Going East was asked to give this space a whole new life and design it from scratch. Because one of the owners had a past in landscape architecture, Michiel and Anaïs had immediately a very specific idea to transform it. It had to look like a very natural, calm place. Where you have a good mix between outdoor and indoor elements. The wooden structure in the middle they designed as a bridge going from the “inside”, the heart where the kitchen is, to the outside where you can find the work area.
▼办公区和会议区,office and meeting area
The brick wall is one of the key elements there. They add the outdoor feeling and the playful element within the space.
▼砖墙带来户外感,the brick wall add the outdoor feeling
▼工作台细部,working area detailed view
The kitchen had to feel like a warm but again clean environment, so they choice for a warm wood was made. On top limestone to make the balance between the materials.
Going east was committed to translate the clients vision in creating a space of positive influence, both inside and out. A space that enriches daily life, and place that respond to it’s context and are a true reflection not only of the place but also of the owners. A true pleasure to design.
▼连接“内部”与“外部”的走廊,the bridge going from the “inside” to the “outside”
▼砖墙,brick wall