发布时间:2020-12-03 08:44:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

沙井古墟地处深圳市宝安区沙井街道,是深圳现存最大的混合型历史街区,占地面积约 26 万平方米。包括一条古老的河流——龙津河,一幢上千年历史的南宋建筑遗址——龙津石塔,以及几百栋老屋、十几处祠堂,若干古井、牌坊、废墟和遗迹等。今天,它又混杂了城中村、临时建筑与非正规移民社区,整体风貌呈现出极具特色的新旧杂陈和多元共生状态。

Located on Shajing Street in Baoan District, Shenzhen, Shajing Ancient Fair is the largest existing historical district in Shenzhen, about 260,000 square meters. It includes an ancient river – Longjin River, a thousand-year-old Southern Song architectural site – Longjin Stone Pagoda, as well as hundreds of old houses, ancestral halls, ancient wells, and other historical sites. At present, Shajing consists of urban villages, temporary buildings, and informal immigrant communities.

▼沙井古墟是深圳现存最大的混合型历史街区,Shajing Ancient Fair is the largest surviving mixed historic district in Shenzhen.©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

▼沙井古墟航拍,Aerial photography of Shajing Ancient Fair©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

为了最大限度地保护沙井古墟的历史文化价值,探索一种基于新的设计理念和设计方法之上的城市更新与城市价值再生模型,趣城工作室(ARCity Office)受沙井街道办和华润置地集团委托,策划、设计了一组景观/建筑/室内设计微改造(含新建)项目,同时作为策展人,一并策展了“时光漂流-- 沙井古墟新生城市现场展”,在真实的街道&村落生活场景之中植入现场展览,同时组织村民和社区开展各种类型的公共活动,期望借助有创意的设计和展览,发现历史遗存的独特美学价值,创造全新的文化融合场景,激活已经趋于衰败的地方生活社区。沙井古墟新生计划和时光漂流城市现场展,从 2019 年 9 月初开始,到 2019 年 12 月底全部完成,整个策划、设计、策展和展览过程历时四个月。

光漂流-- 沙井古墟新生城市展览主海报(策展人:张宇星、韩晶,展览视觉设计:SURE Design),Exhibition poster – Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair urban site-specific exhibition (curated by Zhang Yuxing and Han Jing,VI design by SURE Design)

沙井古墟新生是一个包含了河流整治、景观设计、建筑和室内设计等项目在内的历史空间保护、激活、再生系列计划,其主体项目是对龙津河的一段(约 70 米)进行示范性的水体整治和景观改造。同时,在龙津河沿岸选择了有代表性的场域地点(如废墟、老屋、戏台等),采用“融合设计”方法,在保持场所特质的基础上,删繁就简、顺势营造,增加整个地区的在地空间吸引力。

Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair is an urban micro-regeneration project which include river management, landscape design, architecture and interior design. The main task is to redesign the landscape of a section of the Longjin River which is about 70 meters. At the same time, important sites (such as ruins, old houses, theatres, etc.) were selected and redesigned by an approach of “fusion design”. In this way, architects increase the heterogeneity of the site and maintain spatial textures to activate the entire area.

▼沙井古墟新生-- 设计范围,Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair -Design Scope©趣城工作室


Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair adopt a method of "acupuncture therapy", selecting the most critical sites and intervening slightly to avoid the fracture of the social structure and spatial texture. This project consists of six groups of renovation and new designs located on both sides of the Longjin River: A.Landscape of Longjin River Bank ; B. Longjin Water Pavilion; C. Public Stage; D. Ruin Garden; E. House of Gable Wall; F. Old House Image Gallery.

