发布时间:2017-12-15 18:32:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

林断山明竹隐墙,寻斑踏影茎枝长。杖藜徐步转清渠,竹叶映水细细香。 熊猫本寓居蜀地,姿态可掬,以竹为伴,为中华瑰宝。 然北国岁寒,不生青竹。遂采原竹,与岁寒三友为伴,造熊猫栖息之所于盛京。 筑林境以慰其思乡之情,惜竹之意。竹境曲径悠长,虫鸟和鸣,紫烟萦绕。 熊猫居于此,得天然之乐,民游乐于此,清净禅明。 既生林境,又为本土;以竹为材,采竹为林,道诉忧肠。 缘自此,满目皆竹,只见熊猫,不见游客,何不乐哉?

项目背景/熊猫之所 沈阳森林动物园始建于2000年,占地面积217公顷。项目位于距沈阳市区17公里的棋盘山国际风景旅游开发区内。园内展出世界各地代表性动物80余种1300多只,是沈阳市唯一一家展出多种珍稀野生动物的综合性国有动物园,也是辽宁省沈阳市青少年科普基地和中国丹顶鹤人工繁育科研基地。

Project Background / Panda Pavilion Shenyang forest zoo was established in 2000, covering an area of 217 hectares. The project is located in the international landscape tourism development zone 17 kilometers from Shenyang city. Garden exhibition representative animals all over the world more than 80 kinds of more than 1300, is the only company in Shenyang comprehensive national zoo exhibit a variety of rare wild animals, is also in Shenyang, Liaoning province teenagers popular science base and the red-crowned crane artificial breeding research base in China.

▼沈阳森林动物园熊猫馆概览(模型),overview of Shenyang Forest ZOO Panda Pavilion(model)

▼远观熊猫馆,view the Panda Pavilion from a distance


On July 27, 2016, the information office of Shenyang municipal government announced that four giant pandas will be introduced to the panda research center in China and the home of the Shenyang forest zoo. The panda’s new home entered into construction in October 2016 and was officially completed in May 2017, and officially opened on June 1. The new home was designed by the team of ZHU ling of Shenyang architecture university. Pandas stroll and the tourists could released their mind and enjoyed the joyful scenery in the pavilion. At the beginning of the project design, the reason why choose the original bamboo as the Panda Pavilion’s main building materials is order to achieve the sublimation of spirit of pandas and tourists.

▼项目以原竹为主要建筑材料,旨在营造契合熊猫生长环境的建筑气氛,original bamboo as the Panda Pavilion’s main building materials which aimed at producing a atmosphere that fits the growing environment of pandas.


The site is located at the south side of the forest zoo. The panda pavilion is located in the central part of the zoo’s overall tour, with a planned area of about 12460 square meters. It could be divided into the following areas according to the functional division such as the giant panda visitors area, panda indoor living areas, outdoor activity area, restaurants and souvenir area, scientific research office, science and education area, service center, etc., with a total construction area of 8290 square meters. The pavilion and the attached building are built on the shape of the mountain, the building space and the roof are formed by the natural skyline, which can be used to match up and down. It also makes shenyang the second city in the northeast to own a panda.

▼ 建筑群功能分区及游线分析, functional zoning and tour line analysis,

理念缘起/穿竹入境 用消隐手法将小建筑体量隐匿于山林,只见竹林不见建筑。整个熊猫馆的参观流线从南到北,循序渐进,将大熊猫馆作为整个建筑序列的高潮,先让游客经过一个个由竹篷支撑的柱子形成的广场,使游客产生处于森林中的感受,在广场的末端将人流引入大熊猫馆,使游客能有种置身于熊猫生活环境中的感受,最大限度地降低人与熊猫之间的观赏隔阂。

Origin of Concept / Bamboo Path to Panda Zone The small buildings were hidden in the mountains and bamboo forest with the dissolution method, you can see rare buildings but the bamboo forest. The Panda Pavilion’s entire visit streamline is from south to north step by step. The Panda Pavilion is the climax of the entire building sequence. Visitors will walk through the bamboo pillars formed by a pillar-shaped square firstly, which can make people feel like in the forest. At the end of the square, people will be introduced into the Panda Pavilion so that they can have the feeling of being in the panda’s living environment, which can minimize the viewing barrier between people and pandas.

▼室外竹林意境最大限度地降低人与熊猫之间的观赏隔阂,将游客吸引入大熊猫馆,bamboo forest minimizes the viewing barrier between people and pandas and attract tourists into  the Panda Pavilion


The starting point of this project continue to use our studio’s design concept we used before. The concept is root in the pursuit of artistic conception in Chinese traditional aesthetics, the vivid and emotional expression of a natural expression in traditional Chinese way. The design used the form of landscape to express architecture and divide the a big block into small-scale buildings,which provides the possibility for future sustainable development.

