发布时间:2020-07-31 10:05:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Department of Architecture

Appreciation towards Department of Architecture for providing the following description:

The Commons Saladaeng是The Commons在曼谷的第二座门户,是一个集合了零售、餐饮等多种服务的社区型商业综合体。项目位于曼谷热闹而繁华的Saladaeng街区,意为“红色的亭子”。早在一百年前,场地中曾坐落着一座拥有红色斜屋顶的小火车站,是泰国第一条铁路上的标志性建筑。而本次的设计也意在向这段鲜为人知的街区历史致敬。

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Spaceshift Studio


Red rubber corrugated sheets are chosen as the main architectural material not only because of its crimson color but also for its acoustic property and for its corrugated surface that hints the character of the roof material of the past. The clear and the red transparent corrugated sheets which have different levels of visual transparency add a layer of complexity onto a simple form of the architecture. Eight small gables, reminiscent in scale of those in the past, are made possible to accommodate the present-day needs for wider interior spaces with the use of a specially designed M-shape roof structure. The new roof structure reconciles between the sentimental scale of the past and the operational scale of the present.

▼屋顶和立面细节,roof and facade details ©Spaceshift Studio


The best feature of the site is the large 15-meters-high ficus in the front. The building facade forms a concave curve receding away from the tree to minimize disturbance to its branches and roots and at the same time emphasizes the tree itself as the main focal point of the space. The building middle volume that is carved out as an open-air public space is oriented towards the tree as the main point of interest. At the same time, the tree helps screening out the visually incongruous context across the street while adding a level of privacy and intimacy to the space within.

立面被设计为内凹的形式,减少了对树木和树根的干扰 ©Spaceshift Studio the building facade forms a concave curve receding away from the tree to minimize disturbance to its branches and roots

▼屋顶鸟瞰,aerial view ©Spaceshift Studio

Saladaeng是一个高密度的商业中心区,在这里居住和工作的人们都亟需一个能够提供舒适微气候的露天区域。为此,建筑团队将商场30%的用地打造为一个开阔的户外公共空间“Common Ground”。该空间从街道层一路向上延伸,将位于一层的餐厅、咖啡吧、二层的美食广场以及三层的多功能大厅连接起来。该层叠状的界面融合了大台阶、露台、座椅和绿植,并通过大型的工业风扇为整个空间带来“层流”(持续且低速的空气流通),在提供轻松舒适的社交及餐饮空间的同时充分适应了曼谷的热带气候。

▼剖面图,sections ©Department of Architcture Co.

Living and working in the high density CBD, Saladaeng people yearn for an open-air area that can provide a comfortable micro climate. Almost 30% of the building footprint is provided as a “Common Ground,” a large open-air public space that welcomes passers-by from the street level to cascade upward connecting the restaurant and coffee bar on the ground floor up to the food hall on the second floor and the multi-function hall on the third floor. This architectural cascading ground fuses large steps with platforms, seating and planting. It is equipped with large industrial fans generating “laminar flow” (continuing low-velocity through ventilation) through the entire space. This welcoming, generous, well shaded, relaxing, breezy open-air space effectively functions as a communal living and dining area, suitable for Bangkok tropical climate.

▼户外公共空间“Common Ground”,“Common Ground,” a large open-air public space ©Spaceshift Studio

▼空间从街道层一路向上延伸,thespace welcomes passers-by from the street level to cascade upward ©Spaceshift Studio

▼美食广场,thefood hall ©Spaceshift Studio

“Common Ground”是一个可调节的地面景观。被设计为建筑装置的特殊托架单元系统与层层叠叠的台阶结合在一起,形成多样化的活动空间。该系统可以被用于构建一系列小型的平地,作为周末期间的零售摊位;也可以堆叠成阶梯供孩子们玩耍;又或者布置成大小不一的平台和舞台,为私人音乐表演或大型乐队演出提供场地;必要时还可连接为一个整体的场地,用于举办非正式的露天音乐会。凭借该系统,建筑内的公共空间可以无限地进行配置和调整,以适应未来的各类活动。

▼层叠状的界面融合了大台阶、露台、座椅和绿植,the cascading ground fuses large steps with platforms, seating and planting ©Spaceshift Studio

▼托架单元系统成为建筑的一部分,aspecial pallet unit system is designed as an architectural device ©Spaceshift Studio

This “Common Ground” is a modifiable groundscape. A special pallet unit system is designed as an architectural device that can interplay with the cascading steps to transform the space into different configurations for various kinds of activities. The system can be used to create a series of small flat areas throughout the space for setting up booths during weekend market. It can be staggered into various steps for children’s fun experience. It can be arranged either for a small platform for intimate music performance or for a large stage for a big music band and adapts the entire space into an informal open-air concert venue. It can be used to organize the space in any other infinite number of configurations for future events.

▼阶梯细节,the cascading steps © Spaceshift Studio

▼屋顶光影,the play of light through the roof ©Spaceshift Studio

由于场地面积的限制,The Commons Saladaeng并不能像其他许多大规模的商业综合体那样,通过大量独立区域来提供多样化的服务。在此情境下,“The Platform”应运而生,这是一个采用共享经济模式来优化空间规划和创意运营的新型概念空间。不同于按照功能来分割空间的做法,“The Platform”试图划分的是场所的“时间”,即让不同的活动在不同的时段中发生。巧妙的时间分配加上精确的空间设计,为商场赋予了高度灵活的空间,使烹饪课、主厨餐桌、酒吧、运动和瑜伽课程、儿童艺术工坊、电影放映、派对和小型爵士音乐会等丰富多彩的活动可以在一天之中有条不紊地进行。

▼不同的活动在不同的时段中发生,various programs can happen in different time slots throughout the day and the week within this single space ©Spaceshift Studio

开阔的室内空间,the wide interior space © Spaceshift Studio

The Commons Saladaeng是一座创新型的城市生活方式建筑,它根植于曼谷当地的环境和气候,展现了独特的场所精神。同时,该项目还深入街区环境,不断适应着社区生活的需要。

The Commons Saladaeng is innovative urban lifestyle architecture, well rooted in its local context and climate with a sense of place. The project is embedded within the neighborhood, always adapting itself to answer to the life of the community.

▼The Commons Saladaeng夜景,The Commons Saladaeng by night ©Spaceshift Studio

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©Department of Architcture Co.

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Department of Architcture Co.

▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Department of Architcture Co.

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©Department of Architcture Co.

▼立面图,elevations ©Department of Architcture Co.

Project Name: The Commons Saladaeng

Building Type: Commercial Building

Client: The Commons Saladaeng Co.,Ltd.

Location: 126 Soi Saladaeng 1, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

Design Period: March 2018 – November 2018

Construction Period: November 2018 – February 2020

Architectural Design: Department of Architcture Co.

Principal Architect: Amata Luphaiboon , Twitee Vajrabhaya

Project Architect: Chanlika Boonpha

Design Team: Tanadetch Mahapolsirikun , Monthon Patcharapunyapong , Supavit Junsompitsiri

Hardscape Designer: Department of Architcture Co.

Softscape Designer: Patom and Suan Sampran

Lighting Designer: ACCENT Studio by Nopporn Sakulwigitsinthu

Environmental Graphic: be>our>friend studio

Structural Engineer: Jet Structural

System Engineer: Aeon Elen Generation Co.,Ltd.

Construction Menagement: One Management Co.,Ltd.

Building Contractor: Kay-Thai Construction Co., Ltd.

Photographer: Spaceshift Studio


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