发布时间:2023-12-17 17:16:49 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Emblematic of a new tertiary world, the Wonder Building revisits the traditional codes of office buildings in a powerful and innovative architectural gesture, offering an exceptional quality of life at work. The Wonder Building is a large-scale project to transform an obsolete former industrial site located in Bagnolet, at the gateway to Paris and along the ring road, into a contemporary office building suitable for the future of the workplace.

▼项目概览,overview of the project ©Stéphane Aboudaram

“Wonder大楼是一个有生命的物体。它被设计成一个人人都能找到自己位置的地方。为了适应新的工作组织方式,我们特别注意确保所有空间都有利于社交活动。除了其标志性的外形之外,Wonder大楼还旨在成为一个新的三重世界的参照物,在这个世界里,生活质量高于一切。”  “Wonder Building is a living object. It has been designed as a place where everyone can find their place. Adapted to new ways of organizing work, we have taken particular care to ensure that all spaces are conducive to conviviality. Beyond its iconic form, WonderBuilding aims to become the reference for a new tertiary world where quality of life takes precedence over everything else.” ——Thomas Coldefy and Isabel Van Haute

▼项目鸟瞰, project birdview ©Stéphane Aboudaram

强大的姿态 A strong gesture


In Bagnolet, facing the capital and the Greater Paris area, the Wonder Building acts as a link between two territories, symbolizing the rebirth of a contemporary and active district in the making.

▼项目周边,surroundings  ©Stéphane Aboudaram


Dynamic and vibrant, its architecture revisits the traditional codes of office buildings. Lines, cut-outs, first-day staircases and diagonals punctuate the facades and spaces, delivering a powerful composition.The long glazed façade with horizontal lines and diagonals follows the peripheral boulevard and creates a new urban signal for the Porte de Bagnolet as much as it shields against the nuisance of the boulevard for its occupants and the inhabitants of Bagnolet.

▼建筑外观,building exterior ©Stéphane Aboudaram


Half of the building’s required egress stairs are placed along the faced, freeing up valuable space for the floor plate at the interior of the plot. The stairs are clearly visible on the façade, slanting alone the horizontal lines of the building.Sometimes exterior, this circulation becomes a vantage point from which to view the city, and creates relaxing spaces that connect the different floors.

▼俯瞰城市的制高点,becomes a vantage point from which to view the city ©Stéphane Aboudaram

露台在林荫大道一侧形成了一种双层表皮,而中央花园则为城市空间带来了清新的气息。U 型建筑的核心是一个向城市开放的中央休闲空间。办公室成为一个向所在社区和城市开放日常空间。

The terraces create a kind of double-skin on the peripheral boulevard side and the central garden brings freshness into the very urban space. At the heart of the building ’s U-shape is a central convivial space open to the city. The offices become an everyday space, open to the neighborhood and the city in which they are located.

▼U 型建筑围合的中央花园,U-shape building enclosed the central garden ©Stéphane Aboudaram

非凡的空间 Exceptional spaces

当你穿过绿树成荫的中央庭院进入大楼内部,自然光的照射强调了室内的简约线条,由Briand & Berthereau studio设计的室内装饰使用了高品质的材料,与室内环境融为一体。

You enter the Wonder Building through the airlock at the heart of the tree-lined patio. The purity of the interior lines is perfectly enhanced by natural light, and the interior fittings, designed by the Briand & Berthereau studio, use noble materials to create a particularly harmonious environment.

▼室内空间,interior space ©Stéphane Aboudaram

▼室内楼梯,interior staircase ©Stéphane Aboudaram

建筑师模糊了各楼层的边界,从而创造出独特的连续空间。该项目的办公室标准高度为 2.90 米,这就为在整个项目中保持这一高度提出了技术挑战。不仅如此,灵活的空间结构使其能够智能地响应每个人的期望和活动。包括创意空间、隔断办公室、开放空间、静音区和共享空间。

Boundaries have been abolished on the floors to create exceptional continuous spaces. Project features a standard office height of 2.90 m, which posed the technical challenge of maintaining this height throughout. Creative spaces, partitioned offices, but also open-spaces, quiet areas and shared spaces: the flexibility of the structure enables it to respond intelligently to the expectations and activities of each individual.

