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NUA Arquitectures

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该住宅位于萨洛郊区的城市化地段,萨洛郊区围绕着公园前1世纪的Villa Romana de Barenys考古公园而建,这里曾生产用于建造和制作双耳瓶的陶瓷,从而将塔拉戈纳葡萄酒出口至帝国的不同区域。

“It couldn’t have been much different in Ur 5,000 years ago: the same painstakingly created bricks … the same spaces around a courtyard, the same walls, the same transition from light to dark, the same cold after heat, the same same starry nights, same fears, same dreams …” —Aldo van Eyck

The house is located in an urbanization on the outskirts of Salou that is articulated around the Archaeological Park of Villa Romana de Barenys, a building from the 1st century BC. destined to the production of ceramics for the construction and the elaboration of amphorae, used to export Tarragona wine to different parts of the Empire.

▼项目概览,general view ©Adrià Goula

该住宅可以用一句话概括:将自己封闭在最亲密的环境中。这里是不具典型特征的普通场所,也是为玛丽亚·何塞(María José)建造的亲切而宜人的居住地,玛丽亚·何塞是具有安达卢西亚血统的女性,希望在可以唤起童年记忆的新房子里享受退休生活。为了延续庭院文化和地中海气候下的生活方式,该项目复原了罗马别墅的潜在记忆,这些别墅曾连接战略性港口城市Roman Salauris周围的Ager Tarraconensis农业区。此外,为了唤起玛丽亚·何塞在安达卢西亚庭院中关于植物、水池和橘子树的童年经历,建筑师设计了一座庭院住宅,它是内部设有绿洲的内向型房屋。一层的流动空间围绕中庭布置,将住宅组织起来,探索了室内与室外、明与暗、不确定性和安全性之间的生活方式。从罗马时代到二十世纪初第一批现代主义夏日别墅的出现,陶瓷一直是该地使用的材料,也是该项目建筑材料的不二选择。

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing ©NUA arquitectures

A single action can explain the house: closing oneself to the closest environment, a generic place without many attributes, and founding an intimate and pleasant habitable place for María José, a woman with Andalusian roots who wants to enjoy her recent retirement in a new house that transport her to the inhabited spaces of her childhood. In continuity with the culture of the patios and the way of living in Mediterranean climates, recovering the latent memory of the Roman villas that articulated the agricultural territory of the Ager Tarraconensis around the Roman Salauris, a city known for its strategic port, and with the With the intention of evoking the childhood experiences of Maria José among the vegetal shadows, the pools and the orange trees of the Andalusian patios, a patio house is proposed, an introspective house that welcomes an oasis inside. The house is articulated through a single fluid space on the ground floor that gravitates around an atrium, the central room of the house, and the project focuses on the timeless exploration of living between the interior and the exterior, between the dark and the bright, between uncertainty and security. Ceramics, a material used historically in the city from Roman times until the appearance of the first modernist summer houses at the beginning of the 20th century, is the chosen construction material.

▼内立面,inner facade ©Adrià Goula

▼庭院,courtyard ©Adrià Goula

▼遍布院子各处的绿植 ©Adrià Goula green plants all over the courtyard

▼错落的内向型体量,scattered introverted volume ©Adrià Goula

▼门窗,doors and windows ©Adrià Goula

建筑四周,由粗糙砖块砌成的实心墙位于不同结构中,保护房屋不受外界影响, 同时起到隔热和保护隐私的作用,这堵巨大的外墙,只在特定位置设置了孔洞和格栅。这种防护性陶砖墙使人想起地中海的广阔无垠,它围绕着完全开放且通透的中央空间,门廊和格栅很快被植物的阴影和调节光线与温度的滑动百叶所覆盖,带来了微妙的光影变化。

On the perimeter, a solid wall of textured brick and placed in different structures protects the house from the outside and provides thermal insulation and privacy, generating a massive perimeter wall only perforated in very specific points by means of lattices and windows. This kind of protective ceramic wall that evokes the massive perimeters of the medinas, surrounds a totally open and transparent central space nuanced by porches, lattices soon covered by vegetal shadows and sliding shutters that adjust the light and temperature conditions.

▼由粗糙砖块砌成的实心墙,the solid wall of textured brick ©Adrià Goula

▼墙面细部,detail ©Adrià Goula


The agora, which opens to the southeast in search of light, is the center of the house, the stage where all the rooms converge, the collective place, the space for relationships, and at the same time, it is also an intermediate space of control. climate that, in addition to ensuring cross ventilation, fluid circulations, deep visuals and good lighting of all spaces, multiplies the dimensions of the house and allows incorporating the exterior space into the interior, preventing the unbuilt spaces of the plot are understood as a waste, but in continuity with the interior spaces. This fragment of exterior in the heart of the house allows you to connect domestic life with the sky and appreciate the passage of time.

▼露台,the agora ©Adrià Goula

▼由露台望向泳池,view to the pool from the agora ©Adrià Goula

▼由露台望向室内,view to the interior from the agora ©Adrià Goula

▼融合的室内外界限,fusion of indoor and outdoor boundaries ©Adrià Goula

▼厨房,kitchen ©Adrià Goula

▼客厅,living room ©Adrià Goula

▼客厅一瞥,a glance to the living room ©Adrià Goula


The house is structured from the access axis on the northwest façade, which is materialized through the spatial sequence formed by the entrance porch, the hall, the exterior porch and the central patio. This access route leads directly to the outside, with hardly being able to guess where the house begins. From this episode of transparent access, a first body contains the collective spaces and service spaces, and on the other side of the axis, a second body, which can function autonomously, houses the master bedroom. These two bodies surround and converge in the patio, the space that keeps memories, the refuge that Maria José had dreamed of to share important moments with family and friends, the desired space that connects with the memory of the place and evokes its land and its roots.

▼总平面图,site plan ©NUA arquitectures

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©NUA arquitectures

▼剖面图1,section 1 ©NUA arquitectures

▼剖面图2,section 2 ©NUA arquitectures

Architects: NUA arquitectures. Arnau Tiñena, Maria Rius, Ferran Tiñena

Technical architects: Albert Vilà i Júlia Oriol

Structural calculation: Albert Pujol

Engineering: Enric Sanz

Construction company: Construccions Esteve Ferré

Furniture: Moix Ebanisteria

Carpentry: Visolman

Area: 455,87 sqm

Dates: 2018-2021

Location: Salou, Tarragona, Spain

Photography: Adrià Goula


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