六个(组)改造和新建设计项目分布于龙津河两侧,Six (group) renovation and new design projects on both sides of the Longjin River©趣城工作室

龙津河曾经通航,从沙井古墟穿过直接流向珠江,是古代市集、贸易、运输的重要通道。后来由于墟市的衰弱,河道被逐渐填塞、减窄、污染,变成一条宽度仅为 2 米左右的黑臭水体,并且被用铁栏杆围护起来,防止人掉入其中。项目采用低成本的雨污分流方法,把现有河道的纵剖面分为上下两层:下层是污水箱涵;上层是雨水通道(在没有雨水时,可以将附近污水处理厂处理过的中水注入其中)。

Longjin River was once essential for trade and transportation. Later on, due to the decline of Shajing, the river channel was gradually filled in, narrowed and polluted, turning into a 2-meter wide odorous gutter. Architects adopt a low-cost rain and sewage diversion strategy to divide the channel into two layers. The lower layer is sewage, and the upper is rainwater. Thus, when there is no rainwater, the upper one can be filled by reclaiming filtered water from nearby sewage plant.

▼龙津河雨污分流改造-- 河道剖面示意,Longjin River rainwater and sewage diversion renovation – section of the river©趣城工作室


Further, a set of flower ponds, seats, bridges, and walking paths were designed to revitalize the Longjin River by removing the railings on both sides of the river bank. The space of river bank was returned the public. As a result, this site was able to contain daily life and become a scene that people could get close to enjoy and experience.

▼龙津河河岸景观改造设计意向图,river bank landscape reconstruction of Longjin River©趣城工作室

▼雨污分流改变了河道剖面,利用现有河道解决污水排放问题,Stormwater diversion changes river section,using existing watercourses to solve sewage discharge problems ©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

▼雨污分流维持了村落现有排水系统,Sewage diversion maintains the existing drainage system in the village©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

▼河流重新成为有趣的日常生活场景,Riverbank as interesting everyday scenes©朱锐 ZHU Ruix

河道两侧有很多潜在的场所空间,Potential places on both sides of the river©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

通过设计和展览将河流转化为有意义的场所,Make riverbank interesting places through design and exhibitions©朱锐 ZHU Rui


The roads on the side of Longjin river are completely squeezed to the river’s edge, and the phenomenon of “road competition for the river” is rampant. Even so, the road is still in a haphazard state, with cars, motorcycles, battery-powered vehicles, and pedestrians mingling with each other, making traffic efficiency low. In this regard, the design proposed a balanced solution: the redesign of the road line, the use of “road cutting” method, the road line appropriate curves, some unnecessary road width to reduce the narrowing of the river, to return to the water bodies and riverbank landscape, road bottlenecks are properly widened.

▼重新设计后的道路,road after renovation©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

▼路线适当弯曲,不必要的路线减窄,road lines appropriates curves, reducing width at unnecessary part ©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG


The boundaries of the road were redesigned to provide additional space for landscaping and ornamental recreation. Cantilevered flower pools, beauty seats and bridges over the river were designed to enrich the riverbank landscape. Further, the elevation of the additional space was lowered below the ground level to visually widen the width of the river.

▼从道路中“挤出来”的路边座椅,”Squeezed”out of the road for roadside seating©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

历史上,龙津河的宽度曾经达到 5-10 米,后来逐渐被填塞,道路和房屋占用了河道。为此,选择局部地点尝试适当增加水体宽度,“还路于河”,设计了亲水台阶,可以供人们在水边玩耍,体验河流的原始魅力。

▼亲水台阶,water-friendly steps ©白羽 BAI Yu


If Shajing Ancient Fair could be seen as a large, open “museum of historical scenes”, in order to achieve a promenade architecturale, it is necessary to design unique paths and viewing places that allow people to discover the beauty of the historical heritage unobtrusively. Architects believe that designing a location with a visible view is perhaps more important than designing the landscape itself. One such site is the Longjin Pavilion, which is located by a bridge over the Longjin River. People can watch scenery of the river of both sides here, and the place has become a tiny place for villagers to rest and socialize casually.

