Brunhais is a small village surrounded by mountains and a huge blue sky in the north of Portugal. Immersed in a paradoxically rocky and verdant landscape, this house is part of a set of three projects belonging to three brothers. The program was elementary, the project should host a couple and support the activity of the family ́s company.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
▼相互交叠的体量呈现出动态的观感,the overlapping of two volumes creates movement and dynamics
The slightly uneven terrain allowed the overlapping of two volumes. These two volumes materialize the surroundings and marks these two different functions. The white one for living and the gray one volume made of natural stone, a kind of laboratory.
▼白色体量用于居住,灰色部分用于公司的实验研究,the white volume is for living and the gray one as a kind of laboratory
▼抬升的口袋空间构成了建筑的入口,the entrance is made through the void left by the upward movement of one of the sculpted planes
The entrance is made through the void left by the upward movement of one of the sculpted planes. This sculpted U- shaped volume allowed us to separate the private and social areas and create the traditional courtyard open to the sky and facing the sunset in the long summer nights. Once used for agricultural activities this patio would now have a playful function.
▼U形的体量带来一个开敞的庭院,the U-shaped volume creates a traditional courtyard open to the sky
▼从室内望向庭院,courtyard seen from interior
▼从朝向庭院的玻璃门望向起居室,living space seen from the glazed wall facing the courtyard
When we perceive the final result we got the perception of having carved a piece of white stone that contrasts in a huge blue sky. We wanted to create movement, dynamics. Imagine a rock that glides on another, this movement would create new spaces.
▼白色的“巨石”与天空形成强烈对照,a piece of “white stone” that contrasts in a huge blue sky
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼西立面图,west elevation
▼南立面图,south elevation
▼北立面图,north elevation
Location: Brunhais, Portugal
Firm: Rui Vieira Oliveira | Arquitecto
Photographs © Fernando Guerra FG + SG