Adaptation of the archaeological remains of the ancient Roman Theater of Tárraco (Sg I a.c to Sg.II d.C), and its activation as public space. Tarragona (2013-2018)
▼改造后的古罗马剧场外观,exterior of the ancient Roman Theater after renovation
▼不同年代的遗留部分及剧场平面图,remains from different dates and the theatre plan
The archaeological remains of the ancient Theater of Tárraco were discovered in 1885 at the limit where the Roman wall followed the original topography. Along the XX century, important transformations in the site, have built a new contemporary condition as sediment of time and matter.
▼2013年至2018年剧场改造变化,adaptation from 2013 to 2018
The classic idea of semi-panoramic vision vanishes. The centrality moves, the symmetry disappears. The stage expands, the boundaries star to blur.
▼设计构思,design idea
▼座位、舞台、视线设计,design of the seats, stage and sight line
▼剧场鸟瞰,aerial view of the theatre
▼改造方式分析,intervention strategy
Transforming a large urban vacuum of 6000m2 into a new crossable public space is the aim of the successive phases of action. In this first, the construction of a corrugated steel rod structure complemented by a horizontal plane of sand, draws the guidelines and generatrixes that activate in geometry and scale part of the remains of the ancient roman “cavea”.
▼波纹钢筋结构与水平沙地搭建作为座位楼梯等部件的线型结构和主体结构,the construction of a corrugated steel rod structure complemented by a horizontal plane of sand, draws the guidelines and generatrixes
▼重塑古罗马剧场座位遗迹的几何形态与尺度特征,the design activates in geometry and scale part of the remains of the ancient roman “cavea”
Now, the different elements come into the game, and as a gear, the story and the performance are ordered, offering endless versions according to the new actors and their looks that, little by little, will harmonize with the weight and pass of time.
▼剧场加入不同元素,成为一处公共生活空间,the different elements come into the game and the theatre becomes a public space
▼建造细节,construction detail
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼立面及节点细部,elevation and joint details