The idea of “the ladder leading to hope” is proposed in accordance with the specific geographic resources in the village. Currently, most hope schools are established with a unitary model in which schools are funded and sponsors contribute in a one-way manner. The rigid relationship between sponsors and sponsored children made hope schools gradually lose its vigor and social attention after experiencing excitement in the initial stage, and deviate from the original intention of “hope”. As a result, there are a number of hope schools are used otherwise as storage room or hog house due to various reasons in the operation after establishment.
This project, namely, Dazha Hope School in Longsheng Yao autonomous county, Guangxi, has its inherent advantage, that is, its tourism resources such as Longji terraces. We intend to leverage on the special resources of terraces to attract more visitors’ attention on the hope school so that the hope school can continue its hope. Therefore, we start our exploration for a new hope school model.
In order to promote the development of Dazhai Hope School by making use of tourist effect, the school shall integrate its resources and attract tourists’ attention. So, hillside, a place easy to find but screened from disturbance, becomes our perfect site, and the hope school will be located on a “ladder” leading to hope. Every visitor who sees this beautiful place would want to stop and have fun. However, as there is no complete set of tourist facilities, and even the most basic facilities, such as lodging houses and restaurants, are extremely backward, many visitors are willing to stay for only one day or even half a day, and potential investors leave one after another one.
We want them stay and have a look at the children here. A hotel with a complete set of facilities is the basic requirement. There seems to be a potential relationship behind the following three: the primary school‘s demand for financial aid from visitors, visitors’ demand for a hotel, and the hotel’s demand for attractiveness. Why don’t we combine the school with a hotel? In this way, visitors in the hotel can become the source of fund for the development of the school, while the school on terraces becomes the unique characteristic of the hotel. The school is, therefore, no longer funded in a one-way manner and the visitors no longer provide fund in a one-way manner. This is a win-win model. So, the idea of Guangxi Dazhai Hope School and experimental hotel come into being.
“通往希望的阶梯”项目提议是根据当地特殊地理资源而拟定的,当前大部分希望小学的模式非常单一。 所谓单一是指小学单项受助,资助方单向出资,资助者与被资助者生硬的关系使得希望小学经历初期的资 助兴奋后很容易随着时间推移逐渐背离希望小学“希望”的初衷,渐渐失去应有的活力与被关注度。于是 就有了当前很多希望小学在建成运营后都因各种原因被闲置的情况,变成杂物房,猪舍的现状。
我们所做的广西龙胜瑶族自治县大寨希望小学项目有其自身的特殊性。当地有龙脊梯田这样良好的旅游资 源,如何利用梯田这个特殊的资源带动更多的游客来关注希望小学,从而使希望小学“延续希望”。于 是,我们开始了希望小学新模式的探寻之路。
大寨希望小学拥有梯田这样的自然资源带来的游客效应作为学校发展的原动力,那么学校必须整合资源吸 引游客关注。于是半山腰成了我们想要的基地,希望小学登上了充满希望的“阶梯”。这个位置既显眼又 不被打扰。每个游客看到这样美的地方都想驻足这里体验。但由于旅游设施开发不配套,连最基本的住宿 与餐饮都非常滞后,使得许多游客只是半天游,一日游,那些潜在的资助者一个个无意识的离开了。
我们要让他们留下了,让他们看看这里的孩子们。一个设施完善的旅馆成为游客留下来的基本条件。小学 需要游客的资助,游客需要旅馆,旅馆需要特色吸引游客,这三者的关系背后似乎有着某种潜在的联系。 为什么不能把旅馆与小学并置起来?让旅馆的游客成为学校发展的资金动力,而梯田上的希望小学成为旅 馆独一无二的特色,游客与希望小学不再是单向的资助与被资助模式,而是形成了一种双向共赢的模式。 那么广西龙胜大寨希望小学&旅馆的设想就这样诞生了。
现任职于:BPI照明顾问设计公司 照明设计师
Project: Guangxi Dazhai Hope School and Experimental Hotel
Ming Zhong
Education: Department of Architecture of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Present employment: Brandston Partnership Inc., — lighting designer
Personal e-mail address:
Ming Zhong