发布时间:2022-04-02 02:45:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

对 RIGI 来说,我们需要通过更有逻辑和延续性的设计来承载更多属于公路商店的公共记忆乃至属于这个社群的公共行为,包括用设计承载这个社群所呈现的小众与亚的状态。

For us RIGI, it is our duty to preserve the public memory of OTRS and the common behavior of the community by creating more logical and extensional designs, which may bring an opportunity to keep the niche and sub-cultural condition of this society.

我们珍视城市的多样性和自由,我们也希望能赋予这些多样性更多的可能。在每一个 20 平方的店,在每一个 9 点之后的夜里,去提供更多未知的快乐和慰藉。

We value the diversity and freedom in this city, and what we want is to give more possibilities to these characteristics. In every store that is barely twenty square meters, in every night after nine o’clock, there could be more unexpected joy and relief in the glasses.


The world may have embraced higher level of efficiency, and may also be creating more anxiety. The city may have seen waves of economic boom, and may also become less interesting. What we are going to do is trying to heal the era or city a little bit by making it a band aid.



Alcohol, city, hormones, us. This design is about liquors.

1.ABOUT 624&公路商店

About 624&OTRS

Let’s start with a quote from the OTRS, to make sure we are on the same page when discussing the beginning of this story.

2018 年中旬,长乐路 624 号落地了第一家真正意义上的“公路商店”。直到三年半后的今天,每晚 11 点后,你无法在 624 买到酒,因为考虑附近的邻里关系它会准时关门。但是你也很难驱散坐在门口开着 after party 的人群。

From the middle of 2018, there has been a real, physical On The Road Store located at 624 Changle Road. till today, the day it closes, you would not be able to buy a drink after eleven every night, because it would have been closed on time, considering on the chance of annoying the neighbors. But you would never miss the crowd in the front of it as they were at their after party.



很荣幸这里是一个自由的渡口,事实上,在 changle624&公路商店,人们聚集在这里是因为他们可以在这里感受到快乐而不是紧张。

‘The Lost Generation, according to Hemingway, were doing nothing in the pubs and coffee shops in Paris. These immigrant artists were making toasts in the burning ruins of the WWI, spending most their lives starving in the streets, and eventually discovered a potential artistic culture. We the generation are flatted by booming technologies, but we are too easily satisfied with information and avatars, which makes creative breakthrough a rare incident. It is our honor that OTRS has created a ferry of freedom. In fact, in change624&OTRS, people gathered here because of perceivable joy rather than tension.’

今年的此刻,怀抱着复杂的心情,我们要和公路商店 624 说一声再见了。

At this year, this moment, with mixed feelings, we are saying good bye to 624&OTRS.


Once there was Huang, who was generous enough to press his shutter and bring cigarette for everyone in need.


There was Aunt Ying, who played sword in the Xiangyang Park every night, brought comfort to countless heartbroken kids, and recycled every empty bottle to the store. And Jin, a guy who worked here, gave preaching to every visitor, as if God was also a customer at some time.

他们是 624 本身,也是公路商店永远的朋友。”

They are 624 itself, and friends of OTRS forever.

对 RIGI 来说,每一个项目都是社会某一面的需求呈现。

For us RIGI, every project represents a specific need of the society.

那个存在于长乐路 624 号的公路商店,或者你去过,或者你不曾知道,但它曾经存在过,甚至是一种现象,不论如何,我们需要一个新的开始。

That pub at 624 Changle Road, may have been visited by you, or out of your knowledge till now, did exist for real at some moment, and even was some sort of phenomenon. No matter what, we need a fresh start.

5 条路,5 家店,5 条马路,我们开始了这个设计。

Five locations, five stores, five streets, here is where we begin the design.


City Band Aid

这次公路商店的新店分别位于:巨鹿路,襄阳北路,茂名南路,成都南路,4 条既不相干又有所联系的路。

This time OTRS has chosen four new locations, which are barely related: Julu Road, North Xiangyang Road, South Maoming Road, South Chengdu Road.


Fundamentally,all the stores will be planted in the interface of the city, much like patches in the streets. Of course we could make appealing excuses to make it sound worth it, but the fact is the designs are doing the same thing, one thing: interruption. Seems like a less valuable job this way, doesn’t it?


