发布时间:2023-04-20 17:47:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

生活看起来最如此的庸俗,如此的易于满足日常平淡的事物,然而它总是在暗地里念念不忘某些更高的要求,而且去寻找满足这些要求的手段。 Life seems so vulgar, so easy to meet the ordinary things of the day, yet it is always secretly obsessed with some higher requirements, and to find the means to meet these requirements. ——歌德,Grado Labs

▼项目概览,overall of the project © 徐义稳、谭小中

十年禁渔,休养生息 Ten years of fishing and rest


▼周边环境,surrounding environment ©巢羽设计事务所

In recent years, in order to slow the ecological damage caused by fishing, Taihu Lake began to implement a “10-year ban on fishing” plan. In the face of the ten years of fishing ban in Taihu Lake, fishermen who used to make a living from fishing have driven boats back to the port, docked at the port of the fishing boat together, in peace and revealed a state of prosperity. Our project is located on the edge of Taihu Lake, among the fishing boats. The original building is a residential house on the edge of Taihu Lake. The landlord used to be a fisherman who lived by fishing. We hope that in the new project transformation, we can keep in the building his beautiful memory of “Cangbo is a vast expanse of fertile land, a boat lying in the blue sky”, thus launched the space design with “fishing boat returning to port” as the core.

▼入口立面,entrance facade © 徐义稳、谭小中

改造策略 Transformation strategy


▼建筑原状,original state of the building ©巢羽设计事务所

▼动态分析图,analysis gif ©巢羽设计事务所

The original building was a small pink European-style house built by local villagers. Due to the control of rural construction, the building could not be greatly reformed, and only the external facade could be restricted. We use what we call “minimally invasive surgery” to get the building in good shape with minimal intervention. The first is to remove all the Roman Columns and European symbols, replace the green tiles, paint the facade, remove the edges and corners, and restore the building to the simplest state. We designed a small breathable window next to the window to maximize the view. Add a sense of envelopment to each balcony. Renovate the building by making small changes.

▼巷子入口与民宿入口,entrance of the alley and the front yard © 徐义稳、谭小中

解构 · 时间 Deconstruction · Time


A light paper boat floats at the entrance of the building, opening the space. This is a harbor for returning fishermen. The objects of fishermen’s life can be seen everywhere in the space, such as the salvages of shells, the shapes of fishing boats, and the forms of water. They intervene in the space in the form of elements, with “fishing boats returning to port” as the core, turning the first floor space into an open cafe for parking and rest, as well as a public area for homeships.

▼咖啡吧台,cafe bar at the entrance © 徐义稳、谭小中

空间中加入“船”的元素 —— 建筑与室内的大面积留白。作为视觉的重心,咖啡吧以抽象的船只形象出现,停泊在空间中。梁柱是船只的桅杆,以卡座、靠板为船体。将社交功能与艺术美学带入空间设计中,保留了咖啡厅的商业化功能,同时在意象化的演绎中解构时间,将咖啡厅打造成漂泊于湖面的渔船,营造出渔民日常的生活氛围感。

▼休息区分析图,analysis diagram of the lounge ©巢羽设计事务所

The element of “boat” is added to the space — large areas of the building and interior are left blank. As a visual center of gravity, the coffee bar appears as an abstract ship, moored in the space. The beam column is the mast of the ship, with the seat and the plate as the hull. The social function and artistic aesthetics are brought into the space design, which retains the commercial function of the cafe. At the same time, the time is deconstructed in the image interpretation, and the cafe is transformed into a fishing boat drifting on the lake, creating a sense of the daily life atmosphere of fishermen.

▼休息区概览,overall of the lounge © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼座位区,seating area © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼休息区细部,details of the lounge © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼走廊夜景,night view of the hallway © 徐义稳、谭小中

对话 · 记忆 Dialogue and memory


The space carries the debris of the fishermen’s past life, and the stones on the bottom of the Taihu Lake are laid at the bottom of the stairs, injecting another meaning into the space. The Spartan furnishings overlap with the light. The staircase leading to the upper level is presented in the form of old and new combination, which retains part of the original building’s shape. The old purlin wood and rafters reveal the mark of time flowing, and combine with the very modern staircase shape to create a visual sense of the old and new dialogue.

▼楼梯,staircase © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼俯瞰楼梯间,overlooking the staircase © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼楼梯间与走廊灯光,lightings of the staircase and hallway © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼保留的木结构,preserved wooden structure © 徐义稳、谭小中

拥抱 · 自然 Embrace · Nature


▼卧室分析图,analysis gif of the guest room ©巢羽设计事务所

The second and third floors of the building are homestay Spaces, providing visitors with a natural recreation area. It does not deliberately whitewash the space, but emphasizes its rustic interior. The space adopts the design technique of enclosing and interspersing, and divides regions in the form of “continuous separation” to meet the needs of different spatial activities. Unified visual elements exist in interspersed forms to establish a sense of order in the space. The art decoration consists of various seashells brought back from fishermen, and the enclosing structures delineate clear boundaries. The continuous enclosing and interspersing design techniques, with different enclosing ways and the interspersing and integration of geometric elements, make the space produce a completely different sense of experience. The curved semi-enclosed design not only guarantees the continuity of space, but also distinguishes the function of different areas.

▼起居室,living room © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼卧室1,bedroom 1 © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼卧室2,bedroom 2 © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼卧室3,bedroom 3 © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼卧室4,bedroom 4 © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼卧室细部,details of the guest room © 徐义稳、谭小中

遇见 · 灯塔 Encounter · Lighthouse


“Fishing Boat Returning to Port” depicts the fishermen’s life by taking advantage of the current situation of Taihu Lake and witnessing the past of the fishing village through the reconstruction of the building. We hope that the reconstructed fisherman’s residence can play a triple role. The first role is the container, which is easy to use. The second function is like yeast, it can stimulate the activity of the surrounding; The third function is the lighthouse, which acts like a bright light in the distance, allowing people from farther away to see the place and attract people to it.

▼户外平台,outdoor terrace © 徐义稳、谭小中

▼平面图,plan ©巢羽设计事务所

项目名称:千山境民宿 项目地址:中国 江苏 苏州 光福镇 项目业主:苏州宿之大成酒店管理有限公司许刚 项目面积:450㎡ 竣工时间:2023.01 设计机构:巢羽设计事务所 设计主创:梁飞、王星 设计团队:易杭飞、吴陶锴、华艺莹、周洁 项目施工:苏州大汉富邦建筑装饰 刘长宝 灯光设计:苏州火圆灯光 黄来 文宣策划:贰道杠 空间摄影:徐义稳、谭小中

Name of Project: Qianshanjing Homestay Address: Guangfu Town, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Project Owner: Xu Gang, Suzhou Suzhidacheng Hotel Management Co. Project Area: 450㎡ Completion Date: 2023.01 Design Agency: CHAO Design Design Creator: Liang Fei, Wang Xing Design Team: Yi Hangfei, Wu Taokai, Hua Yiying, Zhou Jie Project Construction: Suzhou Dahan Fubon Architectural Decoration Liu Changbao Lighting Design: Suzhou Fire Circle Lighting Huang Lai Publicity Planning Copywriting: EDG Media Photography: Xu Yiwhen


千山境民宿,苏州 / 巢羽设计事务所
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