发布时间:2018-06-26 06:37:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

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In this city, people are struggling for surviving, but the braves are chasing their dreams and loves.

▼空间内景,interior view


Invited by the Chinese space design and renovation TV program“Change your life”, TOPOS DESIGN CLANS designed an unique home art studio,which is an artland making life better. The site is a rental apartment with 80 square meters, located in a high-rise building on Fengyang Road, where is the old downtown of Shanghai. TOPOS DESIGN CLANS believes in the philosophy of realistic Utopia, we create good in the real world. It is a space design and renovation about life and art, and also a prototype study of new lifestyle.


男主人Seven ,热爱绘画,职业画家;女主人Jackie,热爱生活,职业白领。在遇到对方之前,他俩分别养了一只牧羊犬,因此相识而相恋。改造前,一家“四口”住在租来的房子里。为了满足Seven的绘画事业,画室的空间挤压了基本的生活,现状杂乱不堪,危机四伏。简单而言,即是“生活不在,艺术不存”。在改造方案的设计中,男女主人分别提出了关爱对方而又截然不同的设计诉求:Seven希望为Jackie提供一个温暖有爱的生活空间;Jackie希望为Seven提供一个自由创作的画室空间。我们认为生活与艺术并不矛盾,艺术可以让生活充满仪式感,优雅而不将就。

Seven is a painter, Jackie is his wife. Before getting married, they both had a shepherd dog. The family of four lived in a rented apartment. The painting space occupied every corners in the apartment, with full of chaos and dangers. In short, there was neither life nor art in their previous home. Loving and caring for each other, they had different and thoughtful design requirements for the renovation: Seven hopes to provide a warm and loving living space for Jackie; Jackie wants to provide a free and open studio space for Seven. We believe that life and art are actually not conflict, instead, art can make life elegant and delicate, with full of rituality.


Thinking out of the box, we suppose the new living room is an unusual type of space , which is a container of life and art. In the terms of colors, living room is temperately organized with simple black and white. It is like a three-dimensional canvas, with the life as the color on it. The grey ceramic tiles are used for the floor coverings, which are easy to be cleaned, and the original texture feels raw but real. There hangs a whole surface of luminous ceiling, covered with three pieces of full-length PVC membrane. The luminous ceiling provides three types of lighting modes, respectively, for painting, exhibition and living.

▼使用了非常克制的黑灰白色调,in the terms of colors, living room is temperately organized with simple black and white


In the corner space beside the entrance, there is a group of storage cabinets. After investigating the painter’s working behaviors, we categorized his drawing tools in different cabinets according to their sizes and uses. Among the cabinets, there hides a movable partition with two-meter width, which can be a display wall for gallery.

▼在柜体中隐藏了一堵2m宽的可移动墙体,among the cabinets, there hides a movable partition with two-meter width


The balcony becomes a mini full functional Life center. With full of sunlight, Jackie lying on the couch, Seven painting on the canvas, it is just like a fascinating colorful painting. There are several types of storage cabinets on the both sides of the new studio: the peg board for model kits, the bookcase below the window, and the corner cabinets for large paintings. And furthermore, we customized a multi-functional large table, which is not only for handcrafting, but also for dinner parties.On the right side of the entryway,there is a small golden niche,which is for the keys and the dog chains; on the other side, there is a shoe cabinet, which can be pulled out.

▼改造后的工作室两侧设置了不同的收纳柜体,there are several types of storage cabinets on the both sides of the new studio

▼工作室可供DIY的洞洞板墙,the peg board for model kits

▼玄关空间的右手边特别设置了一个金色的壁龛,左手边是一处可推拉的收纳柜,根据不同类型的鞋子和雨具尺寸设计了不同的分割,on the right side of the entryway,there is a small golden niche,which is for the keys and the dog chains; on the other side, there is a shoe cabinet, which can be pulled out

我们特别给两条狗狗特别设计了一个金色的狗窝。狗窝的主立面是一堵根据两条狗狗的合影而创作的抽象画墙,通过不同大小的空洞来暗示狗窝空间。 狗窝有不同大小的内嵌空间,除了供两条小狗休息,还可以放置男主人不同的装置艺术品。公共走道延续了狗窝金色的材料,同样也是画廊空间的延伸。公共走道有三扇隐蔽的暗门,暗门的后面是三个用色大胆,功能齐备的生活空间。

In the center of this apartment, there is a golden kennel for two dogs. The main façade of the kennel is an abstract pixelised drawing wall created from the portrait of them. The golden kennel has different sizes of embedded space, not just for the two puppies ’living, but also for placing different sizes of art installations. The corridor continues using the golden plates, which becomes an extension of the gallery. There are three hidden doors in this folding corridor, covering three colorful private rooms.

