发布时间:2022-06-27 00:49:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


‘Transcending the concept of stage design, the opera space is created by a sculptural space of light. The scenography, which has been in planning and production for the Geneva premiere since around 2017, immerses and unifies the cast in the light sculptures, creating a space where the stage and audience are continuous without boundaries,’ says teamLab.


Art collective teamLab has made its scenographic debut with a new production of Giacomo Puccini’s final, unfinished opera Turandot. Premiering at the Grand Théâtre de Genève in Geneva with seven performances June 20 – July 3, 2022, this marks the first time in teamLab’s career to work on the scenography of an opera. By using a combination of lasers, LED, and projection for different scenes, teamLab brings to the stage its digital light artworks and immersive experience, never before seen at the opera.

▼演出预告,performance foreshow



The stage has two sides; one side is a futuristic dystopian game show, with Turandot at its head. Women are the power behind the throne and men are consigned to be dressed up as idealised playthings of the women, or imprisoned below them. Those men that dare to believe they can be the one to marry Turndot, that enter the quiz show only to lose, are ritually “deflowered”. It is a spectacle, the populace are excited. That is where teamLab uses fortyfive lasers to make virtual light planes and form 3D light sculptures above the stage, enhancing the frenzy of the scene. Yet at other times the lasers are hazy, subtle and abstract, creating moments of pure calm and tranquillity, haunting beauty and trepidation.

▼光的雕塑形成的空间,space made of sculpture of light

▼女性为掌权者,women are the power behind the throne

▼朦胧的镭射光形成美丽而恐怖的氛围,subtle lasers creating an atmosphere of beauty and trepidation

▼灯光塑造的舞台空间,stage space formed by light

▼透明盒子组成的表演空间,performance space made of transparent boxes


When the stage rotates, a subconscious world appears. LED is used with mirrors to create stunning contrast and kaleidoscopic diamond-like rooms of the mind, which are both beautiful and alluring, seductive, and yet suggestive of trickery and deception. This is where Calaf has to deal with his own complexes and fears as he goes through a strange, disorientating, kaleidoscopic world.


▼表演者与空间互动,interactions between the performers and the spaces

▼投影在镜面上形成不同图案,表现了角色的心路历程,various projections on the mirrors, reflecting the subconscious world fo the role

▼不同场景下的演出,performance in different scenes

teamLab和舞台导演Daniel Kramer紧密合作,共同设想了这个舞台,将Kramer对《图兰朵》的诠释和teamLab的审美结合在了一起。由于新冠爆发造成的延期,项目花费了超过四年时间。期间,Kramer和teamLab讨论想法,探索各种概念、解释、比喻和象征,思考如何实现每个场景的视觉转译。

teamLab worked extensively with the Stage Director, Daniel Kramer, to envisage scenography that would unite Kramer’s interpretation of Turandot and teamLab’s aesthetics.  As the project evolved over more than four years – due to the delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic – Kramer and teamLab discussed ideas and explored concepts, interpretations, metaphor and symbolism, along with how the visual interpretation of each scene would be realised.

▼设计师讲述创意过程,interview with the designer


teamLab Architects helped to produce ideas and plans for the stage with simple yet powerful geometry that can be enhanced by teamLab’s digital light artworks. The revolving set makes use of glass and acrylic, reflective surfaces and combinations of soft white and stretchy black materials. Singers will interact or appear in spaces that have different visual qualities due to reflection and absorption of light.

▼灯光调试,light testing


Following Geneva, the Tokyo performance by Tokyo Nikikai Opera will take place on February 23 – 26, 2023.


Opera by Giacomo Puccini

June 20 – July 03, 2022

Grand Théâtre de Genève (

Boulevard du Théâtre 11, CH-1204 Genève


Turandot Videos:

Grand Théâtre de Genève:

Musical Director: Antonino Fogliani

Stage Director: Daniel Kramer

Scenography, Digital and Light Art: teamLab

Stage Design: teamLab Architects

Costumes: Kimie Nakano


teamLab 打造数字化艺术舞台,《图兰朵》歌剧震撼日内瓦
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