发布时间:2020-04-05 07:21:58 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目位于瓦登海(Wadden Sea)的一个名为Fanø的小岛上。这座独栋住宅从Fanø岛上的长屋住宅中汲取设计灵感,采用细长的造型,模拟了传统建筑将谷仓和居住空间置于同一个连续屋顶之下的形式。此外,为了避免受到岛上超强西风的影响,住宅采用了东西朝向。住宅在形式和细节上较为简单和粗犷,但在功能和材料的使用上又十分细致清晰。总体来说,本项目可以看作是对传统长屋类型的新诠释。

Fanø’s longhouse has been the inspiration for a new single-family house on Fanø an Island in the Wadden Sea. The typology is characterised by its elongated shape where the barn and habitation were traditionally placed under a continuous roof. To protect against the harsh west winds of the island, they are oriented from east to west. They are simple and robust in their detailing and clear in their use and application of materials. The house can be seen as a new interpretation of the traditional long house typology.

▼住宅外观,exterior view of the house ©Hampus Berndtson


The intent of the project is to form a strong relationship with the local context and facilitate the everyday patterns of life within a rich and varied plan. Legibility of typeform is apparent from the scale of the house to the scale of the door handle. Throughout robust, inexpensive materials form a strong, expressive narrative. Each constituent part is exposed and elevated through careful arrangement to make a coherent whole.

▼住宅和周边环境,the house and its context ©Hampus Berndtson


▼住宅外观,采用覆盖着粘土砖的陡峭斜屋顶和温暖的赤土色调,exterior view of the house with a steep pitched roof clad in profiled clay tiles and warm terracotta tone render ©Hampus Berndtson

▼住宅外观近景,橡木框架的玻璃门窗嵌入建筑的外围墙中,close view of the house, large format oak glazing profiles are placed close to the façade ©Hampus Berndtson

Its outer appearance is characterized by a steep pitched roof clad in profiled clay tiles and warm terracotta tone render. Each layer of its composition is revealed and painted to emphasise the composite nature of the construction. Large format oak glazing profiles are placed close to the façade. A deep overhang creates a sheltered space allowing circulation beneath the eaves. Thresholds to the exterior vary in scale depending on aspect. Parts of the house are protected from the strong prevailing winds by a sand and soil dune planted with small pines, marram grass, heather and crowberry.

▼住宅外观,采用双坡屋顶,exterior view of the house with double pitched roofs ©Hampus Berndtson

▼深挑檐创造了一个庇护空间,让住户能在檐下通行,a deep overhang creates a sheltered space allowing circulation beneath the eaves ©Hampus Berndtson

▼屋顶细节,覆盖着粘土砖,details of pitched roof clad in profiled clay tiles ©Hampus Berndtson


▼总平面图,site plan ©lenschow & pihlmann

The spatial layout is arranged around three volumes separated by partitions which stabilize the construction and enclose stairs allowing movement to the upper mezzanine level which houses an office and additional sleeping space. Fixed elements, such as the bathrooms, bedrooms and utility rooms are located within each of the volumes. One of the house’s two living rooms can be used as a conservatory during the summer, an uninsulated ‘external’ space within the plan. The conservatory divides the house into two private parts when guests visit. The plan is flexible allowing different types of accommodation and use according to the season and everyday patterns of life.

▼家庭起居室和上层的生活空间,the living room and the living area on the upper mezzanine level ©Hampus Berndtson

▼家庭起居室,the living room ©Hampus Berndtson

▼夏季可作为温室的起居室,设有大面积的落地窗,the living room that can be used as a conservatory during the summer, with a large floor-to-ceiling window ©Hampus Berndtson

▼住宅室内楼梯,interior stairs of the house ©Hampus Berndtson


▼剖面图,深挑檐和十字交叉横梁限定出每间房间的围合墙体,section, the deep edge and cross bracing beam define the perimeter of each room ©lenschow & pihlmann

The interior is unified by the single symmetrical pitch of the roof. A deep edge and cross bracing beam in laminate veneer lumber defines the perimeter of each room. Structural element, frieze and balustrade it lifts the roof above from the masonry. Below the line of the beam insulating clay blocks separate the space. The blocks are profiled and pale terracotta in colour, joints are narrow giving the walls a delicate, monolithic quality. Power, conduits and controls are made visible. Lighting is suspended or wall mounted. Large sliding doors in coloured mdf close the bathroom and bedroom from view.

▼室内空间局部,partial interior view ©Hampus Berndtson

▼室内空间局部,电源、导管和各种控件都暴露在人们的视野之中,partial interior view, power, conduits and controls are made visible ©Hampus Berndtson

▼梯子可通向上层空间(左),室内墙体细节(右),the ladder leading to the upper floor (left), interior wall details (right) ©Hampus Berndtson

▼由粘土砖构成的室内隔墙细节,粘土砖轮廓清晰,采用浅色的赤土色,彼此之间的缝隙较窄,details of the partitions made of clay blocks, the blocks are profiled and pale terracotta in colour with narrow joints ©Hampus Berndtson


Each architectural element is legible and expressive. Laminate veneer lumber, coarse render, insulating clay blocks, coloured mdf, fibre gypsum board, powder coated steel, soaped spruce plywood and a sand coloured cement screed give the interior a colourful, material quality. Fitted furniture is light and robust. Placed adjacent to the façade, the kitchen consists of two components, a fixed framed element containing the stove and sink painted in iron oxide red with a steel plate work surface. Moveable cabinets in plate steel rest beneath allowing the arrangement to be reconfigured.

▼厨房细节,设有铁锈红色固定框架,details of the kitchen with a  a fixed framed element painted in iron oxide red ©Hampus Berndtson

▼实体模型,the physical model ©lenschow & pihlmann

▼住宅轴测图,axon of the house ©lenschow & pihlmann

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©lenschow & pihlmann

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©lenschow & pihlmann

▼剖面图,section ©lenschow & pihlmann

Year: 2020 Size: 198 sqm Location: Fanø, Denmark Client: Private Type: Single family house Architect: lenschow & pihlmann Photography: Hampus Berndtson


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