Greece Cuts Colors Aris Kalathakis Salon
设计团队:Manousos Leontarakis & Associates
Manousos Leontarakis & Associates设计团队最近刚完成了一个新项目,这就是位于希腊克里克半岛伊拉克里翁市,Idomeneos大街11号与Sapphous大街交口街的“Cuts & Colors” Aris Kalathakis美发店,经过改造新装,这家有名的美发店又可以开始为当地的居民们服务了。通过使用诸如未经加工的木材和板材这类装修材料,设计师重在打造出一个天然纯朴的店内设计。
A new project just got completed by the company Manousos Leontarakis & Associates. On Idomeneos 11 and Sapphous corner, the famous hairdresser ‘Cuts & Colors’ Aris Kalathakis has been renovated and opened its doors to offer its services to the residents of Heraklion City, Crete, Greece. With emphasis in natural materials, such as raw wood and plant panels on the walls, the new interior exaggerates the trend in natural.
Innovation in services is the Barber Shop which is divided from the wash basins with a specially crafted fountain to create a relative calmness. The raised area of the shop where the Barber Shop is created also consists a nail bar and a separated dying space where i-pads are provided for the entertainment of the customer. The interior get completed by the transformation of a real tree trunk into a reception with metallic leg and the special LED lighting.
希腊Cuts Colors Aris Kalathakis美发店室内实景图
希腊Cuts Colors Aris Kalathakis美发店夜景实景图