发布时间:2020-10-19 00:16:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目是西南市区人行天桥,将成为连接America the Beautiful Park公园和科罗拉多泉市中心的人行通道。

The Southwest Downtown Pedestrian Bridge will serve as a pedestrian gateway connecting America the Beautiful Park with downtown Colorado Springs.

▼鸟瞰,桥分段运至现场,aerial view,the bridge was delivered to the site in sections © Jason

该项目持续了几十年,通过将Vermijo大道的东西轴线延伸至America the Beautiful Park公园,重新连接了科罗拉多泉的城市肌理。此外,还连接了不断发展的人行步道与自行车道系统,包括派克峰绿道和沿着Monument溪谷的Midland步道。

By extending the east-west axis of Vermijo Avenue to the America the Beautiful Park, the new pedestrian bridge reconnects the urban fabric of downtown Colorado Springs, a plan that has been in development for decades. The bridge also stitches together a growing network of pedestrian bicycle paths including the Pikes Peak Greenway and Midland Trail running alongside Monument Creek.

▼总平,site plan © DS + R

▼场地俯视,site overlooking © Jason

预制桥梁由King Fabrication公司在得克萨斯州的休斯顿组装,并于2020年5月进行了全面装配,以确保结构的连续性。6月,该桥分段运送至科罗拉多泉,在铁路旁组装焊接,并装配混凝土路面、护栏和其他饰面。台基上的结构重达300吨,由自推式载重运输车安装,用时8小时,以尽量减少铁路在秋季的停运时间。

The prefabricated bridge was assembled by King Fabrication in Houston, Texas and a full fit up was conducted in May 2020 to ensure a continuous geometry. In June 2020, the bridge was delivered to Colorado Springs in sections and assembled and welded together on the ground adjacent to the rail yard and fit out with a concrete walking surface, parapets, and architectural finishes. The entire 300- ton superstructure will be driven into place using self-propelled modular transporters to place the entire bridge on its abutments during an eight-hour window of time, to minimize outage for the rail lines and yard in fall 2020.

▼风洞试验与制作,wind testing and fabrication © Arup

▼组装,assemble © Dan Oldfield

该项目由比邻的国家奥林匹克与残奥会博物馆的设计团队设计,灵感来自运动员的反重力运动,250英尺(76.2米)高的弯曲钢结构架在铁轨上。两个紧扣的环形结构从铁路两侧向中间延伸,连接博物馆和公园。DS+R主管合伙人兼首席设计师Benjamin Gilmartin指出:“这座桥是材料和几何结构的双重试验,混合钢结构体系起着拱和桁架的作用,优雅地保留了市中心到落基山脉的壮丽景色。”

Designed by the same team as the adjacent U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum complex, the new pedestrian bridge takes its inspiration from the gravity-defying motion of athletes, with a 250-foot curved steel structure that °oats above the railyard. Two interlocked loops, stretching from either side of the railyard, connect the museum and the park. DS+R Partner-in-Charge and Lead Designer Benjamin Gilmartin noted, “The bridge is an exercise in ÿtness – both in terms of material and geometry. The hybrid steel structure system functions as an arch and a truss, elegantly preserving views from Downtown to the majestic mountain ranges of the Colorado Rockies.”

▼鸟瞰,aerial view © DS + R

▼两个紧扣的环形结构从铁路两侧向中间延伸,连接博物馆和公园,two interlocked loops stretching from either side of the railyard, connect the museum and the park © DS + R

▼从博物馆一侧看向桥,view from the museum to the bridge © DS + R


The bridge’s generous width safely accommodates people of all ages and abilities, on both bikes and on foot to enjoy a view to as well as access by stair and a glass elevator at its widest point, an oculus at either side of the bridge frames the museum and downtown to the east, or a platform for train spotting below and a distinct look out to Pikes Peak-America’s Mountain to the west.

▼桥面十分宽阔,可以容纳人们安全活动,the bridge’s generous width safely accommodates people of all ages and abilities © DS + R


In the evenings, lighting along the bridge will trace a single vector from one side of the tracks to the other, giving a sense of speed and motion while providing illumination for pedestrians and cyclists.

▼夜景,night view © DS + R

Design Architects: Diller Scoÿdio + Renfro Executive Architect: Anderson Mason Dale Architects Structural Engineer: ARUP Structural Engineer (Bridge Abutments): KL&A Railroad Consultant: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig Steel Fabricator: KING Fabrication General Contractor: Kiewit Construction Lighting: Tillotson Design Railroad Consultant: FUHueng Onsite Inspector: Terracon


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