发布时间:2019-07-15 14:59:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

近日,由建筑事务所Studio David Thulstrup设计完成的 Wulff & Konstali咖啡馆(Wulff & Konstali Food Shop)的新店在哥本哈根落成。在该咖啡馆的室内设计中,设计团队采用了清新的斯堪的纳维亚风格(Scandinavian),不仅为人们提供了一个可以安心享用早午餐的用餐环境,也提供打包外带服务。这个全新的空间位于Nørrebro区的Skt. Hans Torv的一座历史建筑内,最多可容纳50人同时在店内用餐,同时,用餐空间还向室外延伸,在著名的广场上也设有80个座位。

Studio David Thulstrup has designed the latest Copenhagen outlet for Wulff & Konstali Food Shop bringing a fresh Scandinavian vibe to diner style décor for the eat-in brunch and takeaway food spot. The new space is in a historic building on Skt. Hans Torv in Nørrebro with room for 50 inside and 80 seats on the famous square outside.

“我希望这间咖啡馆能够呈现出一种传统的餐车式简便餐厅的用餐环境,但与传统略有不同的是,咖啡馆内部采用清新的颜色和干净的饰面,从而带给用餐者一种仿佛置身于面包店或是厨房中的感受,”位于哥本哈根的建筑事务所Studio David Thulstrup的负责人David Thulstrup这样说道。

“I wanted to do something in the style of a classic diner but sharpened up with fresh colours and clean surfaces that makes you feel almost as if you are sitting in a bakery or a kitchen,” says David Thulstrup, principal of the Copenhagen-based Studio David Thulstrup.

▼咖啡馆外观,exterior view of the food shop ©Irina Boersma


Previously an old-style bodega, the space was stripped back and reconfigured to combine built-in banquette style seating with a welcoming front counter where bread and takeaway food is displayed in glass and metal display cases and open shelves.

“Wulff & Konstali以其美味的早午餐和价格实惠的外卖简餐而闻名,所以,即使有些食物和面包是在别的地方制作的,我也依旧想创造一种美食体验,给人一种所有的食物都是在店里制作完成的感觉。”

“Wulff & Konstali is renowned for its brunches and well-priced simple takeaway food and, even though some of the food and bread is baked elsewhere I wanted to create a food experience that felt as if everything was made there.”

▼咖啡馆前台空间,设置一个由玻璃和金属打造而成的展柜和一系列开放式展架,以展示店内的面包和可外带的食物,the welcoming front counter where bread and takeaway food is displayed in glass and metal display cases and open shelves ©Irina Boersma

这是Wulff & Konstali的第四间店铺,店主Agnete Maria Wulff和Poul Wulff这样说道:“我们希望这家Wulff & Konstali的新店能够为顾客提供一个充满城市氛围和动感的用餐环境,从而让他们体会到Sankt Hans Torv当地的生活环境和活力。同时,我们也希望这家咖啡馆能够创造一种友好的当地氛围,从而吸引顾客走进店里,将他们引向柜台,然后让他们怀着期待的心情买下某些食物。”

It’s the fourth shop for Wulff & Konstali and owners Agnete Maria Wulff & Poul Wulff say, “We hope the new Wulff & Konstali will become an urban and dynamic experience which draws from the local life and energy of Sankt Hans Torv. We wanted the café to have a friendly, local vibe and include our customers in their purchase by inviting them closer to the counter.”

▼咖啡馆前台局部,开放式展架既可以展示面包,又可以放置餐具,partial view of the front counter, open shelves can display food and place tablewares ©Irina Boersma

▼咖啡馆前台局部,浅蓝色亮面瓷砖墙面上覆有由金属板打造而成的菜单,partial view of the front counter, metallic menu is attached to the wall surface covered by pale eggshell blue glazed tiles ©Irina Boersma

▼咖啡馆的操作区,the kitchen area of the food shop ©Irina Boersma


Walls are lined in pale eggshell blue glazed tiles, which are offset by chocolate brown matt tiles on the floors. A light pale grey acoustic sprayed textured ceiling is a soft foil for the brightness of the wall tiles and absorbs the noise of the bustling café. White neon tubes, slightly curved to evoke the shape of outdoor market awnings are suspended on steel pipes from the ceiling.


“Doing custom lighting like this, has become really important for us and I think these neon tubes unify the space as well as add a touch of whimsy to the strong lines of the tiles,” says Thulstrup.

▼室内用餐空间,墙面采用浅蓝色釉面瓷砖贴面,与地板上巧克力褐色的亚光砖相互平衡、相辅相成,the interior dining space with walls lined in pale eggshell blue glazed tiles, which are offset by chocolate brown matt tiles on the floors ©Irina Boersma

▼室内用餐空间,白色的霓虹灯管略微弯曲,通过细细的钢管悬挂在天花板上,the interior dining space, the slightly curved white neon tubes are suspended on steel pipes from the ceiling ©Irina Boersma

为了赋予空间一种精致的手工艺感,David Thulstrup特意从哥本哈根的制造商File Under Pop处定制了一系列具有深棕色斑点的浅米黄色釉面火山石台面,而由镀锌钢管打造而成的桌腿则具有一种工业感,与桌面形成了鲜明的对比。其他的设计元素还包括由天然山毛榉木材打造而成的Ton chair 14椅子、来自SCP的由天然白蜡树木材打造而成的Ulrik吧台高脚凳、深棕色皮革的长椅和一系列盆栽植物等。

To bring a sense of craft to the room, David Thulstrup commissioned glazed lava stone tabletops in light beige with dark brown spots from Copenhagen-based File Under Pop, adding a custom-made table leg in galvanised steel as an industrial contrast. Other design elements include the Ton chair 14 in natural beech, Ulrik bar stool by SCP in natural ash, dark brown leather-covered banquettes and a lot of pot plants.

▼窗边用餐空间,设置由天然白蜡树木材打造而成的Ulrik吧台高脚凳,the window dining space with Ulrik bar stool in natural ash ©Irina Boersma

▼窗边用餐空间细节,details of the window dining space ©Irina Boersma

“这是一个干净清新的用餐环境,没有任何多余的元素,我相信,它必将是一个深受大家欢迎的咖啡馆,”Thulstrup说道。而在室外广场上,蓝绿色、雪松色和黄褐色的升级版经典Fermob ‘Bistro Metall’折叠椅也给空间带去了些许流行的活力。

“It’s fresh and clean without being antiseptic and I think it will be an extremely popular place,” says Thulstrup. On the square outside, updated versions of the classic Fermob ‘Bistro Metall’ folding chairs in shades of turquoise, cedar and russet brown animate the popular haunt.

▼浅蓝色釉面瓷砖墙面细节,details of the walls lined in pale eggshell blue glazed tiles ©Irina Boersma


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