Bureau A4:“城市阳台”是位于俄罗斯莫斯科市中心的莫斯科河堤上的一个观景平台,在 Balchug 堤坝重建过程中,莫斯科的 Bureau A4 建筑公司负责了该项目的设计和施工。2021 年 9 月,三个观景平台在巴尔丘格岛的 Raushskaya 和 Sofiyskaya 堤岸上落地,每个平台上有九级台阶,可以供游客从不同的角度欣赏市中心的历史景观。
Bureau A4: City Balcony is a viewpoint platform situated on the Moskva River embankment in the very heart of Moscow, Russia. The platform ascends nine stairs and suggests a different perspective on the city center’s historical sights. The project was initiated and established within the Balchug embankments reconstruction development.Bureau A4, originating from Moscow, created the structures and conducted the project from concept to implementation. In September 2021 the three Balconies appeared on Raushskaya and Sofiyskaya Embankments of the Balchug Island.
©Bureau A4
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
We aimed to enhance a visual match with the iconic objects situated on the opposite side of the river, across the Balconies: Moscow Kremlin and Zaryadye Park. When developing the concept, we came across the fact the top views of the Kremlin and the Floating bridge of Zaryadye share a similar feature: they fit in a triangle. Yet the Kremlin Wall faces the river with a side, while the bridge — with an edge. This detail became a starting point that evolved into two balcony typologies: facing water with an edge and with a side.Another difference between the two balcony typologies is in the facade patterns: they emphasize the connection with the place on the opposite river bank.
▼克里姆林宫 The Kremlin
©Dmitry Chebanenko
▼扎里亚耶公园的浮桥 Floating bridge of Zaryadye
©Dmitry Chebanenko
We sought to create a neat and agreeable shape. On the one hand we were restrained by normative regulations of indent from the embankment granite barrier, on the other — we were designing a simple and clear image, which would not disturb one from observing the marvelous views.
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
平台的钢结构表面是带有滚花图案的纤维水泥板,无扶手设计的连排玻璃提供了更好的视觉效果,并增强了结构的浮动性。条形 LED 灯带安装在 U 型金属板外壳上,用于昼夜的隐蔽照明。总的来说,观景平台项目是城市居民与河流互动的一种新方式。
Steel construction of the Balcony is faced with fiber cement boards with milled patterns. Continuous glazing short of a handrail provides for a better scene and emphasizes the floating shape of the structure. An LED strip light is installed in the metal U-profile of the enclosure for concealed architectural lightning in the daytime and in the evening. The City Balconies is a new way of interaction between the citizens and the river.
带有滚花图案的纤维水泥板 Fiber cement boards with milled patterns
©Dmitry Chebanenko
▼无扶手设计的连排玻璃 Continuous glazing short of a handrail
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
▼条形 LED 灯带 LED strip light
©Dmitry Chebanenko
©Dmitry Chebanenko
▼区位图 Site plan
©Bureau A4
▼概念草图 Concept drawing
©Bureau A4
©Bureau A4
▼Sofiyskaya 堤岸平台平面图 Sofiyskaya embankment plan
©Bureau A4
▼Sofiyskaya 堤岸平台剖面图 Sofiyskaya embankment section
©Bureau A4
▼Sofiyskaya 堤岸平台立面图 Sofiyskaya embankment pfacade
©Bureau A4
©Bureau A4
▼Raushskaya 堤岸平台平面图 Raushskayaembankment plan
©Bureau A4
▼Raushskaya 堤岸平台剖面图 Raushskayaembankment section
©Bureau A4
▼Raushskaya 堤岸平台立面图 Raushskaya embankment facade
©Bureau A4
©Bureau A4
▼模型 Model
©Bureau A4
建造年份:2019-2021 年
地点:俄罗斯,莫斯科,巴尔丘格岛,Raushskaya 和 Sofiyskaya 堤岸
面积:3 个平台,每个 17 平方米
设计团队:Sergey Markov, Aleksey Afonichkin, Anastasia Medvedeva, Ekaterina Mezentseva, Olga Bartidinova, Alina Rodionova
图片来源:Dmitry Chebanenko
Project name: City Balconies
Year: 2019-2021
Location: Moscow, Russia. Raushskaya and Sophiyskaya Embankments, Balchug Island
Status: Completed / Concept + Project Documentation + Author’s Supervision
Area:three platforms of 17 sq. m. each
Team: Sergey Markov, Aleksey Afonichkin, Anastasia Medvedeva, Ekaterina Mezentseva, Olga Bartidinova, Alina Rodionova
Photographer:Dmitry Chebanenko
Website: http://en.a4arch.ru/