On a spring-like golf course, guests need to stop after a game to pick up coffee and wine from their club-wielding hands and sit in a comfortable lounge area. To this end half of the natural and modern elements made a combination.
Trees and glass
We connected the lawn outside with the micro landscape inside, making a combination of the two. To each other, to each other. To achieve a harmonious double vision. The intersection of inner and Outer Vision allows us to be in nature in the interior as well. At the top of the microscape we placed mirrors to interconnect the top and bottom of the landscape, which accentuates our internal and external integration.
Sometimes the clouds and the peaks don't let up
The glass that enters the house we used a kind of square glass, each piece of glass superposes combination it to show the level, regular, transparent. All of these greatly enhance the visual effect of the whole area.
The screen is made of transparent circular glass with grid pattern. It is beautiful and the indoor light can be well illuminated. At the same time filter out too much strong light has reached the indoor light just right. Natural light sources can be used throughout the house without lighting during the day.
Wood and rock
The layout of the top of the Interior we in order to the top of the overall type and the inside and outside of the transfixion type, together with the natural light into the house to make a good adjustment of the internal permeability. So we abandoned the main light and set up a hidden light source.
Top Wall is close to the original wood cut down the use of the wood layout of the entire top, pointed dome also very good to increase its visual effect, so that the top and the wall form a good sense of multiplication.
The ground is irregular pattern of limestone tiles, natural rock surface arrangement we used to the top of the tiles. To form a natural aesthetic.
Modernity and nature
The minimalism of our interior space and its inspiration from nature, coupled with the bar from the modern, the beauty of the collision between the modern and the natural is perfectly blended here
Adhering to the interaction between
man and nature, modern and natural blend. The beauty of nature designed by banjian is a unique modern aesthetic style implied in the artistic conception of nature.