发布时间:2021-01-01 10:56:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目为MAAK space事务所在2020年卢瓦尔河畔肖蒙国际花园节中的参展作品,花园节以“回到地球母亲的怀抱”为主题,汇聚了众多具有先锋意识的景观作品,堪称未来花园的试验场与展览馆,为人们提供了全新的欣赏视角与感官体验。本项目从400项提案中脱颖而出,成为最终在花园节中展出的25个作品之一,并荣获了“最受评审团欢迎(Coup de Coeur)”奖。作品的初衷旨在探讨人与地球母亲的关系,倡导人们更多地亲近自然,伴随着“大地母亲的目光”在林中漫步。

MAAK space entered the Chaumont-sur-Loire international garden festival edition 2020 with the theme ‘’Back to Mother Earth’’. The festival is a laboratory and observatory for gardens in the future, inventing new ways to see and experience the garden. Among the 400 proposals received, MAAK space was selected to realize one of the 25 gardens of the festival, and received the ‘‘Coup de Coeur’’ (favourite of the jury) award with a garden designed to question our relationship to Mother Earth welcoming us to an initiatory promenade ‘’in the eyes of mother earth’’.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Benjamin Lorioux

面对着无限自然之美,MAAK space事务所力图定义出影响自然与世界的因素。对设计师来说,大地母亲象征着无限的慷慨与不妥协的态度。作为人类,我们必须超脱以自我为中心的观点,摒弃人定胜天的思想,在大自然面前保持一个谦卑的态度并怀有敬畏之心。这样,我们就会意识到,人类与自然并不是两个对立面,而是相互平衡,相互影响的。

Faced with so much beauty, we seek to define the forces responsible for nature and the world. This is where the figure of Mother Earth appears, representing both infinite bounty and intransigence. We must move beyond this egocentric view, where earthworks for or against humanity, and regain our place and humility so we can understand that it is not a case of Mother Earth on one side and humans on the other, but rather of balance, a whole of which we are apart.

▼分析图,diagram © MAAK space


This garden offers an opportunity to see through Mother Nature’s eyes and gain a new perspective. It is a long way from the fatalism that sees humanity as dependent on the earth and its generosity but rather reveals their symbiosis. The forest, thick and unlimited, represents lushness, but also the most developed and complete form of vegetation.

▼茂密的垂枝桦林,thick forest of Betula pendula © MAAK space

▼椭圆形的白色石凳散落于园中,oval white stone benches are scattered throughout the garden © MAAK space


Passing through it, you reach a clearing in the middle where you will find an eye. This is where we hope to find the answer to our questions. This eye represents the world, reminding us that Mother Earth is made up of the whole of humanity and ecosystems where everyone plays a part. The sky also appears here, a symbol of the elevation of our conscience. Our reflection brings us back to the present and our belonging to the world.

▼树林中央的空地上的水池, a clearing in the middle of the project © MAAK space

▼水池象征着人与自然的共生关系,The clearing symbolizes the symbiotic relationship between man and nature © MAAK space

▼水中的倒影,the reflection © MAAK space


The move to action is concretized by a crossing of borders of the garden, the domain, the country and the continent. In the manner of birds and other insects, the visitor is invited to spread seeds to diffuse this forest showing thus worthy to mother nature. Biodegradable leaves containing a few messages seeds of Betula pendula (pioneer species, extremely adaptable and resistant) will be available to visitors, ready to be spread across borders.

▼花园边界,borders of the garden © MAAK space

▼树种存放在木制的小房子中,Tree seeds are stored in small wooden houses © MAAK space

▼丰富的草本植物,various herbs and flowers  © MAAK space

园中的主要树种为垂枝桦(Betula pendula),由Van den Berk的苗圃所赞助提供。白桦树林下方的岩石层上还种有两千多株多年生庇荫植物,此外,这些植被的赞助商Lageschaar Vaste Planten也参与到了花园的配植设计中。

The main thing in there plan are the hundred Betula pendula (sponsored by Van den Berk tree nurseries). Underneath the Betula pendula there grows 2000 shady perennials in a layer of lava rock (according to a concept of Lageschaar Vaste Planten, besides sponsor of these plants).

▼效果拼贴图,collage © MAAK space

▼总平面,master plan © MAAK space

▼剖面图,section © MAAK space

Short office name: MAAK space Role in the project: Design and realisation Website: https://maak.space/portfolio-item/chaumont-sur-loire-tuinenfestival/ Other designers involved in the design of landscape (architects and landscape architects): Van den Berk Boomkwekerijen, Lageschaar Vaste Planten Project location: Chaumont-sur-Loire international garden festival Design year: 2019 Year Built: 2020


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