发布时间:2023-03-02 13:01:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

由Provencher_Roy事务所对圣凯瑟琳大街西段的改造现已完工,这条以汽车为中心的古老蒙特利尔街道,如今变身为安全生态的城市慢行中心,同时也彰显了这条老街作为城市主要商业街区的悠久历史。设计通过将原街道的四车道转化为以步行通道为主、仅保留一条单向车道的道路,在De Bleury街和Mansfield街之间创造了一条绵延六个街区的慢行系统,在这里,汽车、自行车、行人享有平等路权,共享城市道路。步行街两侧为历史悠久的百货商店,并将该地区与周围环境融为一体。除此之外,事务所还对菲利普斯广场进行了扩建,为这座城市打造了一处全新的绿色公共枢纽,旨在将蒙特利尔转变为北美最绿色的城市中心。改造后的圣凯瑟琳大街西段将与东部Spectacles街区的再开发以及向西更远街区的更新计划相结合,力求为城市创造出一个有凝聚力的绿色心脏。

Provencher_Roy’s ambitious reimagining of Sainte-Catherine St. West is complete, turning what was a run-down and car-centered stretch of the storied Montréal street into a pedestrian hub that celebrates its history as the city’s main commercial drag. By transforming a four-lane road into a pedestrian-oriented one with a single lane of car traffic, the redesign creates a promenade stretching six blocks between De Bleury and Mansfield Streets where cars, cyclists, and pedestrians share the road. The promenade showcases the historic department stores along the stretch and knits the area into the surroundings. Phillips Square is expanded, making a new, green public hub for the city whose ambition is to transform Montréal into the greenest city center in North America. The new Sainte-Catherine St. West works in tandem with the redevelopment of the Quartier des Spectacles to the east and the planned redevelopment of blocks further to the west to create a cohesive and greener heart for the city.

▼项目概览,overall of the project


Shared Street


The plan eliminates street parking and drastically widens the sidewalks, flipping the proportion of space allocated to cars and pedestrians to turn it into a place for people. The new shared street creates a linear plaza that links the previously disjointed network of squares, monuments, and historic buildings into a cohesive urban landscape. Bronze plates set in the street serve as urban markers, identifying the grand turn-of-the-century department stores and commercial buildings that lend this area its storied heritage.


the plan eliminates street parking and drastically widens the sidewalks


Newly laid pavement features modular paving to mark different spaces and their uses. Ranging from dark grey to light grey, the paving informs pedestrians on the presence of the vehicular lane or the safe pedestrian zone. The changing colours emphasize which zones are exclusively for walking and which are shared with cars and cyclists, creating a safe environment while maintaining a cohesive and unified public space. To complement this, the plan also changes the density of tree plantings, grouping them closer together in quieter areas and spacing them apart in livelier ones. The pattern unifies the entire stretch as a single, cohesive promenade while creating a rhythm of intensity across it. The shared street also promotes sustainable mobility by encouraging walking and cycling, and enhances accessibility regardless of mobility status, allowing this beloved Montréal street to be enjoyed by all.


newly laid pavement features modular paving


New Urban Oasis: Phillips Square

根据1841年的设计规划,菲利普斯广场将作为蒙特利尔市中心的核心组成部分之一。如今的菲利普斯广场则是对英国花园广场的当代诠释,拥有了更加宽阔的人行道、茂盛的植物和开放的视野,建筑环境和周围如画的城市景观被纳入广场之中,使广场在空间感知上得到了进一步的扩展。广场上的爱德华七世纪念碑于1941年由Henry Birks捐赠后建成,设计师在雕塑底端增加了向上的照明,并在雕塑周边添加了一系列城市家具以及可编程操控的水景系统。

The design also recenters Phillips Square as an integral part of the downtown core as envisioned in the 1841 Phillips Plan. A contemporary interpretation of the English Garden Square, the space is newly expanded thanks to wider sidewalks, lush plantings and open sightlines which offer picturesque views over the built environment and surrounding landscape. The monument to Edward VII erected in 1941 after a donation by Henry Birks is showcased with new up lighting, surrounded by integrated urban furniture and a programmable water feature.

▼菲利普斯广场鸟瞰,aerial view of the Phillips Square

▼广场顶视图,top view of the square

▼广场享有良好的绿化与周围历史建筑景观,the square enjoys good landscaping and views of the surrounding historic buildings

以Michel Dallaire为代表的魁北克设计

Celebrating Québécois Design: Michel Dallaire

由著名魁北克工业设计师Michel Dallaire设计的全新城市家具为步道提供了独特的视觉标识,为人们创造出能够放松社交、感受街道活力和历史氛围的休闲场所。Dallaire的作品遍布蒙特利尔大街小巷,包括国际区(Quartier international,中心商务区)和Peel大街,在视觉与审美上,将圣凯瑟琳大街与Ville-Marie区其他地区连接起来。街道中的长椅和自行车停车处的精致栏杆都出自Dallaire之手,这些城市家具使人行道变得更加整洁,同时也改善了人们的步行体验和交通的流动性。

New street furniture by renowned Québécois industrial designer Michel Dallaire lends the promenade a unique visual identity and creates places for people to relax, socialize, and take in the energy and history of the street. Dallaire’s work is present throughout Montréal, including in the Quartier international and Peel Street, tying this area into the rest of the Ville-Marie borough. His sleek and refined designs for the benches and bike parks on Sainte Catherine St. West de-clutter the sidewalks and improve the walking experience and fluidity of movement across the space.

▼爱德华七世纪念碑,the Edwardian Monument

▼由Michel Dallaire设计的全新城市家具,new urban furniture by Michel Dallaire


Greening the City


The redesign drastically increases the greenery in this area, enhancing the pedestrian experience and making for a more sustainable urban realm. The project increases vegetation by 46% and plants 14 times the number of current trees. Provencher_Roy devised a greening strategy that includes five tree varieties chosen for their tolerance to urban pollution, their hardiness, and their resilience, promoting biodiversity while limiting the loss of trees to disease. Along Sainte-Catherine St., generous and continuous planting pits make it possible for trees to grow to their full potential.

▼夜景,night view


At Phillips Square, the existing trees are preserved, and new ones added along the edges help frame the street. To evoke Victorian gardens, lush flowerbeds are juxtaposed against rougher plantings with soft hues in violet, blue, pink and white. The square becomes an oasis of greenery in the city defined by its rough-hewn, naturalistic aesthetic that echoes English garden design. Other sustainability measures include the use of a low-level irrigation system for the flower beds to minimise water demand; the reuse of runoff water; the implementation of a recirculated water system for the water components; the use of locally sourced, highly reflective materials to mitigate heat island effects; and the addition of LED lighting to reduce light pollution.

▼菲利普斯广场改造前后示意图,before and after the renovation of Philippe Square

▼街道改造前后剖面图,street section before and after renovation

Project Data

Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada

Client: City of Montréal

Urban planning: Provencher_Roy

Landscape architecture: Provencher_Roy

Urban furniture: Michel Dallaire

Civil, Mechanical and Structural Engineering: CIMA +


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