发布时间:2022-03-28 22:34:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Nestled in the Gongshu District of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, rows of skyscrapers meet the horizon above, an oasis on the previously arid plains… home to bleeding-edge internet “new economy” enterprises, from Huawei’s Cloud Innovation Center, Shunfeng’s Innovation Station, and local burgeoning Science and Technology development endeavors endless in scope. This is an open valley of innovation. These are limitless plains of prosperity. This is Intelligence Valley… a sprawling futurescape painstakingly designed with keeping its “green core” in mind at every turn – integrating nature while innovating decades to come.

▼建成后鸟瞰图,The airscape © UDG China

▼建成后俯视图,The overhead view © UDG China


Planting the Seed


Located on the Stone Age ancestral land of Hangzhou’s ancestral line, countless relics of ages gone have been unearthed from the depths of its soil throughout the years… most notably lots of seeds of every variety and size – tangible symbols of beginning that hold the secret to growth and change – the key to the hope of life. Once the literal beginning of growth for humankind and its survival, these tiny kernels of life now take on new forms… seeds of intelligence and innovation sown by high-tech enterprises, cultivating their “crops” – and new forms of hope – to heights never seen before. Thus, the “seed” takes its central role once again, as mankind seeks to grow – a “seed of wisdom” whose verdant forms are born from the hollow depths of binary 1’s and 0’s – beginnings which have only begun to touch the surface… origins of high-tech intelligence as limitless as the imagination of those who cultivate its roots.

倒影在水面的智慧之种,The reflection of “seed of wisdom” © UDG China

▼智慧之种,“seed of wisdom” © UDG China


Watching it Grow


Seeds of our “smart” future take root and sprout from the ground, their branches intersecting to form their own impenetrable “web” before reaching far and wide. Ever-cognizant of its position in a green, natural space, Intelligence Valley breaks the barriers of innovation while preserving its timeless surroundings, lush foliage-lined roads of ginkgo biloba and natural stone criss-crossing its entirety like tree branches wantonly spreading from mighty trunks, resulting in a system of pathways as conducive to human vitality as they are integral to unfettered transportation and logistics – their “enterprising spirit” matching that of the groundbreaking enterprises in their midst.

▼条石及花箱强化线条,Strip stone & flower box © UDG China

▼条石及花箱细部,details of the strip stone & flower box © UDG China


Branches of Brilliance, Leaves of Learning


Lush tendrils extend, their “green leaves” scattering, dotting the landscape below in the form of intelligent-industry collectives and innovation “islands” among the site. The leafofwatermirror serving as the core around which all extends, coffee bars gently placed like fallen leaves on a pool’s surface, buildings “sunken” into the surface against mirrored liquid expanses, appearing as boats woven of fallen petals – a backdrop of pure tranquility among even the busiest of workdays.

▼延展线条上生长的功能岛,The innovation “islands” © UDG China

▼宁静的水镜之叶,The leaf of water mirror© UDG China


"Leaves" of leisure foster communication, branch-shaped stone benches lining colored synthetic "cement" roads delineating a diverse array of technical and specialization areas... while, perhaps more importantly, forming an integral, natural "psychological barrier" from the bustling world outside – providing a serene space for people to sit a while. Discuss their dreams. And remember to enjoy the precious gift of life.

▼休闲之叶的彩色泰科石,Colored Tyco stone© UDG China


The flora of the four seasons set the theme… romantic raptures of pink muhly, adorable antics of horned violets, permeating pleasures of Indian lovegrass, dreamy depths of dwarf pampas grass, switchgrass swaying in the wind as every form of perennial flower imaginable bloom from organic mulch, growing delicate yet hearty petals that weather all the seasons have to give.

▼四季之叶中的无机覆盖物,The inorganic mulch © UDG China

四季之叶中的花镜植物,The hanakagami © UDG China



The spirit of surrounding green forests materialized in “grasslands” within, straight, towering lines of muku trees standing guard over scatterings of osmanthus, cherry blossom trees, and more providing spaces as conducive to feelings of open space as they are ever-tempting to stroll among their midst. Flatter, even-layered levels of foliage on lower levels contrast and support the dazzling splendor of the four seasons’ kaleidoscope above… each element somehow simple and complex in the same point in time… each perfection in its own regard. Starlight pours from the night sky above, creating a dazzling, infinite network of “street lamps” illuminating Ginkgo leaves projected at the feet of workers free from another productive day, strings of lights dotting the trees above swaying in the gentle breeze as the landscape itself grows with the “seeds” that created its expanse. Those in its midst can’t help but take a deep breath… and feel at ease.

▼引导性铺装及列植树池,Linear pavement and row tree pools © UDG China



Comprising a timespan of a mere one and a half years from initial bidding to completion, the comprehensive reconstruction project of Intelligence Valley is a general contracting endeavor comprising design, procurement, and construction. Completed in near-record time at the hands of unlimited passion and enthusiasm from the top down, its seamless process allowed for designers, architects, and engineers to make any necessary adjustments in real time, creating an innovating, flexible, and dynamic environment capable of immediate adjustment in accordance with any factor, from site status, to external conditions. The final result is in complete alignment with our original intention, design, and expectations.

▼剖面图,sections ©海棠风景园林设计事务所















Project name:The comprehensive reconstruction project of Intelligence Valley

Design:Zhejiang Urban Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd

Design year:In 2019

Completion Year:In 2020

Landscape project leader:Sun Youhai

Leader designer:Zhang Jinmei,Luo Yaqing

Team:Haitang Landscape Architecture Design Office

Head of architecture discipline:Chen Shihao,Huang Jiexu

Head of construction discipline:Xu Shanlei

Project location:Gongshu District of Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Gross Built Area (square meters):49846

Photo credits:Luo Yaqing,UDG China

Construction unit:Hangzhou Bofan Construction Engineering Co., LTD

Owner unit:Hangzhou North Software Park Development Co., LTD

Brands / Products used in the projrct:Tyco stone, Aluminum plate, Granite


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