Poland Zoom Natury leisure park
设计团队:Nizio Design International
Zoom Natury休闲公园是波兰第一个交互式的系统的娱乐休闲中心,该公园的设计与建造十分注重对环境及生态的保护。除此之外,该公园拥有六个调节设备,现代化实验室和多媒体演示厅,这些设施的安装与设计都是由波兰首都Warsaw当地的
团队Nizio亲力完成的。该公园占地面积很大,超过10公顷,位于Lublin省Janow Lubelski海湾的沿岸地带。该公园欲在2015年6月12日正式对外开放。
The Zoom Natury Recreational Park is the first interactive scientific and recreational centre in Poland dedicated to the environment and ecology. Its six facilities accommodating, among other things, modern laboratories and multimedia exhibitions were designed by the Warsaw based architectural studio Nizio Design International. Zoom Natury has been built on a site measuring more than 10 hectares on the banks of a bay located in Janow Lubelski in the Lublin province. The official opening of the facility to visitors took place on June 12th, 2015.
The site of the complex combines architecture with ecology and is subordinated to nature. Six architectural facilities are located in the Zoom Natury Recreational Park, including single-storey pavilions, intended for administrative and exhibition purposes, as well as an observation tower and a bridge for cyclists and pedestrians.The culmination of the complex is an 11-metre high education tower.
波兰Zoom Natury休闲公园外部实景图
波兰Zoom Natury休闲公园内部实景图
波兰Zoom Natury休闲公园外部夜景实景图