to the waterfront. This urban oasis provides fresh air, retains water, and supports a biodiverse public realm connected to the daily life of the city.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG合伙人兼创意总监Bjarke Ingels说明道,“我们希望OPPO未来的工作环境能够在经济、生态及社会三个层面上可持续发展。紧凑的建筑形式能满足大规模灵活办公空间的需要,同时为塔楼带来自然光及新鲜空气。自适应百叶窗则减少了眩光和光热吸收,强化了建筑的被动性能。倾斜的环状屋顶为OPPO的员工及其合作者提供了彼此联系的社交空间。建筑中央的绿洲庭院与周围的湿地公园交相辉映,将公共空间拓展到建筑群内。本质上,每个设计元素都彼此交织,从而形成了从城市地标到人群体验的全方位‘循环’。这是简约设计的体现,也是OPPO品牌文化的应有之义。”
“We have attempted to imagine the future work environment of OPPO to be sustainable on a triple bottom line: economically, ecologically and socially. The compact form folding in on itself provides large flexible floorplates with the daylight access and fresh air of a slender tower. The adaptive louvered façade omits incoming solar glare and thermal heat gain, enhancing the passive performance of the building. The tilted loop of the warped roof creates a social shortcut for the OPPO employees and their collaborators connecting the ground to the summit. And the central oasis and the surrounding wetland park expands the public realm into the heart of the complex. Each element is intrinsically intertwined forming the melted loop that is perceivable at all scales – from the urban landmark to the human experience—becoming a manifestation of the design simplicity that is an intrinsic part of OPPO's brand,”– said Bjarke Ingels, Founder and Creative Director, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group.
The ground floor of the O-Tower will be open with an interconnected public space that seamlessly leads visitors and staff through lobbies, exhibition spaces, or out to the park. The first three floors will be reserved for public programming including exhibition space, conference centers, a canteen, and an incubator for external workshops.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
Within the R&D Headquarters will be a variety of flexible floor plates from spacious and large floors suitable for R&D departments and special projects, to smaller more traditional floors for administrative and executive functions. On the upper floors, a dedicated OPPO canteen as well as executive and VIP lounges will overlook Hangzhou's wetlands alongside the triple-height interconnected atria under the O-ring facade that will provide similar views for all OPPO staff. All floors of the building integrate workspaces with biophilia and social spaces.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
The new OPPO R&D Headquarters will not only bring OPPO employees to an innovation zone for global technology entrepreneurship, but will create a sustainable and vibrant community that will become an iconic destination on the Hangzhou waterfront.
© BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
自2010年上海世博会丹麦馆开始,BIG在中国不断创造着新项目,从2017年落成的深圳能源大厦,到2020年公布方案的特斯联科技(Terminus Group)AI CITY,再到现在的OPPO全球移动终端研发总部。
BIG first started working in China in 2010 with the Danish Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, followed by the Shenzhen Energy HQ completed in 2017, Terminus AI City in Chongqing announced in 2020, and now the OPPO R&D HQ in Hangzhou.
OPPO全球移动终端研发总部O形塔的设计得益于BIG与ZIAD浙江省建筑设计研究院 (当地设计院)、CCGT同创金泰 (项目设计管理)、RBS (结构工程师)、RFR (外墙顾问)、WSP (交通、机电、竖向交通顾问)、BPI (照明设计)、Savills (物业顾问)、TFP (餐饮规划)以及UAD (交通评估机构)的合作。
The design for the O-Tower has been developed by BIG in collaboration with ZIAD (Local Design Institute), Co-Create Golden Technique Project Management (Client Project Managers), RBS (Structural Engineers), RFR (Façade Consultants), WSP (Traffic, MEP, VT Consultant), BPI (Lighting designer), Savills (Programming consultant), TFP (Foodservice planner), and UAD (Traffic evaluation agency).
合作单位:ZIAD浙江省建筑设计研究院 (当地设计院)、CCGT同创金泰 (项目设计管理)、RBS (结构工程师)、RFR (外墙顾问)、WSP (交通、机电、竖向交通顾问)、BPI (照明设计)、Savills (物业顾问)、TFP (餐饮规划)、UAD (交通评估机构)