在过去的30年间,波尔图市中心区域曾一度在衰老中渐渐淡出人们的视野,然而近期,古老的城区在社会、文化、经济与建筑各个方面都经历了翻天覆地的变化,Santa Teresa大街正位于这片复兴中的城市内。
Santa Teresa is a street located in the heart of the reborn Oporto downtown, A big urban area that slowly got abandoned and grew older in the last thirty years, but has recently been subject of a radical change, either social, cultural, economic and architectural consequently.
▼ 城市街角旁的住宅,A traditional house located at the corner of the city
▼ 建筑的立面特征被完整保留下来
Architectural features of the facade are kept with their formal characteristics
在这因旅游业发展而带来的繁华中,PF Architecture Studio接到了邀请为Santa Teresa大街上一座建于19世纪,极具波尔图住宅典型特色的建筑进行了改造设计。建筑基地面宽仅5.5米,进深却达到了20米。狭长的建筑体量被位于中部的楼梯切分成一大一小两个部分,其功能则在过去的百年中历经数次更迭。建筑师接手项目时,建筑已如同废墟般残破荒芜。
Within this dynamic, very driven by tourism, we were invited to refurbish the Santa Teresa building: a house of the nineteenth century, on a typical batch built into many of the quarters of Oporto. The plant is a rectangle (5.50 x 20,00m) with centered but asymmetric stairs, which has undergone several use changes over the century. XX, coming to us in a state of pre-ruin.
The challenge: create the largest possible number of small apartments for temporary lease, city breaks.
▼ 狭长的建筑体量被位于中部的楼梯切分成一大一小两个部分,The plant is a rectangle with centered but asymmetric stairs
▼ 楼梯空间,The staircase
设计方案呼应业主需求而生,同时以当下为基础,创造了时间的对话,在改造中将过去、现在与未来联系在了一起。而最具讽刺意味的是,方案的设计灵感竟来自Malvina Reynolds于60年代创作的一首讥讽郊区发展及中产阶级的歌曲“小盒子”(Little Boxes)。
The proposal is assumed in response to this program, in which the existing guide serves us for a timelines dialogue, and based on a simple principle: re-inhabit the space respecting the two moments: the past and the present, the existing and the new. The solution comes ironically from Malvina Reynolds Little Boxes song.
The principle of preserving the entire building structure, floors, walls, ceilings, doors and windows with their formal characteristics and unique tectonic, and integrate small white, unpretentious and abstract boxes that house the new program elements such as kitchens and homes bath, formally defining the existing and the new.
▼ 房屋的整墙体及门窗独特的造型与建造技艺都被完整地保留下来,The walls, doors and windows are entirely preserved
▼ 新置入的盒体进一步划分内部空间,The small white boxes are inserted to divide interior space
▼ 盒体中内嵌卫生间、厨房等新功能,The boxes house the new program elements such as kitchens and homes bath
▼ 顶层公寓空间,The top floor loft apartmemt
The result are nine purged apartments, where the light plays a fundamental role in the space design. The building’s shape made possible on the ground floor an attic apartments, the design of different typologies through the use of mezzanines and outdoor spaces.
▼ 一层利用层高打造的”阁楼”公寓,The attic apartment on the ground floor
▼ 立面与剖面,Elevation and section
Project Santa Teresa
Address Rua de Santa Teresa, 40, Porto, Portugal Architecture PF Architecture Studio
Engineering ASL&Associados
Construction Homereab
Project year 2013
Photographs João Morgado
PF Architecture Studio