The Výčep restaurant is situated in a tenement house in Prague’s Vinohrady. Our aim was to design a traditional Czech pub with a traditional Czech beer and cuisine, but interpreted in the 21st century. We attempted to define typical features of a Czech pub at the beginning of the 20th century and apply them in a contemporary interior. Its setting stone is the “BEER BAR”, which welcomes the visitor straight upon entering. There must be a place at the bar for drinking beer while standing and of course a true larger on tap.
▼入口吧台区域,bar area at the entrance
▼可以边站着聊天边喝啤酒的休闲空间以及一排可以接啤酒的大龙头,a place at the bar for drinking beer while standing and of course a true larger on tap
Here it is the Dalešice beer from the recently renovated historic brewery. Wooden wall panelling used to be a common interior feature, protecting walls from being damaged, as well as parquet floors. As a reference to the wall panelling, the interior uses a green washable paint strip, which winds through the entire space and connects all the walls, which use completely different materials. Oak friezes on the floor are laid in the traditional herringbone pattern. The furniture combines atypical wooden benches and tables and typical TON Banana pub chairs in dark brown.
▼木饰面板被粉刷为绿色、橡木地板以人字形图案拼接,the interior uses a green washable paint strip and the oak friezes on the floor are laid in herringbone pattern
▼绿色涂料将不同材质的墙壁统一起来,the green paint connects all the walls in completely different materials
休闲室是每个酒吧最重要的空间:Vyčep酒吧的休闲室配有独特的吧台椅,顶部的木制的槽格天花板上点缀以霓虹灯灯具。霓虹灯以及从入口处延伸至整个天花板的线形吊灯均由灯光设计团队Vojtěch Kalecky设计。其他的传统玻璃灯具由捷克制造商Osmont提供。
A lounge is every proper pub’s essential part and we couldn’t therefore miss it out in Výčep. There are TON 33 armchairs and a wooden coffered ceiling with a neon light fitting by Vojtěch Kálecký. Vojtěch has also designed the line lights above the tables that stretch from the entrance across the whole restaurant. Other light fittings are glass and of traditional shapes from the Czech manufacturer Osmont.
▼从入口延伸至整个天花板的线形吊灯,the line lights above the tables that stretch from the entrance across the whole restaurant
▼传统玻璃灯具,glass light fittings of traditional shapes
▼木制的槽格天花板上点缀以霓虹灯灯具,a wooden coffered ceiling with a neon light
啤酒吧的入口挂着捷克作家Bohumil Hrabal的照片;以其小说《Postřižiny》为蓝本的同名电影(英文译为《Cutting It Short》)便是在Dalešice啤酒厂里拍摄。Vyčep餐厅不仅拥有迷人的室内风格,其传统的捷克菜肴也吸引着顾客走进并用餐。
The whole beer bar is being overseen by Bohumil Hrabal who is connected with the Dalešice Brewery through his film Postřižiny (Cutting It Short). However, the interior is only the face of Výčep’s main attraction, which is undoubtedly the excellent kitchen. Traditional Czech recipes in a brand new and unexpected way.
▼室内装饰细部,details of the interior decorations
▼平面图,floor plan