▼水榭边的原始场地坑洼不平,The rugged ground near the pavilion before reconstruction©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

沙井古墟的历史文化遗产非常丰富,曾经是南宋归德盐场衙署所在地、200 年前的深圳四大墟市之一,也是珠三角著名的蚝乡、粤剧之乡和螳螂拳武术之乡。但是由于整个地区的衰弱,这些传统文化也已经走向式微。建筑师希望通过一系列公共空间的恢复、改造和创造,激发当地文化遗产的复兴。其中,一个重要节点是戏台。戏台建筑原为上世纪八十年代所建,由于年久失修,逐渐成为一个“无用空间”(里面设置了微型消防站)。为了重新恢复戏台功能,设计师用很轻的方法对老建筑进行改造,从当地收集一些旧木材和青砖,用于室内装饰和地面铺装。于是一个具有历史质感的“融合场景”被创造出来,村民组织以及社区机构可以重新利用戏台从事文化活动。

Shajing Ancient Fair has rich historical and cultural heritage. Shajing was one of the four major bazaars in Shenzhen 200 years ago, the Oyster Town of the Pearl River Delta, and the original place of Cantonese opera and mantis fist martial arts. But due to the decline of the entire region, these traditional cultures have also declined. The architects hope to revive the local cultural heritage through the restoration, transformation and creation of a series of public spaces. One of the important places is the public stage. Built in the 1980s, this building has gradually become a useless fire station. Architects redesigned this building by collecting some old wood and bricks from the local area for interior decoration and flooring.Thus, a complex sense of history has been created and villagers can organize activities here.

▼用轻轻触碰、可循环再生的方式营造场所气质,Create a sense of place with a lightly recyclable method.©趣城工作室

利用废旧木材和青砖创造具有历史质感的融合场景,Creating a fusion of historic scenes with salvaged wood and bricks©白羽 BAI Yu


There is a building ruin near the public stage, and after a period of time some residents grow vegetables here. Architects used the roof of the public toilet beside the ruins to construct a sky bridge system, including a large staircase, a skywalk, a Scaffolding poster towers, etc., People are allowed to walk up to the second-story elevation and get a closer look at the historic buildings, including two shrines and a home school. At the same time, the small open space on the side of the ruins was utilized and transformed into an outdoor plaza with wooden planks where villagers can sit and relax or engage in small social and sporting activities, such as practicing mantis boxing.

▼废墟花园设计意向图,Ruin Garden©趣城工作室

▼废墟花园航拍,Aerial photography of Ruin Garden©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

通往废墟花园处有一个公共厕所,A public toilet on the way to the ruined garden.©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

利用公共厕所屋顶顺势设计了大台阶和廊桥系统,A system of steps and sky bridges using the public toilet roof©白羽 BAI Yu

▼在完整保护废墟遗址的基础上增加空中步道,Addition of sky trails based on protection of ruined sites©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

▼新增的空中廊桥系统与废墟完全脱开,The new sky bridge system is completely detached from the ruins©张宇星 ZHANG Yuxing

龙津河水闸处的六角亭广场,是整个沙井古墟新生计划的核心区域之一,汇集了众多历史古迹,包括六角亭、古牌坊、归德盐场衙署遗址、围头古井、观音庙等等,这儿也是当地村民休闲、聚集的场所。建筑师选择了六角亭正对面的一栋老屋(一楼是麻将馆,二楼为居住)山墙立面进行改造,试图在已经非常丰富的历史场景中,塑造出新的戏剧化场所特质。山墙立面使用黑色穿孔铝板(孔径 40 毫米),脱离老屋原有山墙建造。

The hexagonal pavilion square near the Longjin River waterlock is one of the core areas of this project. There are many historical sites here, including the Hexagonal Pavilion, the ancient arch, the ruins of the official salt yamen of the Southern Song Dynasty, the ancient wells of Weitou, and the Guanyin Temple. It is also a place for local villagers for relaxing and gathering. The architects chose an old house (mahjong parlor on the first floor and residence on the second floor) directly opposite to the Hexagon Pavilion to redesign the gable wall to create a new dramatic place. The gable wall is made of black perforated aluminum panels (40mm diameter holes), which are detached from the original façade of the old house.

