发布时间:2024-02-11 11:44:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼屋檐下活动空间,the activity space under the roof extension © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼建筑的横截面在中央部分达到最大高度,the cross-section of the building maximum height in the central part © Bosnic+Dorotic

The summing up all of these parameters and taking into account the proportions of a man, animal and machine, resulted in the cross-section of the building maximum height in the central part. The pitched roof panes have been broken and dislocated in the ridge, allowing for additional lighting and ventilation of the bedding storage on the gallery. The extension of the roof pane formed an eave overhanging the outdoor area for the sow with piglets.

▼柯布小人与小猪,小鸡比例对比,scale comparison between human, pigs and chicken © SKROZd.o.o.

▼木质结构和木质立面的檩条,wooden structure and wooden facade lining © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼猪舍内的区域,pigs stable area © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼可移动隔墙,introduction of movable partitions© Bosnic+Dorotic

Another key part of process optimization is the introduction of movable partitions that have made it easier to maintain the building, but also to create different scenarios for its use.The scenarios enabled by the partitions are adapted to the life within the stable where areas are reduced and enlarged depending on the needs of the pigs, from the smallest stall for sows with piglets to a single area where all the pigs are kept together.



Apart from the bare function, the appearance of buildings is conditioned by the context of the rural Slavonian region, which is visible in the geometry of the roof, the cover of the panes and in the material and method of treating the façade. The transparency of the façade does not come from the material, but from its geometry. The sequence of wooden laths of Slavonian oak with interchangeable full and empty fields in two diagonal directions and two plans create a distinctive structure. This structure primarily serves as ventilation and protection from the sun, but also as a reinterpretation of thegeometry of wooden façades found on numerous vernacular outbuildings in Slavonia. Such reinterpretation connects anoutbuilding designed by contemporary standards with its environment and built heritage.

▼夜景局部,night view © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼夜景,night view © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼模型照片,model photo © SKROZd.o.o.

PROJECTTITLE: Black Slavonian eco pig farm INVESTOR: Sin Ravnice d.o.o. LOCATION: Cret Viljevski, Donji Miholjac, Croatia AUTHORS: SKROZd.o.o. / project team: Margita Grubiša, B.Acrh., Marin Jelčić, B.Acrh., Daniela Škarica, B.Acrh., Ivana Žalac,B.Acrh.; Zvonimir Marčić, B.Acrh. STATUS: master design YEAR OF DESIGN: 2019 YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION: 2021 AREA OF COVERAGE:27,599 m2/ 2.6 ha | gross surface of buildings: 620 m2 (2x310m2) PHOTOGRAPHY:Bosnic+Dorotic

斯洛文尼亚黑猪是一种克罗地亚本土品种猪。在19世纪,是斯洛文尼亚最常见的家养猪。直到20世纪,斯洛文尼亚黑猪的数量逐步下降,直到1990年,这种猪已成为濒危物种。根据官方数据,这种猪的数量曾在某一时刻仅剩下50头。随着近几年对于气候和健康生活的意识不断加深,对于这一特殊品种的繁育又再次回到公众视野。最早开始养殖这一被忽视的品种的专业饲养者之一是来自 Donji Miholjac 附近 CretViljevski 的 Sin Ravnice 公司。起初,由于斯拉沃尼亚黑猪是一种抵抗力和耐力极强的猪种,因此这些猪完全在露天进行有机养殖,没有任何棚屋或遮阳篷。然而,几年后,随着个体数量的增加,饲养者意识到他们必须提供某种形式的可控养殖,使条件变得更容易,并为猪提供庇护所。

Black Slavonian pig is an autochthonous Croatian breed. In the 19th century, it was the most commonly farmed breed in Slavonia. During the 20th century, the number of individuals declined steadily, to the extent that it was declared an endangered species in the 1990s. According to the official data, at one point, this number was reduced to only 50 animals. With the awareness of climate change and healthy life on the rise, interest in this specific breed has returned over the pastten years. One of the first professional breeders to start farming this neglected breed was company Sin Ravnice from CretViljevski near Donji Miholjac. Initially, the pigs were farmed organically entirely in the open air, without any stables or canopy, since the black Slavonian pig is an extremely resistant and durable breed. However, after a few years, as thenumber of individuals grew, the breeder realised that they had to provide some form of controlled farming, make theconditions easier and offer shelter to the pigs.

▼建筑概览,Overview of the building © Bosnic+Dorotic

都市理念组织 Urban Concept Organization


The architectural project brief required a design of a farm according to the highest standards of organic livestock farming. In addition, it was also necessary to anticipate the potential expansion of the farm should its capacity grow in the future.The stable would primarily be intended for year- round housing of sows (female pigs with piglets) with smaller outdoor pens, while the other pigs would stay in the stable only during the coldest part of the year.

▼猪舍外观,the exterior of pigs stable © Bosnic+Dorotic


▼猪舍工作流程对比图,the comparison between normal and improved organization of stable © SKROZd.o.o.

Given the needs of the pigs, a general disposition of the stables established itself near the western boundary line in order to avoid the county road on the eastern boundary, and to provide as large as possible outdoor area for pigs. The farm urban design concept proposes two identical complexes. The stables are positioned at a right angle in a rotated coordinate system in relation to the axis of the north-south plot, which form farmyards with manure pit in the middle, allowing for smooth communication towards the pens and easier manipulation of service vehicles.

▼猪舍内部,the interior space of pigs stable © Bosnic+Dorotic

简介 Introduction

▼猪舍内部长廊,the corridor of pigs stable © Bosnic+Dorotic

形式与功能的概念 Concept of Form and Function


The main factors that influenced the architecture were the optimization of the breeding process and the best possible housing for the pigs. The building is primarily designed by its function, i.e., optimization of function with the intent to keep the buildings within the confines of the rural Slavonian context and the traditional farm buildings in human and animal scale.

▼猪舍内部,the interior space of pigs stable © Bosnic+Dorotic


▼传统猪舍,traditional pigs stable ©  SKROZd.o.o.

Usually, this type of building is built as a low-rise with livestock spaces and a passage in the straw storage for animal bedding should be right next to stable space. The central passage then serves for feeding the livestock, spreading the bedding, and removing manure after the cleaning. This project takes it one step further from the usual solutions, eliminates the central passage and creates a gallery which, in addition to accessing the stalls, serves for storage of animal bedding and feed; the use of space is rationalized and the breeding process optimized, also minimizing the disturbance of pigs. Moreover, the need to transport the animal bedding has been eliminated, as it is planned to store it in the same building.

▼可用于存放动物垫料和饲料的长廊,gallery serves for storage of animal bedding and feed © Bosnic+Dorotic

▼合理利用的空间,the use of space is rationalized © Bosnic+Dorotic


2024密斯奖入围项目:克罗地亚生态养猪厂 / SKROZd.o.o.
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