▼电梯间,lift hall ©Stéphane Aboudaram


Unlike service staircases, the staircases placed at the periphery of the building offer a view of the outside and encourage Wonder Building occupants to use them, encouraging physical activity and opportunities for social interaction. Finally, a new horizon emerges from the various planted outdoor terraces. The Wonder Building offers an exceptional panorama of Paris, which also contributes to providing an exceptional working environment.

▼室外露台,outdoor terrace ©Stéphane Aboudaram

良性创新的大楼 A virtuous and innovative building

在项目的每一阶段,建筑师都特别注意对环境的影响,在立面和木结构的设计和建造过程中使用了标准化和预制构件,使施工场地和传统施工场地相比,更为干净快捷,将 3,300 米高度的装配时间缩短至 14 天。预制构件组成的外立面提供了高质量的防水和隔音效果,也使建筑师更好的掌控整体的装饰面层。

At every stage of the project, particular attention was paid to its environmental impact. The building was designed using a standardization and prefabrication process for the facades and timber structure, which enabled a cleaner and faster construction site than a conventional one, reducing the assembly time for a 3,300 m level to 14days. This prefabrication process offers high performance in terms of facade waterproofing and acoustics, as well as better control over the quality of finishes.

▼木结构,outdoor terrace ©Stéphane Aboudaram

在能耗表现上的创新,使该大楼成为低碳建筑的代表。神奇大楼采用了 4450 米长的木结构,与全混凝土建筑相比,不仅节约了自然资源,还减少了 2500 吨二氧化碳排放量。与传统建筑相比,这座代表建筑在整个生命周期内减少了 60% 的碳足迹。

Innovative in terms of energy performance and a model of low-carbon architecture, the Wonder Building is based on a 4450m wooden structure that conserves natural resources and saves 2,500 tonnes of CO2 compared to an all-concrete construction. This exemplary building has reduced its carbon footprint by 60% over its entire life cycle, compared with a conventional building.

▼室内空间,interior space  ©Stéphane Aboudaram

Wonder大楼达到了BREEAM的标准并获得了高质量环境(HQE),低碳建筑(BBCA),Effienergie+ 和 WIRE 标识和WELL最高级别的认证。建筑连接到城市的暖气网络,其中50%的能源都来源于可再生资源。并创造了占地1340m²的室外露台和绿树成荫的庭院,比原先场地新增了20%的户外空间。该项目的能耗表现超过了现行法规的要求。此外,项目还在屋顶安装了 500m²的光伏板,用于生产可再生能源。

The Wonder Building meets the requirements of the BREEAM and Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) certifications, the Bâtiment Bas Carbone (BBCA), Effienergie+ and WIRE labels, and the Gold level of the “WELL” certification. The building is connected to the city’s heating network, which produces over 50% of its energy from renewable sources. It boasts 1,340m²of terraces and a tree-lined patio, and 20% open space, compared with none on the original site. Finally, the project ’s energy performance exceeds the requirements of current regulations. It also includes 500m²  of renewable energy production with photovoltaic panels on the roof.

▼夜景,night view  ©Stéphane Aboudaram

▼夜间街景,night street view  ©Stéphane Aboudaram

▼一层平面,ground floor plan  ©Coldefy

▼五层(标准层)平面,fifth floor(type floor) plan  ©Coldefy

▼西立面,western elevation ©Coldefy

▼东立面,eastern elevation ©Coldefy

▼剖面1,section 1  ©Coldefy

▼剖面2,section 2 ©Coldefy

Project:Wonder Building Place:Bagnolet, France Surface: 27 000m²Net Area Cost:75 M Euro Program: offices, ground floor retail Environmental Certification: BREEAM and Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) certifications, Bâtiment Bas Carbone (BBCA), Effienergie+ and WIRElabels, and Gold level of the “WELL ” certification Winning competition:2016 Delivery: 2022 Client: Novaxia AMO: Builders and Partners Architect: Coldefy Team: Thomas Coldefy, Isabel Van Haute, Marc Franco, Zoltan Neville, Mélanie Quetscher, François Chantier, Lucas Dujardin,Alice Huet, Elisabeth Lara, Blandine Roulet, Augustin Roy-Verger, Long Thang Partners: Briand & Berthereau (Interior designer), Bollinger + Grohmann (Concrete Structure and Façade engineering), Sylva Conseil (Wooden Structure), Projex (MEP), ARP Astrance (Sustainability), Base (Landscape), DAL (Costing), Lamoureux (Acoustics), SPOOMS (Kitchens), Bouygues Construction (General Contractor)


Wonder大楼,法国 / Coldefy&Associates
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