Greece 1864 The Sea Boutique Hotel
设计团队:PATSIOS architecture+construction
1864 The Sea Captain’s House,是位于希腊爱琴海奥亚镇上的一个非常棒的精品酒店。该酒店的设计者是PATSIOS architecture+construction团队。1864 The Sea Captain’s House,是古老的奥亚镇上一所最豪华、最原始、最大的船长酒店,从这里人们可以看到巨大的火山口,还有众多的火山岛。其室内设计的目的,是让人能在奢华的体验当中,感受到舒适和放松。
1864 The Sea Captain’s House is a stunning boutique hotel located in Oia, Greece.This, the Cave Suite, was designed by PATSIOS architecture+construction. “1864 The Sea Captain’s House” is sheltered in one of the largest and most luxurious, traditional Captain Houses (kapetanospita) of old Oia having tremendous view of Caldera and the volcano islands.The interior design aims to create a sense of comfort and relaxation as well as a subtle feeling of luxury .
White is chosen as the single and dominant color, allowing the greatest possible diffusion of physical light, while bringing out the distinctive traditional morphology and shapes of the cave house shell. Artificial lighting is designed as integrated as possible to the building elements, complementing the lack of natural light due to the cave-house structure. Additional furniture and objects of design were chosen quite carefully.All these add detail to the old traditional interior of the Captain Houses.
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店外部实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店之门口实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店室内客房实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店室内局部实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店室内一角实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店室内实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店室内浴室实景图
希腊1864 The Sea精品酒店外部夜景实景图