Thus what we need is — a constructive interruption.


We would have to stick a band aid to make up for the interruption.

5 个地,4 条街,与公路有关的商店,与街区有关的设计,就此开始。

Five locations, four streets, On The Road Stores, designs about the streets, happen right here.

当然了,开头说是 5 家店,做着做着随着老区几乎每天都在经历着的房东、拆迁、扰民等等问题,到最后就变成 3 家了。

And of course, as we said there would be five new stores, however, as time went on, district changed, people moved, and ideas changed. It eventually turned in to three stores at the end.

当 RIGI 开始这个设计,我们希望能塑造一个属于公路商店的表达逻辑,希望通过这个逻辑能连接到城市里更多的空间,不管是理发店还是公共厕所,或者是这次的酒吧。

When RIGI get hands on the design, we intend to form a logic of expression exclusively used by OTRS, and wish the logic could connect more spaces throughout the city, no matter it is a barber shop, a toilet, or a pub as it is this time.


We are not, from top to bottom, designing a decoration or a design to only be talked about. We use ‘band aid’ to describe OTRS, we are trying to create a interface that links more people.


We decide on two things, colors and numbers.

▲颜色 Colors


There are ways people remember things, for example, through shapes, materials, or even feelings. But color, color is the most direct one, since the first element goes into eyesight is always color.


In popular theories, color could be used to represent emotions. Red conveys passion, blue means calmness, and green represents peace. Not necessarily true. Now that we have done an interruptive action, it would be best for us to use the most straightforward and basic way to define every store. Like animals use smells to define each zone, we wish people could recognize different stores by this strong medium. Patch on the streets, divide the zones.


Red, green and blue contain immeasurable possibilities. When night comes, the RGB lights spark the three streets and naturally wakes dopamine inside young bodies.


Numbers, colored numbers, care for the lost.




Designdone, half way through construction, with every condition expected and unexpected, it seems that everything is still under control.

9 月 28 号完工,原计划 10 月 1 日开业,然后,工厂限电了。

It is planned to be finished by September 28th, and open at October 1st. Then there is limited power in factories.

从没想过 RIGI 设计的这 3 个加起来不到 60 平的小店能和国民经济以及国家能源方针扯一起,不过真的发生了,就差那么几天完工的东西,现在就扔在漆黑工厂里,这真是人间惨剧。


It is rather ironic that the stores of less than sixty square meters combined would be influenced by national economics and energy strategies, but here it comes. With only a few days left to reach its accomplishment, everything is now forgotten in the dark factories. What a tragedy. Something has to be done to make it open on time.


With rounds of serious and meaningless discussions, we decide that now that it is unfinished, it would be best just leave it unfinished, admittedly.

于是 RIGI 连夜设计了一大堆贴纸糊满了这家小店的门头,写满了未完成。你很难说这是个设计,但是它确实在 3 个小时内完成了。如果说公路商店代表了某种戏剧性,那么这个开业应该也是这个不靠谱故事的一个荒谬的开头了。

So the team at RIGI designs a bunch of stickers overnight to cover the facade of the store, full of word ‘unfinished’. It is hard to be seen as a design, but it only takes three hours to be done. If OTRS represents a sort of drama to some extent, then the opening would also be the ridiculous beginning of an absurd story.


A shortcut of designing? Wouldn’t it be nice to work like this forever?



Accident being accident, the unfinished should be finished in the end. Finally, all three stores are done.

4.“158&公路商店”–绿店 158&OTRS – Green Store

“PINON 4-2&公路商店”–红店 Pinon 4-2&OTRS – Red Store

“PARYT HEAD 42&公路商店”–蓝店 Party Head 42&OTRS – Blue Store

红店蓝店绿店,每一个 20 平方的店,在每一个鸡毛蒜皮又充满能量的夜里,去该提供更多未知的快乐

Red blue and green, every store of twenty square meters, brings unexpected joy in every fussy but energetic night.

