▼餐厅概览,overall view of the restaurant ©Simone Bossi
As the project takes place into an 1850s carpentry, the main focus is to showcase the qualities of the existing building; a remarkable construction for its volume and materials. The layout places the open-plan kitchen at the heart of the space, standing against an opaque mass hosting the washing station and the toilets.
▼轴测图,axonometric ©nara.
These spaces standing apart from the existing walls structure the large and open public space of the restaurant into subspaces, following a simple hierarchy: entrance, lounge, dining area.
▼从入口看向休息区,view to the lounge from the entrance ©Simone Bossi
▼休息区连接办公区的通道 pass-way connecting the longe and the office ©Simone Bossi
▼入口另一侧的就餐区,dining area on the other side of the entrance ©Simone Bossi
▼开放厨房,open kitchen ©Simone Bossi
▼吧台,bar ©Simone Bossi
▼由粉色墙面围合的卫生间和镜面吊顶 toilet enclosed by pink walls and suspended ceiling made of mirrored material ©Simone Bossi
The use of stretched felt on the walls, up to two meters high, maintains a visual continuity of the carpeted floor while ensuring high-performance thermal and acoustic insulation.
▼墙壁覆盖拉伸毛毡 stretched felt used on the wall ©Simone Bossi
The higher part of the walls and the underside of the ceiling are simply cleaned and left in their original state as a testimony of the authenticity of the place.
▼墙壁上方和天花维持原样 the higher part of the wall and the ceiling are remained in their original state ©Simone Bossi
▼木结构细部 details of the wooden structure ©Simone Bossi
▼餐厅外观 external view of the restaurant ©Simone Bossi
▼外墙细部 closer view to the external walls ©Simone Bossi
▼区位分析,location ©nara.
▼平面图,plan ©nara.
▼剖面图,sections ©nara.
Location: BARR, FRANCE Architects: nara. Area: 200 m² Year: 2021 Photographs: Simone Bossi Structural Engineer: J2G