卫武营艺术文化中心准艺术总监简文彬、负责设计卫武营的荷兰麦肯诺(Mecanoo)建筑师事务所创办人法兰馨·侯班(Francine Houben)也亲临现场,分别向国际宣传台湾的表演艺术环境及文创产业、卫武营的设计理念。
As the largest cultural construction project built in Taiwan in the last 40 years, Weiwuying Arts Center will officially open to public in October 2018.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
Weiwuying is Taiwan’s most significant cultural project since the eighties, featuring the most modern theater technology. It transformed from its historical military training base to an arts base present day with the mission to drive arts development in the southern Taiwan region.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
孕育本土艺术人才,结合在地与国际艺术交流合作 | Connecting local and global talents
Weiwuying’s superb location and rich history signify its mission of bridging the past with the future, connecting local and global talents. Designed by Dutch architect Francine Houben, Weiwuying sits in the northeast corner of a vast lush park. Transformed from a military training base to an arts and culture center of the future, Weiwuying continues its heritage of talent fostering and civil service. As it becomes one of the pivotal theatre complexes in the arts. Weiwuying hopes to bring forth new experiences and life-changing moments that make the arts special to everyone.
▼音乐厅,concert hall © Iwan Baan
卫武营巨大榕树意象 邀全球表演者观众来坐 | A project inspired by the local Banyan trees
卫武营过去曾是军事训练中心,2003年正式变更为都会公园用地,并于2010年正式开放,园区内种满榕树,在卫武营的榕树下活动,是高雄人熟悉的生活记忆。法兰馨.侯班(Francine Houben)以榕树意象发想设计,屋顶下除了不同规格的专业表演厅院,也规划能24小时自由走动的榕树广场,希望民众能像从前在卫武营的榕树下般自在地活动。
Weiwuying was once a major international harbour, which later be used as a public park since 2003. Surrounded by an extravagance of lush green vegetation, the building exterior takes of graceful curvatures built in collaboration with Kaohsiung’s own shipmaking industry. The large canopy signifying banyan tree crowns glides to the ground in a smooth curve, blending seamlessly into the surrounding environment. People from close and afar can access the building freely, creating an intimacy between theatre and life.
▼榕树广场,Banyan plaza
卫武营是全台最大艺文场馆,也是全亚洲最大单一剧院建筑体。法兰馨·侯班(Francine Houben)今表示,这是麦肯诺(Mecanoo)最具雄心壮志的建筑之一,当初受到卫武营榕树群的启发,创造出由独特的钢表皮屋顶打造而成的巨大流线型建筑,我们希望为台湾提供一个旗舰型文化场域,吸引来自世界各地的表演者和观众。
Weiwuying is one of the most ambitious projects that Mecanoo had ever built. Leading up to Weiwuying’s official opening, festivals, performances and events are already vibrant and happening on its adjacent compounds and outdoor areas. Weiwuying works to establish partnerships and collaborations with local and international organizations.
▼室内空间,interior view
▼屋顶细部,roof detailed view
▼外观细部,exterior detailed view
▼夜景,night view © Iwan Baan
Size: 141,000 m2
Status: Ongoing
Project Design: 2007 – 2009
Project Realisation: 2009 – 2018
Address: Zhōngzhèng 1st Rd 7, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Client: Ministry of Culture (MoC)