发布时间:2022-04-24 14:26:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
通过大型互动模型、灯光装置和 VR 技术,将机场的复杂运作生动呈现,为游客提供身临其境的体验。

法兰克福机场体验中心,由总部位于柏林的室内与建筑事务所COORDINATION设计。在与Art+Com工作室和Fraport AG的合作下,一场令人印象深刻的互动式永久展览完美落成,该展览通过一系列创新技术为旅客们提供了丰富的视听体验,让人们沉浸在全球最重要的机场之一 —— 法兰克福的复杂世界中。

COORDINATION, the Berlin-based office for interior design and architecture has created an extensive new experience centre at Frankfurt Airport. In collaboration with Art+Com Studios and Fraport AG, COORDINATION conceived and implemented an interactive permanent exhibition filled with an impressive array of technical innovations, giving fascinating insights into the complex world of one of the most important global airports.

▼项目概览,overall of the project©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

体验中心位于1号航站楼内,面积1200平方米,旨在向人们展示出法兰克福机场日常工作幕后的故事。在大型空间设施、复杂的技术模型,以及数字应用程序的帮助下,机场通常不为乘客所知的一面被悉数展示在人们眼前。展览的亮点包括一座巨大的机场模型,富有动态感的光带将其与整个空间交织在一起。除了采用VR技术的“智能窗口”实时连接到机场的信息系统外,展厅内还设有一处名为“The Globe”的数字艺术装置,“The Globe”的巨型互动屏幕上实时跟踪全球所有航班,这种艺术形式在世界范围内尚属首次。

On an area of 1200sqm in Terminal 1, the exhibition allows a look behind the scenes of Frankfurt Airport. With the help of large-scale spatial installations as well as sophisticated technical models and apps the experience centre makes those aspects of the airport visible and tangible that a passenger cannot normally see. Highlights of the exhibition include a monumental scale model of the airport which is intertwined with the entire space through animated lines of light, “smart windows” with augmented reality applications connected in real-time to the airport’s information system as well as the installation “The Globe” where all global flights can be followed in real-time on an interactive screen, a worldwide first.



For COORDINATION the starting point for the project was the spatial pre-sets of the airport and the inherent functional processes and networks. While developing the concept, a huge array of impressive details that lie beyond the public routes through terminals manifested themselves: from the immense dimensions of the airport grounds and the large amount of aircraft traffic to the innovative technology and complex logistics behind the scenes and not forgetting the people who keep this gigantic organism running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

▼体验中心的中央展区展出了法兰克福机场的模型,The central exhibit is an expansive model of Frankfurt Airport ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


Visitors can now experience all these processes interactively in the exhibition. The central exhibit is an expansive model of Frankfurt Airport, which vividly links the processes on the ground with what is happening in the sky above: a large-scale light installation shows arriving and departing aircrafts moving along curved lines of light as dynamic dots. This pulsating choreography of light runs through the entire experience centre over a total length of 330 meters. It is a very aesthetic, almost dance-like visualisation of the actual flight paths. This abstract work of light art forms the heart of the visitor centre and is unparalleled anywhere in the world.

▼大型灯光装置以流线型光带的形式展示出飞机的航线,the large-scale light installation shows arriving and departing process of the aircrafts © Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


▼光带与模型的结合,Combination of light band and model ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

COORDINATION创始人之一的Jochen Gringmuth认为,主要展览背后的基本概念旨在描绘出机场包括空域在内总体规模,而不仅仅是地面上的场地与建筑,“我们的设计理念是,将那些只有通过瞬间快照或VR影像才能看到的东西以物理的形式呈现出来,向大众清晰地展示出一架飞机从进港到起飞的全部调度过程。”

For Jochen Gringmuth, one of the founders of COORDINATION, depicting the size of the airport not only on the ground but also in the air above, is the underlying concept behind the main exhibit: “To illustrate the coordinated arrival and departure of the aircrafts and to give a physical presence to what is otherwise only visible as the snapshot of a moment or a virtual visualization was the defining design idea for us.”室内外效果,exterior and interior view of the light installation©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

▼灯光装置细部,details of the light installation©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


游客们可以借助VR平板电脑“扫描”模型内部获得更多信息,visitors can “scan” the inside of the model with the help of augmented reality tablets and dive into hidden layers of information ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

▼模型细部,detail of the model©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


Via “Smart Windows” with a touch function visitors can view the apron area and see additional information on the activities taking place thanks to a real-time connection to the actual airport information system. In this way, visitors can understand “live” processes such as aircraft handling by accessing the dynamically changing information on all the visible objects in real-time.

