发布时间:2022-11-24 02:21:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Today, most immersive art events (such as TeamLab’s exhibitions) are realized completely in closed and dark spaces. The viewer is detached from the real world and loses the perception of physical space and environment. However, does the so-called “immersive” artistic experience have to be confined within a closed space? We want to challenge and explore a new kind of interactivity for this new typology in our design.


由CATS操刀设计的未来棱镜——沉浸式数字艺术展厅,是国内最早的可与周遭现实环境发生互动的沉浸式艺术体验空间——颠覆了该类空间常规的 “黑箱剧场” 形态;通过空间设计与成像技术的协同创新,为观者创造一种虚实结合的全新体验。

Future Prism, designed by CATS, is an immersive art exhibition building, one of the first immersive art experience space in China that interacts with the surrounding urban environment. The combined innovation of design and imaging technology leads to a mixed experience blending the virtual and the real.

▼展厅首层,Ground floor

▼虚实结合的全新体验,A mixed experience blending the virtual and the real


Spilled Facade

“未来棱镜”是CATS打造的又一个 “旧改” 项目,生发于杨浦区厂房旧建筑,转化为一处能充分凸显新锐数字艺术发展的创新展览空间。我们此次提出的特殊挑战是,如何让观者在体验沉浸式数字艺术的同时,依旧与真实环境发生对话。

Future Prism is a second building renovation project realized by CATS. It took place in the old factory building in Yangpu District, transformed into an innovative exhibition space that can fully highlight the development of cutting-edge digital art. Our special challenge this time is how to let viewers experience immersive digital art while still maintaining a dialogue with the actual environment.

▼流动的玻璃,记录的载体,Flowing glass, record carrier


The site is located in Shanghai’s Yangpu District, surrounded by industrial plants and high-density shanty towns that are about to be demolished. The original building is a 150-square-meter boiler room with large windows on the east and west sides, facing a street and an inner courtyard respectively.

▼街道作为建筑的一部分,Street as part of building

▼多重影像的并置,Juxtaposition of multiple figures

▼建筑立面局部,Facade partial view


First of all, we embedded several curved glass interfaces protruding outwards at the position of the windows, as an extension of the interior space of the building. People can really step into these “pockets”, and at the same time experience the digital light and shadow effect, and interact with the street.

▼从室内望向街道,View to the street from the exhibition hall

弧形玻璃界面,Thecurved glass interfaces


These curved glasses are covered with a high-tech holographic film, which not only ensures the transparency of the glass, but also receives a clear projected image. During the day, they perform maximum transparency; at night, they spill the indoor “flowing feast” onto the street; at the same time, they also take the outdoor street lights, pedestrians and other real-world elements into the field of view of the indoor viewers.


Looking at the building from the street, the presentation is deconstructed by wall frames.

夜晚的光影溢出,Light spill at night


Therefore, inside the event space, the audience can experience the virtual and real superposition and interaction of multiple scenes, expanding the sense of depth of the space; while viewing from the outside, they can appreciate the “step-by-step” manner of light and shadow displayed by different window interfaces. Moreover, it leads the mysterious feeling of “peeping a leopard”.


Moving and changing scenes from pedestrians

街道,行人,光影和舞者,Street,pedestrian,light, and dancer


Special Stage


This rectangular space of 6m * 12m has a very simple original layout. We implanted a uniquely shaped stage in it, so that the interior plane echoes the transparent façade, and adds strong dynamic changes. It thus forms a four-dimensional interaction of image, sight, body and environment.


▼左:通过东西两面的开窗生成的路径;右:异形舞台的生成,Left: Path generated by grand windows on the east and west sides;Right: Generation of special stage


First of all, according to the position of the window, we link the viewer’s sight from different angles, and materialize it into a meandering and interesting path on the ground plane.

▼异形舞台空间上连接了建筑、光影和环境,Special stage blends together space, light and environment

▼异形舞台,Thespecial stage


Secondly, we add another level of changes to the scale of the path to guide the viewer to be infected by the virtual image while still mobilizing consciouly in reality. The size of each path varies so to remind visitors to mobilize their bodies. Some paths may seem impassable, but are actually designed with a slightly wider distance than the normal stride. Visitors are encouraged to take big steps or skip, exploring individually ways of interacting with light and shadow and the place.

▼观者与光影和场地互动,Visitors interacting with light and shadow and the place


This “stage” can be used in a variety of modes, for exhibition, performance or social events. In addition to the main stage, the central control room is also arranged on the opposite side of the first floor, and the second floor is a lounge.

▼多变的内容场景,Various scenes of digital content


Pioneering Technology and Digital Art



This time around, we have the opportunity to innovate and explore the paradigm of digital art space, and also take advantage of the on-going innovation of space imaging technology mastered by the team. We envisage the ideal application of digital art in the future, including various cross-media exhibitions and live performances; we also hope that more artists and designers can participate in the field of digital art, so that physical space and digital art can be combined in the ways that people experience more of a new art form, and achieve a more prominent “augmented reality” effect.

The building has now held its first exhibition. Sound artist Ma Shihua brought three audio-visual interactive works of his own to present immersive works through stereo sound field and three-dimensional visual effects.

▼《再声re-sound》展,re-sound Show


Future Prism, its inside and outside, are associated with quiet days and overflowing nights. Perhaps it has refracted the arrival of a more avant-garde future.

幻想溢出的黑夜,Anoverflowing night


▼剖面图1,Section 1

▼剖面图2,Section 2

▼剖面图3,Section 3

项目名称:CATS新作。未来棱镜 – 全透明的沉浸式数字艺术展厅



公司网站:项目设计:2021.9 – 2021.11





摄影版权:樊捷(建筑),朱润资(光影),Ei Force(活动)客户:Ei Force映想力光影社





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