▼设计概念图,design conception©趣城工作室

夜晚灯光透过穿孔铝板立面,形成戏剧化的效果,Light through the perforated aluminum facade creating a dramatic feeling ©白羽 BAI Yu


The fusion of abstract grid space and cubic pixel space with historical spaces is a commonly used design approach of ARCity Office. The project experiments with a vacant old house by adding a cubic pixel system (black patterned steel + transparent white acrylic) at the entrance of the house and extending it into the interior. The system is adaptable, like a kind of building infrastructure, so that screens, projections, lights, and other equipment can be freely installed in the building to accommodate high-density media information without changing the original state of the building.

▼将立方像素系统融合进一栋老屋,Integrating a cubic pixel system into an old house©趣城工作室

影像馆鸟瞰,Aerial view of the gallery©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

立方像素空间是一个开放的“媒体盒子”,Cube Pixel Space as an open“media box”©白羽 BAI Yu

▼走在小巷中就可以看见媒体盒子里的影像作品 Walking down the alley, visitors can see the video work in the media box©白羽 BAI Yu


Shangjing Fair – where we can perceive frozen time- perhaps is the most charming place in Shenzhen. We can see time flow and then leave traces that transform Shangjing Fair to a time museum. This time museum exhibits not only stone towers, ancient wells, building ruins, ancestral houses and halls, remnants of walls, traditional alleys, eaves, memorial gates, hexagonal pavilions, relics, broken steles, cottages, but also streams, moss, trees, insects. Meanwhile we can enjoy different voices here, including people’s talking, busy fair, traditional opera, chicken crow ,dog bark and car whistle.

▼展场鸟瞰,Aerial view of the exhibition site ©雪里红文化 XUELIHONG

时光,也许是这个时代最珍贵、最奢侈、最迷人、最魅惑的消费品,因为时光既是整个世界的共同剪影,也是每一个人身体所能感知的最小体验单元。时光漂流(Time Drift)是每一个瞬间正在发生的群体事件,也是每一个地点无法阻止的共同衰变。但是“新生”却是生命中最具有戏剧性的内在能量,所有人将被重新唤醒,进入到无法预知的未来场景,所有的城市和乡村景象也都会反复重演。

Time may be the most precious, luxurious and charming consumer products in the modern society. Because time is not only the mutual silhouette of the whole world, but also the minimum unit of embodied cognition. Time Drift is a group event which condenses numerous moments and carries the meaning of a kind of unavoidable decay in all places. But rejuvenation is the most dramatic intrinsic energy in life which can wake everyone up and take them to unpredictable future scenarios. In this way, all kinds of urban and rural scenarios will repeat.

壁画(刘庆元),Mural (LIU Qingyuan)©朱锐 ZHU Rui


On one hand, the ongoing events at Shajing Fair are connected to the past but more relevant to the future. A sudden exhibition will start at the extremely prosaic stream which represents daily life – like a heavy rain that caused a flood. On the other hand, information is becoming the real stream where every individual lives. So the ‘on-site urban exhibition’ which contains abundant different information is not only a usual exhibition, but also an innovative experiment of urban scenarios.▼装置(袁俊峰/大地创想),Installation (YUAN Junfeng / Reasonable Fantasy Densign Inc) ©YUAN Junfeng


The spatial-temporal heterogeneity of Shajing is being reshaped and may make Shajing a singularity in the global information network. This process relies on a brand new strategy called “urban curation”, which completely integrates information and scenes, space and contents, economy and society, virtual and reality, history and future, nature and humanities to create the unique value of spatial-temporal fusion.

置(张烁),Installation (ZHANG Shuo)©快乐享印 PrintHappy

装置(沈少民),Installation (SHEN Shaomin)©快乐享印 PrintHappy


We try to use ‘urban curation’ to redefine ‘urban renewal’ in this exhibition. At this moment, we choose Shajing simply because she also chooses us. The elapsed time leaves muti-layer traces here while the old path of Longjin River still exists. Time Drift is like a journey of exploration. On this journey, time will guide us to experience the spatial-temporal tunnel. What kind of miraculous scenery we will encounter here? Come to Shajing and explore the beauty and of time!