▼以景观的方式打造出的若干小体量建筑,the design of the small-scale buildings influenced by the form of landscape

功能分区/消隐入景 熊猫主场馆共分为室外展示区、室内展示区、室内笼舍、后勤区四个功能区。其中,室外展示区,提供四只大熊猫各自的独立活动空间;室内展示区,既保证大熊猫在恶劣天气时生活嬉戏,又方便游客全天候观赏。熊猫馆室内外活动场地的设计遵从熊猫的生活习性,模拟自然生活条件,还原天然自然,尽量减少人工干预,打造一个适合熊猫生活的场地。在参观流线设计中,最大限度的减少人对熊猫的影响,做到以熊猫为本。

Building Zoning / Dissolution of Architecture The Panda Pavilion could be divided into four functional areas: the outdoor exhibition area, the indoor exhibition area, the indoor cage and the logistics area. In the outdoor exhibition area, four pandas have their sole activity space. The indoor display area can be guarantees pandas to play while in bad weather, which is convenient for tourists to visit the whole-day. The design of indoor and outdoor in the Panda Pavilion is to conform to the life of pandas, simulate the natural living conditions, restore nature conditions, try to reduce human intervention, to create a suitable living space for pandas . In the flow line design, we reduce the maximum impact on the panda, which could be called “pandas oriented”.

▼建筑单体功能及游线,functions and tour line in the main building


The original bamboo is the main element to create the landscape, which can bring visitors enter the scene, breath fresh flowers , feel like pandas do. With the core of the Panda Pavilion and landscape square, bamboo forest become the formation of microclimate. The landscape and architectural sequences are presented in the mountains, high and low scattered,which are hidden in the bamboo forest. The building with the mountain potential, with bamboo forest, and the skyline are interactive, which uses the artificial nature to describe the real nature. The Tao of bamboo is the fusion of nature and culture, the integration of natural and artificial, the integration of architecture and environment. The Panda Pavilion that uses the original bamboo is not only contains aesthetics, but also contains tao and cultural interests, which makes the architecture have a deeper connotation.

▼与结构体相结合的原竹细部表现,the details of original bamboo with structure

哲学思考/回归自然  熊猫的生活应以互动为主,更应尊重习性;建筑体量应以最大化呈现为主,同时也应回应地形地势;美学价值应以改造自然为主,还是应以贴合自然为出发点。项目设计团队试图以最低程度的影响去开发和建造,兼顾景观互动谐趣的哲学思考和审美思考。建筑、环境、景观设计从人工自然转向“天然”自然,以“熊猫为本”,享受竹林之趣。游人的喜爱与设计师的关怀水乳交融——感受自然,贴近自然,融于自然。

Philosophical Thinking / Return to Nature The life of pandas should be based on interaction, and respect for their habits. The building scale should be maximized and in response to the terrain. The aesthetic value should be based on the transformation of nature, or fit with nature. The architect team tries to develop and built with the lowest impact, taking into account the philosophical thinking and aesthetic thinking of the landscape interaction. Architecture, environment, landscape turn from “artificial” nature into “natural” nature, and make pandas be the origin, make both visitors and pandas enjoy the fun of bamboo forest,.Visitors’ love and the designer’s concern are together——feeling nature, closing to nature, melting into nature.

▼熊猫馆外部空间模型,the exterior space of the Panda Pavilion

项目状态:已建成, 2017年5月竣工 项目位置:中国沈阳 主持建筑师:朱玲 设计主创:朱玲、刘一达、李博浩 设计团队:冷雪冬、魏宜、孟航旭、胡振国 团队名称:沈阳建筑大学HA+建筑方案创意工作室 施工图配合:沈阳建筑大学建筑设计研究院 竹构配合及施工:安吉竹境有限公司 用地面积:12460㎡ 建筑面积:8290㎡ 容积率:0.66 建筑密度:34% 绿地率:38% 摄影:王靖

Project Status: Completed in May 2017 Project Location: Shenyang, China Host Architect: ZHU Ling Design Creation: ZHU Ling, LIU Yida, LI Bohao Design Team: LENG Xuedong, WEI Yi, MENG Hangxu, HU Zhenguo Construction Drawing Coordination: The Architectural Design and Research Institute of SJZU Bamboo Structure : Anji Zhujing Co., Ltd. Land Area: 12460㎡ Building Area: 8290 ㎡ Volume Rate: 0.66 Building Density: 34% Green Space Rate: 38% Photo by: WANG Jing


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