发布时间:2024-06-03 09:39:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

埃因霍芬的Fontys Hogescholen’s Rachelsmolen校区已经从城市中的封闭孤岛蜕变为生气勃勃的学习环境。 Barcode Architects、Nudus、Okra 景观设计师和 Hollandse Nieuwe设计团队负责了总体规划、周边景观以及三座新教学楼的设计。

▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site ©Frank Hanswijk

Fontys Hogescholen’s Rachelsmolen Campus in Eindhoven has undergone a transformation from a closed island in the city to an inspiring learning environment. The design team of Barcode Architects, Nudus, Okra landscape architects, and Hollandse Nieuwe was responsible for designing a master plan, the surrounding landscape and the realisation of three new education buildings.

▼校园空间,Campus space ©Frank Hanswijk


Integration of city and campus

Rachelsmolen过去是一个封闭的校园,其布局主要以停车场为中心。为了解决这个问题,设计团队看到了一个具有挑战性的机会,即打开场地,将校园和城市连接起来。因此,24,000 平方米的的新项目被安置在三个独立的建筑体中,而不是一个大型建筑里。各个部门和学院分布在不同建筑物中,目的是尽可能鼓励交流和思想的碰撞。新教学楼的位置旨在与现有建筑和景观形成一个整体。它们共同包围着一个内部区域,一个占地 4 公顷的绿色公共空间,并拥有一个充满活力的广场。该广场是学生、教师和其他使用者相遇的场所,是互动和联系的中心。

▼分析图,Diagram ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼建筑立面,Facade ©Frank Hanswijk

Originally, Rachelsmolen was an enclosed campus, with a layout mainly focused on parking. In answering this, the design team saw a challenging opportunity to open up the site, connecting campus and city. The 24,000 m² of new programme is therefore not housed in one large building but divided into three separate volumes. The various programmes and institutes are spread across the buildings to encourage as much meeting and cross-pollination as possible. The new education buildings are positioned to form a unity with the existing buildings and the landscape. Together, they surround an inner area, a green and inviting public space of 4 ha with a vibrant square. This square serves as a meeting point for students, teachers, and other users, as a place where interaction and connection are central.

▼通透的空间,Transparent volume ©Frank Hanswijk


——Tim Brans, Nudus合伙人

We designed three separate buildings: each volume creates its own dialogue with the landscaped campus environment.

——Tim Brans, partner Nudus

▼三座建筑体量,Three architectural volumes ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Frank Hanswijk


Building R11: the central building


▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©Frank Hanswijk

▼走廊,Corridor ©Ewout Huibers

The new R11 building occupies a central position on the campus. It contains functions accessible to the entire Fontys community, such as the restaurant, the library, and a spacious lecture hall. What is special about R11 is that it has two faces: on the campus side it presents itself with a transparent and inviting façade, while on the side of the adjacent residential area it has a more closed character, clad in folded, reflective sheets. In this way, the building creates a robust connection between the interior and the surrounding landscape, but also, through its reflective character, a dialogue with the users of the campus.

▼报告厅,Auditorium ©Ewout Huibers


Building R12: public, but also private


▼正立面,Front facade ©Frank Hanswijk

R12 is the building for hands-on education with specialised facilities that mimic professional settings such as physiotherapy, MRI, and surgery. Some of these spaces are open to the public, allowing Eindhoven residents to access specific medical treatments. The building’s design reflects a balance between accessibility and privacy, with an inviting atrium, extensive window openings, and a prominent staircase that serves as a seating stand and route through the building, connecting different floors. Deeper in the building, private spaces are strategically placed away from the central routes to ensure the privacy, safety and comfort of students and patients.

▼整齐的节奏,Neat rhythm ©Frank Hanswijk

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Frank Hanswijk


——Caro van de Venne, Nudus合伙人

Our design approach not only creates a dynamic campus, but also boosts people’s well-being by motivating them to enjoy the outdoors while walking from one building to another.

——Caro van de Venne, partner Nudus

▼宽敞的室内,Spatial interior ©Ewout Huibers

▼楼梯特写,Close-up of the staircase ©Rutger Raymakers


Building R13: the prominent campus showcase

R13 教学楼的功能犹如它的名字一样,有着双重含义。 它既是校园的展示窗口,又扮演着连接校园与城市的重要纽带。一个引人注目的单层体量垂直穿过建筑物的中轴线,巧妙地在城市一侧和校园一侧都设置了主要入口。该体量的立面因其独特之处而引人注目,楼梯和看台融为一体,不仅容纳了茂盛的绿植和座椅,还肩负着校园露天剧院的功能。这个建筑元素的加入,在设计和使用方面,都巧妙地创造了建筑物与其自然环境之间的愉悦联系。同时,它也引入了人性化的尺度,使建筑物与周围环境更加和谐易达。

▼公共空间,Public spaces ©Frank Hanswijk

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Frank Hanswijk

The R13 building has a dual function. It acts as the showcase of the campus and an essential link between the campus and the city. A striking single-storey volume bisects the building perpendicularly, providing a main entrance on both the city and campus sides. The facade of the volume stands out with a unique staircase and grandstand in one, which not only accommodates lush greenery and integrated seating, but also has a role as the campus’ open-air theatre. The integration of this architectural object creates a pleasant connection between the building and its natural surroundings, both in terms of design and use. At the same time, it introduces a human scale, increasing the accessibility and connectedness of building to its surroundings.

▼中庭,Atrium ©Frank Hanswijk

▼零售柜台,Retail counter ©Ewout Huibers

▼室内特写,Close-up of the interior ©Frank Hanswijk

▼细部,Details ©Mike Bink

▼轴测图,Axonometric ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R11一层平面图,First floor plan of building R11 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R11北立面图,North elevation of building R11 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R11南立面图,South elevation of building R11 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R12一层平面图,First floor plan of building R12 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R12北立面图,Elevation of building R12 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R13一层平面图,First floor plan of building R13 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

▼R13南立面图,South elevation of building R13 ©Barcode Architects + NUDUS

Client: Fontys Hogescholen

Contractor: Hurks B.V., Croonwolter&dros, ULC

Architect(s): Barcode Architects, Nudus, OKRA landschapsarchitecten, Hollandse Nieuwe

Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Year: 2019-2024

Category: educational

Size: 24,000 m²

Programme: master plan, three education buildings


Fontys校园,荷兰 / Barcode Architects + NUDUS
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