娜),Installation (LI Na) ©白羽 BAI Yu


The exhibition unfolds slowly along the old Longjin River with three main lines: light and shadow, time and trace. The exhibition area is divided into three thematic units – Light and Shadow of Old Houses, elapsed, and Frozen Traces. Local elements such as oysters, salt and sea are combined with artworks and public activities such as installations, videos, murals, graffiti, forums and markets to create a unique urban live exhibition experience.

装置(孙文浩),Installation(SUN Wenhao) ©快乐享印 PrintHappy

装置(文皆俊杰),Installation(WEN Jiejunjie) ©快乐享印 PrintHappy

装置(林芮襄),Installation(LIN Ruixiang)©快乐享印 PrintHappy


Using the redesigned space, Cantonese opera performances, mantis boxing classes, academic salons, live bands, ancient marketplaces, interactive workshops, live book clubs, and various types of villagers’ spontaneous activities were held one after another, activating the long-hidden local cultural genes. The multiple cultural activities enhance the cooperation and interaction between individuals supported by public spaces and exhibitions. Design and art fill this link with emotion and warmth, and pure and innovative “locality” is discovered and created here.

▼戏台重新成为有活力的在地公共空间,Public Stage as a vibrant local public space©快乐享印 PrintHappy

在古墟遗址恢复市集,Bazaars at ancient ruin sites©快乐享印 PrintHappy

儿童是本地文化传统的传承人,Children as bearers of local cultural traditions©快乐享印 PrintHappy

时光漂流-- 沙井古墟新生城市现场展,既是设计也是展览,既是保护也是激活,既是景观也是观景,既是更新也是怀旧,既是日常也是戏剧……它融合了多种要素,试图将过去和未来、历史与当代、在地或遥远完整铸造在一起,形成具有充满时空张力的场景状态。作为一个新的空间价值模型实验,也许才刚刚开始,我们也期待沙井古墟因为这次实验行动,而开启一次缓慢却又深刻的时空演化历程。

Time Drift – Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair site-specific exhibition is both a design and an exhibition, a kind of preservation and activation, a landscape and a view, a renewal and a nostalgia, a daily life and a drama …… It combines various elements, attempting to bring together past and future, history and contemporary, local and distant, to form a city full of theories and ideas of the past and the present. The state of the scene in spatiotemporal tension. As a new spatial value model experiment, which may have just begun, we also expect the manhole ancient ruins to start a slow but profound spatio-temporal evolutionary journey because of this experimental action.

▼方案总平面 Site Plan ©趣城工作室


▼老屋平面、立面 Old House(1ST FLOOR PLAN, NORTH ELEVATION)©趣城工作室

▼戏台平面、立面 Public Stage (1ST FLOOR PLAN, NOTRH ELEVATION)©趣城工作室

项目名称:沙井古墟新生建筑师:趣城工作室(ARCity Office)/趣城(上海)规划建筑设计有限公司地址:沙井大街,宝安区,深圳,广东,中国项目年份:2019 建筑面积:1000.0 平方米场地面积:3000.0 平方米主持建筑师:张宇星、韩晶项目建筑师:邱嘉玥、张嘉乐景观协作单位:深圳大地创想建筑景观规划设计有限公司业主:深圳市宝安区沙井街道办、华润置地集团展览视觉设计:SURE Design 摄影师:白羽、朱锐、快乐享印航拍摄影:雪里红文化

Project Name: Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair

Architect: ARCity

Office Address: Shajing Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Project year: 2019

Building area: 1000.0 m2

Area: 3000.0 m2

Host architects: ZHANG Yuxing, HAN Jing

Project Architect: QIU Jiayue, ZHANG Jiale

Landscape Collaboration Unit: Reasonable Fantasy Densign Inc

Owner: Shenzhen Bao’an District Shajing Street Office, China Resources Land Group

Exhibition visual design: SURE Design

Photographers: BAI Yu, ZHU Rui, PrintHappy

Aerial Photography: XUELIHONG


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银行翻新典范 | Adria 银行复苏与更新
{{searchCollectStatus("vPned9a7D6bmoXZ9Dm3VOk4N3LlYqg1z",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
乌克兰基辅私人公寓② 厨房