发布时间:2021-08-15 05:30:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Noble Around 33住宅区坐落于曼谷素坤逸区(Sukkhumvit),这里高楼林立、远离自然,因此,Shma事务所希望以“山上的森林”为概念为该住宅区打造出自然生态的景观环境。项目包含了种类丰富的活动空间,包括:底层的花园平台(名为“避世花园“Escape Garden),4层的漫步山谷(名为“森林谷”Forest Valley),14层的聚会平台(名为“派对山丘”Party Hill),21与22层的“小憩山谷”,以及最顶层,也就是25层的游泳池和休息空间。

A hard landscape environment far from nature of Sukkhumvit, inspired our design under the concept of ’Forest on the hill’ of Project:Noble Around 33. Shma has designed a variety of activities spaces in the project such as on the 1st floor – Plain Garden (Escape Garden), 4th floor Stride Mountain (Forest Valley), 14th floor – Party Deck (Party Hill), 21st-22nd floor – Napping Valley and last floor 25th floor – Lap Pool and resting space.

▼项目概览,general view

坐落在素坤逸繁华的多元文化中心,邻近澎蓬(PhromPhong)捷运站和EM区,Noble Around 33住宅区的优美景观为居住者创造出宛如身在“山上森林”中的自然体验。通过绿色阶梯、护堤以及各种植物的结合,设计师在四个不同的楼层中创造出了森林般的放松氛围。

Located in the multicultural heart of Sukhumvit nearby Phrom Phong BTS Station and The EM District, Noble Around 33 offers residents an experience to live within ‘Forest on the Hill.’ The landscape is designed to create forest-like relaxing atmosphere in 4 distinct floors through the usage of green steps, berms and variety of plantings.

▼“山上森林”设计概念,concept – Forest on the Hill

底层 – 避世花园

Ground Floor – Escape Garden

Noble Around 33住宅区的底层空间中,郁郁葱葱的花园欢迎所有归家的居民和前来的游客,花园中布置有砾石庭院、水景,以及一系列户外座位,让人们在自然的环绕中进入主大厅和住宅区。

Arriving at the ground floor, Noble Around 33 welcome all residents and visitors with lush shaded garden, comprises gravel court, water feature and outdoor seating before entering the main lobby and residential area.

▼底层花园,entrance garden on the ground floor

▼水景,water feature

▼避世花园夜景,night view of the Escape Garden

4层 – 森林谷

4th Floor – Forest Valley


Accessing the 4th Floor, a stepped green space is provided as an alternative communal space with peacefulness families, friends and neighbors. Peaceful and small private gathering can be enjoyed in a green deck and marble seating courts.

▼位于四层的“森林谷”,Forest Valley on the 4th floor

14层 – 派对山丘

14th Floor – Party Hill


Likewise, with the identical architectural language of leveling, a larger gathering space allows all users to access by walking as if climbing up the hills from the main common area and party lounge. Here, festive party and barbeque dinner can be celebrated in this multipurpose greenery.

▼位于14层的派对山丘,Party Hill on the 14th Floor

▼由景观空间看周围城市环境,viewing the urban environment from the green terrace

▼“派对山丘”夜景,night view of the Party Hill

21 – 22层 – 小憩山谷

21st– 22ndFloor – Napping Valley


A tranquil sky court floats with two bordering floors, offering a wondrous feeling while taking a rest and laying down on the daybeds in the wood.

▼位于21-22层的“小憩山谷”,Napping Valley on the 21st – 22nd Floor

▼夜景,night view

25层 – 天空泳池

25thFloor – Sky Pool


Apart from passive activities, residents can also enjoy working out to get some sweat and heart pumping as an infinity-edged 21-meters lap pool and indoor gym are provided together with small adjacent daybeds for short resting.

位于顶层的“天空泳池”,Sky Pool on the last floor

郁郁葱葱的自然景观宛如笼罩在Noble Around 33住宅区周围的绿色面纱,让人们在这个人口稠密的城市社区中获得截然不同的自然体验。

By looking out through the forest veil of Noble Around 33, all residents can perceive a different feeling of city amidst populous neighborhood.

▼景观节点轴测图,axonometric drawings

Name of Project: Noble Around 33

Location: Bangkok

Landscape Architect: Shma Company Limited (Facebook:)Design Team:Design Director – Prapan Napawongdee

Landscape Architect – Chavapong Phipatseritham, Ginsupa Tantiprasong

Horticulturists: La-onngdao Intana

Client & Developer: Noble Development

Architect: IAW Company Limited

Project Manager: Interpac Company Limited

M&E : Mitr Technical Consultant co., ltd.

C&S Engineering :Project Type : Residential

Completion Year: 2020

Photograph Credit: Panoramic Studio


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