Copenhagen vibration platform landscape
设计师:Felix Cheong
位置:丹麦 哥本哈根
艺术家Felix Cheong设计了“震动平台”,这是一个2014年LAGI设计大赛的离网浮动艺术参赛作品。每个独立的平台都装有五颜六色、吸引眼球的船帆,使艺术家们能展示他们的天分,同时潮汐和风能还可以发电。通过对于可再生能源的利用,“震动平台”向大众宣传了可持续能源,还可能为大约1539位哥本哈根居民提供全年的电力。
2010年,建筑师Robert Ferry和艺术家Elizabeth Monoian成立了一年举行两次的LAGI设计大赛。这项比赛邀请学生和专家提供公共建筑的建造
译者: 柒柒
Artist Felix Cheong designed Oscillating Platforms, a proposal for an off-grid floating art installation submitted to the 2014 Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) design competition. Outfitted with colorful and eye-catching sails, each freeform platform creates opportunities for artists to showcase their talents while harvesting tidal and wind energy to generate electricity. By harnessing renewable energy, the Oscillating Platforms can teach the public about sustainable energy and has the potential to offset the energy use of approximately 1,539 Copenhagen residents per year.
Founded in 2010 by architect Robert Ferry and artist Elizabeth Monoian, the biannual LAGI design competition invites students and professionals to submit constructible designs for public land art that also generate clean renewable energy. Cheong’s Oscillating Platforms proposal excavates a section of the post-industrial Refshaleøen Island to create a flooded area for the floating viewing platforms.
The Oscillating Platforms use a modified version of an oscillating water column to harness and convert tidal energy into a renewable electricity source. The water column consists of a partially submerged pressurized air chamber. Changing water levels within the chamber push air in and out, which turns the turbine blades to generate electricity that is then transferred via power lines to storage units or to the city’s power grid.