▲“158&公路商店”–绿店 158&OTRS – Green Store

▲“PINON 4-2&公路商店”–红店 Pinon 4-2&OTRS – Red Store

▲“PARYT HEAD 42&公路商店”–蓝店 Party Head 42&OTRS – Blue Store

“158&公路商店”–绿店 158&OTRS – Green Store

对面是上海的巨鹿路 FOUND 158,一个著名的酒吧聚集地,这家店是形形色色找乐子的巨富长年轻人们的必经之地或结束之所。大战之前的 pre drink,回家之前的 last drink,绿店就在这,守候着每一个夜晚孤独的人们。

Across the Julu Road is FOUND 158, a famous place where many pubs are located. This store is a must for many young people looking for fun, where they start or finish their journey of the day. The pre drink as the night begins, or the last drink before home, it always happens in the green store, which hosts every lonely people every night.

PINON 4-2&公路商店–红店 Pinon 4-2&OTRS – Red Store

红店离那家已经告别的长乐路 624 本店不远,某种程度上,红店承载了属于长乐路的那段公共记忆。我们尽力赋予这段公共记忆更有生命力的表达,让那些之前所谓偶然变成更多的明确,拐了个弯,人们依旧偶遇在此。

The red store is not far from the original location at 624 Changle Road, for which, to some extent, it inherits the public memory belonged to the old store. We are trying to give a more lively expression to this piece of memory, making the coincidences in the past times more of certainty, where people still meet each other just after turning around in the street.

PARYT HEAD 42&公路商店–蓝店 Party Head 42&OTRS – Blue Store


It is worth pointing out that, the blue store was a very stylish barber shop in Shanghai —Party Head. The people gathering here are the most fashionable among three locations. Of course Party Head is still open in the backyard, where every head of style could get themselves better looking and grab a drink.

5.街头行为准则 Street Code

其实在设计里,RIGI 并不喜欢形容这是一种马路牙子文化。

In fact, throughout the design, RIGI has never intended to describe it as a ‘street culture’.


Thisis not necessarily any sort of respect or what. What we really care about, is that through this way people could show their opinions to this city, and it is not all decadent and pointless.


We think it is important to give these points of view a more enjoyable medium that bears the behaviors, so we add many unnecessary but reasonable equipment to this block.

物的行为与人对物的行为与人的行为,在这里 RIGI 做了很多事情,通过这些装备赋予的行为,你或许靠一下、坐一下、开瓶酒、扔个瓶盖,故事都是在偶然中发生,这就是公路商店。一个晚上会发生很多事,也可能什么都不会发生,这也就是大家来这的理由。

There are actions of things, actions by people to things, and actions to people from things. RIGI takes a lot of actions here, we are trying to spark actions with these gears. Maybe you would like to lean on something, sit somewhere, open a bottle, or toss a cap. Stories happen randomly, and that is On The Road Store. So many things might happen through night, not maybe nothing at all, both of which are reasons people come here.

▲电线杆装备包 Pole gear pack


The poles are always the sexiest installations in the streets, no matter what is on it, illegal flyers or graffiti. It is a billboard for young people, so as we respect the authority of the poles, we also put a functional gear on it, where you could hold a beer on it or just give it a punch. Wish it a more confident pole with this piece of equipment.

▲街区的补丁 Patch of the block


A colorful patch simply covers a corner in the city. It is not important to tell if it is harmonious design, because at least we are being honest with the nature of the color. That distinguishes us from the vulgarness and affectations found in many other projects.

▲头座 Throne of head

一街人,2 个座,谁来坐,怎么坐,坐多久,坐上去干嘛,故事就这样发生了。

Crowd in the street. Two seats. Who can sit? How to sit? When to leave? What to do? That’s how it begins.

▲街头的记忆 Markings on the street


Existence is the meaning. Repeating is power. We want to leave an evidence in the city.

▲喝酒便利店 Pourastore

一个 20 平米的商店,一切都与酒有关,每一瓶酒都是一个故事,每一瓶酒都是一个态度,这是一个和酒有关的便利店,贩卖的是每一瓶酒,而你得到的却不只是酒。

It’s a store of barely twenty square meters, where everything is related to liquors, and every bottle of wine is a story or an attitude. This is a convenient shop about alcohol, that it sells is just liquor, but what you get is far more than that.

