玳山设计应深圳湾万象城前檐书店和策展团队STUDIO MOVEMENT邀请,在其开幕期间,于书店内的多功能展厅创作空间装置。前檐书店以“新知”和“至美”为起点,西方与东方交汇共生;当代和传统情感共鸣。回应此愿景,装置以流动曲线将羊毛地毯交织而成的“海面”与大小高度各异又相互联系的漂浮“群岛”有机的融合为整体,形成一个独特的景观。
TurtleHill was invited by the ShenZhen Yan Bookshop and the curatorial team Studio Movement to design an installation for the bookshop’s opening ceremony. Has spreading knowledge and beauty as its original intention, Yan Bookshop tries to bridge the western culture and the eastern. As an interpretation of the bookshop’s vision, the installation, named Power of Growth, has a flowing sea made of wool carpet that sits together with various-scale floating moss islands.
▼装置外观,流动曲线将羊毛地毯交织而成的“海面”与大小高度各异又相互联系的漂浮“群岛”有机的融合为整体,exterior view, the installation has a flowing sea made of wool carpet that sits together with various-scale floating moss islands ©️JASON
▼装置局部,悬浮的青苔形成或独立的、或围合的小岛,并使用羊毛地毯作为地面的局部铺设,part of the installation, the floating moss islands could be appreciated separately or integrally, while the wool carpets are used as partial pavement ©️JASON
Moss and wool were chosen as the main materials to create an intimate connection with visitors. In the busy commercial center and the noisy shopping mall, having a quiet space to empty oneself shall be a blessing. Here among the bookshelves, the floating moss islands could be appreciated separately or integrally. Subtle as its meaning is, the installation provides some opportunities on the dialogue between people, space and nature. Doing photosynthesis, the moss generates life force, just as people when they do their readings. Off-white and pure white wool carpets interweave and ripple around islands. Walking in the installation with bare feet, people enjoy the fluffiness and gentleness of the wool.
▼装置局部,读者在其中穿梭,构建与人群、空间和自然对话关系,part of the installation, readers wander through the island, establishing the dialogue between people, space and nature ©️JASON (up) ©LAKITA (down)
▼装置局部,铺设羊毛地毯,为读者创造一个阅读和思考的静谧空间,part of the installation, the fluffiness and gentleness of the wool provide readers with a quiet space to read and think ©LAKITA
▼装置局部,为读者创造一个放空自己的空间,part of the installation, providing readers with a quiet space to empty oneself ©LAKITA
▼装置细部,米白色和纯白色两种羊毛地毯相间交织,details, off-white and pure white wool carpets interweave and ripple around islands ©️JASON
To corporate with the tight construction process and limited site conditions, Power of Growth was designed and installed in a short period. The form was generated by parametric algorithms. Then, it was disassembled into pieces according to materials and construction methods in computer. Later the 3d model files were sent to the factory for numerical control processing and mock-ups. Finally, when the site was ready, the installation was built up by a team of worker and designers in 24 hours.
▼装置生成分析图,form generation diagram
▼轴测分解图,exploded axon
▼分解面板分析图,panel division diagram