发布时间:2019-07-17 11:56:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


As a hotel with the parent-child theme, Hangzhou Fuchun Wonderland Resorts has been widely praised since its opening one year ago. However, most visitors felt regretful for the lack of a swimming pool. In early 2019, the owner, after considering several sites, finally decided to build a swimming & fitness leisure center to be interacted and integrated with the Lanjang Tower for sightseeing and recreation.

▼泳池健身中心整体鸟瞰图,overall bird-eye’s view of the swimming & fitness leisure center


Though located at the top of the end of the hotel area, the Lanjiang Tower is surrounded by woods that largely block the landscape. In addition, due to its single function, the Tower has been neglected regardless of its unparalleled view of Fuchun River and almost been deserted for the isolated existence and few visitors. The swimming & fitness center will link the Tower and the River and truly realizes the unparalleled landscape. Meanwhile, the expansion of the outdoor platform and the setting of shops improve the supporting functions. By adding a streamline to link all these functions, an ideal jigsaw will be completed and expected to be-come a unique must-go of the resorts.

▼总平面图,游泳健身中心的设置串连了塔与江的关系,site plan, the swimming & fitness center will link the Tower and the River



▼游泳健身中心与山林的关系,功能结合地形高差分为两层,下层前端为健身房,the relationship between the swimming & fitness center and the forest, the facility is divided into two layers by combing with the altitude difference of the terrain, and the front end of the lower layer will be the fitness center

▼游泳健身中心下层的露台,向外出挑近3米,the terrace reaching nearly 3 meters out on the lower level of the swimming & fitness center

▼游泳健身中心下层的露台,可以远眺富春江的江景,the terrace on the lower level of the swimming & fitness center with the view of the Fuchun River

▼下层的健身房外观,主体建筑实面部分基本呈现梁柱结构体系,使用混凝土打造而成,the exterior view of the fitness center, the solid part of the main building basically presents the beam-column structure system, and is built up by concrete on the lower level

▼下层健身房室内,设有全景落地玻璃,the interior view of the fitness center on the lower level with the panoramic French casement

▼更衣室入口(左),更衣室内部(右),the entrance of the locker room (left), the interior view of the locker room (right)

A relatively flat land will be cultivated on the hillside facing the Fuchun River by taking the line from the Lanjiang Tower to the south as the central axis. With no damage to the perennial trees and the contour line as the boundary, the land is coincidentally presented as a leaf-shaped boat. Because of the coincidence, it would naturally remind people of the verse of “or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight, and sing aloud in the splendor of starlight” in the poem Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again. The facility is divided into two layers by combing with the altitude difference of the terrain. The front end of the lower layer will be the fitness center, with the panoramic French casement and a terrace reaching nearly 3 meters out, creating a posture of floating in the air and heading for the Fuchun River. In the end, there is a computer room, changing and shower room and other auxiliary rooms. A boundless swimming pool is set on the upper layer and connects with the Lanjiang Tower by a wooden platform to form a whole. The two big trees reserved perfectly shade the banks of the swimming pool. During summertime, the cool breeze will blow high on the mountain, and the swimmers will rest comfortably under the shade of the trees.

▼在树荫下看上层的无边泳池,泳池与揽江塔之间敷设木平台作为联接,而保留的两棵大树刚好为泳池驳岸遮阳庇荫,viewing the pool from the terrace, the boundless swimming pool on the upper level connects with the Lanjiang Tower by a wooden platform, and two big trees reserved perfectly shade the banks of the swimming pool

▼木制平台远眺,viewing the distance from the wooden terrace


▼晚霞中的泳池,the pool in the sunset glow

▼晚霞中的泳池,游泳池表面使用马賽克,the pool with the mosaic tiles surface in the sunset glow

▼泳池的灯光夜景,仿佛两片星空,night view of the pool and its lights, creating a sense of two starry skies

As a kind of artificial stone that is simple and elegant, the concrete integrates with the natural environment. In the meantime, the solid part of the main building basically presents the beam-column structure system without decoration, which is also a response to the construction logic. The picture of the starry sky, which is constituted by mosaic tiles and loved by all ages, on the surface of the swimming pool echoes the place and theme to create a unique romantic atmosphere. The scene of “flying clouds in the morning and falling rain at dusk” can always be seen on the Fuchun River, making people feel as if they are in the sea of clouds. The scene integrating stars, clouds, mountains and rivers makes the Fuchun Mountain and River even more beautiful.

▼泳池与揽江塔的关系,星云山河交相辉映的画面更增添富春山水秀丽之美,the relationship between the pool and the Lanjiang Tower, the scene integrating stars, clouds, mountains and rivers makes the Fuchun Mountain and River even more beautiful

▼夜景鸟瞰,bird-eye’s view at night

▼夜景鸟瞰,游泳健身休闲中心就像山林里的一页扁舟,bird-eye’s view at night,  the swimming & fitness center is like a leaf-shaped boat floating in the mountain forest

▼泳池夜景半鸟瞰,half bird-eye’s view of the pool at night

▼夜景,从揽江塔远眺,night view from the Lanjiang Tower

▼健身中心平面图,plan of the fitness center

项目名称:星舟—富春江畔的空中泳池 建筑公司:中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院 客户:开元旅业集团 建筑师:陈夏未、柯礼钧、王凯、金拓、虞光洁 项目位置:建德梅城 / Meicheng, Jiande 完工时间:2019.06 总占地面积:300㎡ 建筑面积:300㎡ 摄影:施峥,奥观建筑视觉 施工文件团队:王沛栋,吴建敏,姜铁强,舒伟康 品牌:科勒龙头 / KOHLER,TOTO卫浴 / TOTO,玫瑰马赛克 / ROSE Mosaic

Project name: Star Boat – Overhead Swimming Pool on the Bank of Fuchun River Architect’ Firm: The Desing Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy Of Art CO.,LTD. Owner: New Century Tourism Group Architects: Xiawei Chen, Lijun Ke, Kai Wang, Tuo Jin, Guangjie Yu Project location: Meicheng, Jiande Completion Year: 2019.06 Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 300㎡ Construction Area: 300㎡ Photo credits: Zheng Shi, Aoguan Performance of Architecture Construction Documents Design: Peidong Wang, Jianmin Wu,Tieqiang Jiang,Weikang Shu Brands / Products: KOHLER, TOTO, ROSE Mosaic


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