公司: Numen / For Use
类型: 景观 | 艺术
地区: 英国
“伦敦管道”是 Weave Project 展示项目的一部分,该项目是 Numen / For Use 与伦敦时装周的英国时装设计师安雅•希德玛芝(Anya Hindmarch)合作完成的。
Tube London was installed as a part of a showcase called The Weave Project, completed in collaboration with the British fashion designer Anya Hindmarch for London Fashion Week.
It comprised 1,100 square meters of netting and 3,000 metres suspension ropes, spanned 120 meters, and took six days to install. Over 2,000 visitors climbed through the installation during its four-day run.
Tube is constructed of stitched safety nets which assume a form of a closed hose that pulsates and oscillates in the longitudinal section.
The object is suspended from surrounding surfaces with numerous synthetic ropes channelling a giant convulsing centipede.
Such dispersed structural support enables even distribution of forces and allows the structure to feel soft and fully transparent as it transcends the architectural void, causing the sensation of free floating for the person inside.
The orthogonal scheme of host-space is fractured by irregular diagonals and oblique perspectives created by the jagged progression of the tube.The human crawler within experiences architectural environment from unexpected,surreal angles as (s)he moves through the mesh artery which supports the body but lets the eyes fly and explore, resembling a strange case of "bird-worm" amalgamation.
Tube's irregular geometry defined by varying disposition of support strings makes it a perfect parasite - universally adaptable to new contexts and spaces.
设计单位:Numen/For Use
项目名称:Tube London
项目地点:Brewer Street Car Park
Designed by: Numen/For Use
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Project name: Tube London
Location: Brewer Street Car Park
Type: art installation