Verbena is the name of the proposal. A proposal that bets on openness and, above all, on the interaction of its visitors. Verbena claims places of interaction that, on the one hand, imagine new forms of relationship, but on the other, resort to the collective imaginary of the Mediterranean that it carries within. A space where folklore and contemporaneity have a place. A way of approaching a future that, while uncertain, must be collaborative, supportive, and festive, like the most intrinsic essence of the Mediterranean people.
The staging is conceived through a large red tent. An element associated with popular festivity, with the ephemeral. Its presence transcends the limits of the enclosure and generates a halo of mystery that invites the user to discover its interior. Inside, an atmosphere of fairground connotation is recreated where users gather and enjoy the moment as if it were a "verbena". A space that finally escapes restrictions and is filled by means of a series of devices that combat the recent isolation to which our society has been subjected. The bench, the bar, the table, the porch... All of them elements recovered from our popular tradition and whose purpose is to imagine scenarios where the passing of time can only be understood through celebration and community life.
Facing the dispute and confusion that reigns in our days, Verbena addresses this challenge as an opportunity to strengthen a network of alliances. While the great oceans represent hostility, the calm waters of the Mediterranean reflect kindness. That invitation to pause and reflection is what this space pursues. The desire to build a coherent and respectful future passes through the dialogue of its participants, and it is in that temporal experience where the celebration of life acquires meaning.