发布时间:2018-12-20 02:35:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Casagrande Laboratory:  “大力助手(The Great Assistant )”是座充满正面能量富含生机的公共艺术作品,外型结合芬兰雪人和日式盆栽雅致表现,蕴涵中华文化对风水冀求,内隐石敢当于巷陌桥道之冲化解煞气,镇百鬼压灾殃。“大力助手”以木为首,石为身,铜为立座。臂膀则植上树作为手臂,随日光转换季节与年岁的更迭,大力助手顶天立地按照时序转换模样,生生不息为街景带来流动风光,祈愿宅邸福百姓康。

Casagrande Laboratory:  The Great Assistant is a Feng Shui snowman protecting the newly built Jut Complex area from the evil dragon winds generated by the nearby elevated highway crossing.The Great Assistant is a combination of these three materials: lower body out of bronze, natural Andesite stone in the middle section and the head hand carved out by the red ironwood tree. The stone and bronze parts are partly hollow contains a complete irrigation system and filled with top soil, so that the two octopus bush, the hands of the snowman, can properly grow roots through the structure and into the original soil.

开发商在项目开发前通过当地的风水大师了解到,他们在施工过程中会受到来自繁忙的高速公路交界处恶劣风水的影响, 如果任其发生,会影响他们出售新公寓。 因此大师建议在场地内引入一个具有恰当属性,且能对抗恶劣风水能量场的新元素,并建议使用木材、天然石材和青铜来打造这个元素。

After negotiating with a local Feng Shui Master the JUT Developers came to understand, that their construction process was threatened by bad Feng Shui from the direction of a busy and stressed highway junction. If this would happen, they would not be able to sell the new apartments. The Master advised, that a new element should be invited to the theatre. An element, which would have the right composition of materials and which would create a suitable energetic aura to counter the threat of the dragon wind. Wood and natural stone were suggested to be used, and after some negotiating bronze was accepted as a suitable metal.


When we proposed the first sketches of the Great Assistant to the construction experts of the JUT Developers, they were shocked. But the Feng Shui Master advised that the Great Assistant is perfect. He could protect the new development from the dragon wind, and so the Great Assistant had to be built.

▼雪人手绘图 sketch


The Great Assistant has successfully stopped the bad Feng Shui with ease. His hands are growing and his power is steady. People in the newly built area are happy and the Great Assistant has become a must-see destination in Taipei for proper selfies, blessed with good Feng Shui.

项目名称:  大力助手

项目类型:  艺术雕塑

设计公司:  Casagrande Laboratory

建筑师:  Marco Casagrande

专案经理:  巫祈麟

客户:  忠泰集团

项目位置:  台北台湾

尺寸:  高6 m, 宽 2.5 m

材料:  天然石、青铜、木、树

设计团队:  蔡明辉、陈右升、邱郁晨

图片:  陈又维、林宜珍、蔡明辉

完成年份:  2017年

Project name:  The Great Assistant

Project type:  Art Sculpture

Designer:  Casagrande Laboratory

Author:  Marco Casagrande

Project Manager:  Nikita Wu

Client:  JUT Land Development Group

Location:  Taipei, Taiwan

Dimension:  height 6 m, width 2,5 m

Materials:  natural stone, bronze, wood, trees

Casagrande Laboratory team:  AdDa Zei, Frank Chen, Yu-Chen Chiu

Photography:  You-Wei Chen, Lea Yi-Chan Lin, AdDa Zei

Completed:  2017


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