▼互动屏幕实时展示机场动态,The interactive screen shows the airport in real time ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

从技术上讲,游客中心最复杂的数字展品当属“The Globe”数字装置作品,这种艺术形式在世界范围内尚属首次。从地板到天花板的巨型互动屏幕,实时跟踪着全球所有航班的信息。参观者可以使用手势控制使球体旋转,然后查询或放大地球上的每一个“点”。最令人印象深刻的是,从屏幕上人们可以清晰地看到,数量可观的全球空中交通流线正在向着法兰克福机场汇集。

Technically the most complex digital exhibit in the visitor centre is the installation “The Globe”, a worldwide first. All global flights can be followed in real-time on the floor-to-ceiling interactive screen. The viewer can use gesture control to make the globe rotate and thus head towards or zoom in on every point on earth. The global air traffic flows are impressively illustrated as they move towards the Frankfurt hub.

▼“The Globe”数字装置作品,the installation “The Globe”©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

▼参观者可以使用手势控制旋转地球的影像,The viewer can use gesture control to make the globe rotate ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

▼地球上的任何一点都可以放大观看,Any point on earth can be zoomed in ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

除上述的“The Globe”互动屏幕外,展览内还设有更多的互动和空间装置,旨在进一步丰富人们的参观体验:“动感之旅”(Motion Ride)装置配备有360°虚拟现实耳机以及动态运动平台,在这里,游客们可以以一件行李的视角,沿着机场深处的行李传送带网络快速登机,以独特的感官亲身体验机场中最核心的基础组成部分之一。

Additional interactive and spatial installations complete the experience: In the “Motion Ride”, visitors actively embark on a rapid ride along the baggage conveyor belt network deep within the airport. Equipped with 360 ° virtual reality headsets and seated on a dynamic motion platform, visitors experience one of the centrepieces of the airport from the perspective of a piece of luggage.

▼“动感之旅”,the “Motion Ride” ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


The “Marshaller Game” on the other hand requires sensitivity and coordination as the visitors slip into the role of marshaller themselves. With bright orange marshalling wands in hand, visitors are invited to guide an approaching aircraft to the correct Parking position at the gate. This immersive experience is visualized live on a large screen wall and operated by an AI-controlled motion tracking system.

▼“停机坪调度员游戏”,The “Marshaller Game” ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

法兰克福机场1号航站楼的体验中心是COORDINATION近年来实施的最复杂的室内设计项目之一。作为德国最重要的机场之一,在法兰克福机场内进行搭建具有非常苛刻的限制条件,而本项目就是在这种情况下实现的,除了复杂的设计外,它还必须满足AV技术、消防安全、排烟、航空安全、数据保护、机场it和楼宇自动化方面的最高要求。在与机场官方Fraport AG的密切合作下,耗时五年规划与筹备的体验中心,终于在全球疫情期间完美落成,展览目前已开始对外开放,并将引领参观者们开启一场独一无二的探索之旅。

The experience centre in Terminal 1 at Frankfurt Airport is one of the most complex interior design projects that COORDINATION has implemented in recent years. The new visitor centre was realised under the particularly demanding conditions of Germany‘s most important airport. In addition to the complex design, it had to meet the highest requirements in terms of AV technology, fire safety, smoke extraction, aviation security, data protection, airport IT and building automation. After five years of planning, implementation in the midst of a global pandemic and in detailed cooperation with the client Fraport AG, this unique exhibition is now open to be experienced and explored by the public.

▼其他互动设施,Other interactive facilities ©Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination

Client:Fraport AG, 60547 Frankfurt am Main

Project:Conception, design, planning and realization of the exhibition, the interior design, the lighting and the furnishing of the Visitor Center (in cooperation with Art+Com Studios, Berlin)Completion:March 2021

Total floor area:1200 sqm


Design:Jochen Gringmuth | Lena Kramer | Andrea Dunmore | Flip Sellin

Project management:Jochen Gringmuth

Team:Heike Ehlers | Andreas Behl | Katrin Weiß-Höppeler | Max Fabian Wosczyna Stefanie Hunold | Gunnar Petersen | Rebecca Hellbach | Sonja Stadel- maier | Claudia Pineda De Castro

Lighting concept:COORDINATION | Anne Boissel

Project control:Schüssler Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft

Client representative:Tim Sigel | Allegra Smith | Jutta Weimar | Alexander Zell

Exhib. construction:Barth Innenausbau | Hubl & Hubl | Hansen Werbetechnik | Monath + Menzel | Lide Licht und Decke | Lightnet | id3d Berlin | König Bürotechnik Sigma System Audio-Visuell | SiFaT RoadSafety

Materials and furnishing:Complete list upon request

Photos:Asja Caspari Photography | Fraport AG | Coordination


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