项目位于比利时Mortsel市的“Oude God”公园园区内,新建校区将容纳周边现有的三个城市小学以及幼儿园。项目旨在建设一座可持续发展且经济节能的校园综合体,并提升该校区的文化价值与社会影响力。
The new campus in the ‘Oude God’ park area in Mortsel accommodates the three existing urban primary schools and kindergartens from the immediate vicinity. The new school complex needs to be a sustainable, energy-efficient building offering cultural and social added value.
▼项目远观,viewing the project at distance ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼从入口广场看项目,viewing the project at entrance plaza ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼教学楼沿街立面,facade along the street side ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼面向校区内部公园的立面,facade facing the inner park of the campus ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼木制立面细部,detail of the wooden facade ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
Binst Architects事务所于2005年赢得了新校区设计竞赛。两年后,当地市政议会决定将该项目升级为被动式节能学校,并于2011年,将其纳入DBFM明日校园计划。
The competition for the design project for the new school was won in 2005 by Binst Architects. Two years later, the city council decided to upgrade the design to a passive school, and the project joined the DBFM Schools of Tomorrow programme in 2011.
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing ©BINST ARCHITECTS
The project was built in 2 phases, of which the primary school and sports hall were opened in October 2016 and the kindergarten in November 2017.
▼北侧教学后设有室外运动场,outdoor playground behind the teaching building on the north side ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼从入口广场看内院,viewing the inner court at entrance plaza ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼教学楼入口设有架空的屋顶花园, entrance of the teaching building has a raised roof garden ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼生态屋顶花园,ecological roof garden ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼由屋顶花园看天井游乐场,viewing the patio playground from the roof garden ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼天井游乐场,patio playground ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
The new school accommodates around 650 pupils: 18 primary school classes and 12 kindergarten classes. The school building programme includes 6,345 m², of which 5,287 m² for the schools and 1,058 m² for the sports hall.
▼入口大厅,reception hall ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼走廊设有大量储物空间,corridor with plenty of storage space ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼室内运动馆,indoor sports hall ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼教室,classroom ©BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan ©BINST ARCHITECTS
▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©BINST ARCHITECTS
1. COMMISSION: Project name: Park School (0510 PAMO) Description: Newly built Campus Oude God with nursery and primary school with sports hall (According to passive standard for 650 pupils in existing park master plan) Client: DBFM Scholen van Morgen nv School board: Stad Mortsel Site: Site Oude God Mechelsesteenweg, Lusthovenlaan B – 2640 Mortsel 2. TEAM: Architects: BINST ARCHITECTS nv Partner(s): TV Thiers – Dujardin Landschapsarchitecten (Environmental construction) Project Architect: Evi van Schooneveld / Thomas Cornelis Interior Designer: Wim Heyninck 3. ENGINEERS: Stability: VK Engineering nv Techniques: VK Engineering nv Infrastructure: VK Engineering nv Acoustic advice: D2S International nv EPB / PASSIVE: VK Engineering nv Safety coordination: Probam 4. CONTRACTORS: Main contractor: Vanderstraeten nv 5. PROGRESSION: Contest design: 18.04.2005 Start date design: 01.02.2012 Start of execution: Phase 1: 16.05.2015, Phase 2: 16.10.2016 Provisional acceptance: Phase 1: 19.10.2016, Phase 2: 19.11.2017 Final acceptance: Phase 1: 19.10.2017, Phase 2: 19.11.2019 6. SURFACES: Terrain surface: 16,400 m² Total area: 6,345 m² Environmental construction: 4,172 m² School building: 5,287 m² Sport halls: 1,058 m² Covered playground: 771 m² Open playground: 2,901 m² Bicycle depot: 556 m² 7. IMAGERY: 3D visualizations: BINST ARCHITECTS Photos construction site: BINST ARCHITECTS Photos final: BINST ARCHITECTS (BAR), VK Engineering