nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse | Studio RHE
nHouse is a new type of home providing spacious, affordable living across two floors. This three-bedroom modular home is produced using off-site construction techniques allowing for time efficient delivery and set up anywhere.
The nHouse offers more windows, higher ceilings and larger living space than any other newly built home in its price range.
It’s eco-friendly credentials also allow for lower running costs and thanks to forward thinking design, will meet the demands of contemporary lifestyles effortlessly.
Main structure Wood
Cost £190,000
Status Current works
Type Parking facilities / Urban development plans / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Landscape/territorial planning / Single-family residence / Interior Design / Lighting Design / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Metropolitan area planning / self-production design