▼狗窝的主立面是一堵根据两条狗狗的合影而创作的抽象画墙,the main façade of the kennel is an abstract pixelised drawing wall created from the portrait of them

▼狗窝有不同大小的内嵌空间,除了供两条小狗休息,还可以放置男主人不同的装置艺术品,the golden kennel has different sizes of embedded space, not just for the two puppies ’living, but also for placing different sizes of art installations

▼公共走道延续了狗窝金色的材料,the corridor continues using the golden plates


Three private rooms are the essential part of the fundamental life, better with minimal forms to present. First of all, the theme color of the restroom is jungle green, using green handmade tiles on the wall. The pink toilet becomes a bright spot in this poky space.Secondary, the theme color of the kitchen is lake blue in various degrees. The yellow cushions and the yellow lamp make a perfect dating place.The last but not least, the bedroom is decorated with the pink painting on the wall, with two windows facing east and south. With Seven’s painting of pink on the wall, the bedroom is full of romance and love.

▼卧室墙体是象征爱的粉色,家具以原木为主材,the bedroom is decorated with the pink painting on the wall

▼厨房的整体色调是镜湖蓝,the theme color of the kitchen is lake blue in various degrees

▼卫生间的整体色调是丛林绿, the theme color of the restroom is jungle green


Seven said: “The future is pink, and pink is love.”Our graphic designer Suzy designed a pink household logo, displayed by projecting shadow on the wall.7 is Seven’s lucky number, 11 is Jackie’s nickname, and this is the manifesto of their love. In the end of this TV program, the design team decided to sponsor a private art exhibition for Seven and Jackie. When Seven’s paintings were appreciated and complimented, Jackie was so happy and excited. At that moment, the humanity and the warmth is shining in their new home.

▼粉色的入户标识,通过投射在墙壁上的影子显示图案,Suzy designed a pink household logo, displayed by projecting shadow on the wall


Life is hard, but we never forget dreams and loves. The meaning of design is to make life better.



项目信息: 项目名称:画室里的家 项目业主:Seven,Jackie 项目规模:室内使用面积80平方米 设计时间:2018年3月 施工时间:2018年4月 项目策划及拍摄:东方卫视 《美好生活家》栏目组 设计单位:TOPOS DESIGN 主持建筑师:林晨 项目建筑师:吕杰 设计团队:吕杰,朱剑鸣,卢丽媛 灯光顾问:王子路 设备顾问:王必虎 视觉顾问:秀子 软装陈列:秀子,卢丽媛 软装品牌:吱音(家具),造作(配饰) 瓷砖品牌:古早实业 开关与商照灯具:公牛 厨房设备:林内 施工单位:上海渊横建筑工程有限公司 建筑摄影:清筑影像(艾青,吴鉴泉)

Project Information Project Name: ARTLAND IN SHANGHAI Project Clients:Seven,Jackie Project Area:80 m2 Design Period:2018.03 Construction Period:2018.04 Architect Firm:TOPOS DESIGN Principle Architect:LIN Chen Design Team:LV Jie, ZHU Jianming, LU Liyuan Lighting Consultant:WANG Zilu MEP Engineering:WANG Bihu Graphic Consultant:Suzy ZHANG Decoration:Suzy ZHANG, LU Liyuan Furniture Brand:ZIINLIFE Tile Brand:GOZO Switch Brand:GONGNIU Kitchen Brand:RINNAI Construction Firm:YUANHENG Decoration Photographer:CreatAR Images(AI Qing,WU Jianquan)


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