▲喝酒导航 Blasted to navigate


Every destination should not be the finish point, because the meaning of road is always found in the next stop. Only keeping forward could make your joy today never a painful piece of memory.

▲链接与连接 Links and connections


Designing these parts is rather complicated. You have to keep them wild without treating them without care, and you need to keep them real without too much realistic.

6. 文化制造者

Creator of Culture

除了马路牙子和街道,其实本来这个设计会有更不一样的呈现,RIGI 希望给这个商店一个更大的维度。坦率的说,光这里面的产品设计,就足够我们洋洋洒洒写一大堆设计说明了。最终没有在设计中实现的设计,但却是必不可少的一部分。一切都没那么完美,或者说,也不需要那么完美。

Therecould have been more aspects other than the curbs and streets to make the project rather different to the audiences because we intend to shape the stores from more dimensions. To be honest, there would be too much for you to read if we list all the product design details and turn them into design descriptions. Many of them did not go into production eventually, but are still important parts of the project. Nothing is perfect, or, put it in another way, nothing needs to be perfect.


Maybe the world has been more efficient, but as designer we are not slave of results. The process gives more meaning to the project.

每一个与颜色有关的碰撞我们都不想放弃 Every collision of colors is not missed

贴纸可以在公路商店每一个角落留下痕迹 Stickers can leave traits on every piece of OTRS


Efficiency is killer to creativity. Target is poison for souls. “For your irrelevant intentions”.

制造喝酒和快乐的东西 Things that make drinks and joy happen

不完美亦是故事本身 Imperfection is also part of the story

7. 我们在九点之后不期而遇 Meet you accidently after nine


‘Every day you have the opportunity to pass by a lot of people, some of them may become your friends and confidants, so I never gave up any opportunity to rub shoulders with anyone, Sometimes I’m broken and bloody, but so be it. Just be happy. I met that woman again that day. I knew that we would not become friends or confidants, because we have had too many opportunities to meet, maybe the clothes were tired of touch each other, but there was not any spark between us. I don’t know if it’s because of the weather, that night, I thought she was familiar.’— From Fallen Angels by Wong KarWei


Someday during the project, I accidentally rewatched this movie and take note on the quote.

当然,王家卫的电影基本都是关于相遇离开,这段台词在 27 年后,让人一掠而过,说这句台词的金城武也 50 岁,这有点老套了。

Of course, movies of Wong are always about encounter and separation. This quote, after twenty-seven years, could be easily missed by viewers now. The one who spoke this, Kaneshiro Takeshi, is also more than fifty. Everything seems a bit old school.


Is encounter such an easy thing? At this era where algorithms are trying to lock on you, maybe the word ‘we’ is nothing more than luxury.


Simple as hell. Hope the younglings toss their smart phones and meet accidently after nine.


We spend our lives against our inability and boredom, but what is lost is always freedom and our selves.


Stories always happen randomly, change occasionally, we think this is what On The RoadStore means to the young generation, and also why we design. At every fussy but energetic night, we wish it could provide people with more unexpected joy.


Joy is not a pursuit, it is an ability required in every second of our lives.


“There is a cigarette by future, would you liketo have a try?”


作品名称:城市的创可贴,3 个与酒有关系的设计

设计公司:RIGI 睿集设计




摄影版权:RIGI 睿集设计

案例面积:20 平方米,30 平方米,30 平方米



设计时间:2021 年 7 月

建成时间:2021 年 10 月

建成地点:上海巨鹿路 209 号,上海襄阳北路 4-2 号,上海茂名南路 42 号

Project information——

Name: City Band Aid, Three Designs Related to Liquors.

Design: RIGI Design

Genre: Retail Space Design

Leader designer & team: Liu Kai, Liu Xu, Donna Mai

Photographer: Liu Xu, Wang Xiyuan

Photo credits (needs to credit each): RIGI Design

Area: 20 square meters, 30 square meters, 30 square meters

Major materials: galvanized steel sheet, neon light box, cement, metal

Design description editor: Liu Kai

Design date: July 2021

Construction date: October 2021

Construction location: NO.209 Julu Rd, SH; NO.4-2 Xiangyang Rd(N), SH; NO.42 Maoming Rd(S), SH.


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