发布时间:2022-12-24 03:55:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The industrial park is not only the brand image to an enterprise, but also the project carrier and work place; and the park to their employees, at least one thirds of their time is spent here. It is more like a lifestyle. Therefore, the environment and nature of an office park is vitally important to the enterprise development and their employees’ work and life.


▼功能分区,functional analysis©重庆佳联园林景观设计

The China Merchants Kechuang Square First Phase is located at Shenhai Science and Technology City, which is in the core area of Yazhou Bay of Sanya City. It is the first project of park industry complex with the core concept of “marine science and technology” and “life science”. With the design concept of “oxygen sea valley”, the project is committed to providing a diversified office environment for high-tech enterprises and office groups that have engaged in science and technology innovation. The project creates a diversified office park integrating fashion technology, sharing and green ecological features of a new era by minimalistic line design language and open landscape layout.

▼项目概览,overview of the project©雪尔空间摄影

01. 功能空间的灵活性 Flexibility of functional space

入口临街广场约 800 平方米,可为企业提供大型企划活动场地同时也是人流行进的主要路线。科技城 LOGO 做成的标志性雕塑烘托起建筑整体,同时也起到良好的昭示性。异形树池模拟海浪翻滚,制造高低错落的层次,弱化广场空旷感;序列的铺装既有引导作用,又极具科技感。

The entrance square close to the street is about 800 square meters. It can provide large-scale planning activity space; meanwhile, it’s also the main route for the traffic flow. The iconic sculpture made of the LOGO of Science and Technology City expresses the whole building with a good indication. The irregular shaped tree pool simulates sea waves rolling, creating staggered levels and weakening the feeling of emptiness in the square; the sequential paving has both a guiding function and a sense of technology.

▼入口广场,entrance plaza ©雪尔空间摄影

▼俯瞰入口广场,look down to the entrance plaza©雪尔空间摄影

▼园区工作的人们上下班穿行,people working in the park commuting ©雪尔空间摄影


The negotiation area retains the combination of recreation deck and mirrored pool to create a quiet outdoor visitor space. As space decoration and sight focus, water landscape stone setting and dragonfly sculpture create a wide open and cozy space feeling, which is an enjoy spot as well as a reception area.

▼洽谈区,the communication area©雪尔空间摄影

▼洽谈区近景,close shot of the communication area©雪尔空间摄影

02. 休闲空间的共享性 Sharing of leisure space


The central landscape belt is the main activity and leisure center in the park where the lawn and space under woods are inter-nested. The tree pool simulates the waves and hills to break the rigidity of the original terrain by using the undulation and stacking of the broken lines to form the height difference. The space under woods and lawn space are on the same level as a whole, given the space utilization certain flexibility.

▼中心景观带鸟瞰,bird eye view of the central landscape belt©雪尔空间摄影

▼人们在草坪上休息,people resting on the lawn ©雪尔空间摄影

▼人们在林间步道散步,people walking on the trails ©雪尔空间摄影

▼林间步道近景,close shot of the trails©雪尔空间摄影

在这个轴线的中心区域,我们设计了很多休闲桌椅,人们可以在这里休憩放松、户外办公。有需求时还可与草坪合并为一个整体场地使用,供企业开展户外 PARTY、趣味运动会等。而当我们在室内处于忙碌的办公中时,一次不经意的眺望,优美的绿色环境亦能让我们拥有短暂的心灵释放。

In the central area of this axis, we have designed many leisure tables and chairs, where people can relax and work outdoors. When there is demand, it can also be combined with the lawn as a whole site for enterprises to carry out outdoor parties, fun sports meeting and so on. While we are in the busy office indoors, a casual overlook can also bring the beautiful green environment to us as a short spiritual release.

▼俯瞰休闲座椅区,look down to the leisure area©雪尔空间摄影

▼休闲座椅区,the leisure area©雪尔空间摄影

▼园区的职员坐在草坪上交谈,staff sitting on the lawn for a meeting ©雪尔空间摄影

03. 公共空间的多元性

Diversity of public space


The river landscape belt adopts no wall treatment and is built in an open sharing space mode, which is more convenient and humanized. We set an open sunny lawn by the river side, and set a three-dimensional multi-functional steps and platform at the end, hoping that people can use the whole river landscape well when carrying out different activities here. At the same time, we also connect the whole narrow area in the form of a healthy track, and set up fitness venue to meet people’s basic needs for fitness, expecting to build the whole waterfront space into a diversified space integrating communication, fitness and relaxation.

▼滨河空间中心段鸟瞰,bird’s-eye view of the central section of the riverfront space ©雪尔空间摄影

▼人们在滨河带休闲散步、跑步健身,people walking leisurely, running in the riverside©雪尔空间摄影

▼人们在廊架下休息交流,people resting and communicating under the landscape gallery©雪尔空间摄影

04. 自然与地域属性的交融 Blending of natural and regional features


Sanya belongs to the tropical marine monsoon climate where plants are hard to change of the four seasons, and not so obvious of plants seasonable appearance. Therefore, we choose characteristic flowering tropical plants, such as flame tree and kapok, and plant them in the park, hoping to give people seasonable appearance visually and enjoy the visual feast of color brought by nature. Meanwhile the application of local plants can also make the connection between the entire landscape space with natural environment.

▼在人行车行入口两端种植标志性凤凰木,iconic Poinciana at both ends of the pedestrian lane entrance©雪尔空间摄影

▼夏季盛开的凤凰,poinciana flowers blooming in summer ©雪尔空间摄影

▼肆意生长的植物,wild growing plants ©雪尔空间摄影


Extracting the appearance features of deep-sea ray to form the site featured landscape; place them at corners and viewpoints, to create fishes surrounding, quiet deep-sea atmosphere to awaken people’s memory of the site. Under the night sky, arbors and night light effects simulate a variety of coral clusters. The coral clusters are built on the reef and glow to create a colorful and mysterious atmosphere at the seafloor.

▼深海鳐鱼景观雕,deep sea ray landscape sculpture ©雪尔空间摄影

▼入口建筑顶层的海洋星空灯,ocean starlight on the top floor of the entrance building©雪尔空间摄影

▼模拟珊瑚群的夜景灯光鸟瞰,bird’s-eye view of simulated coral colonies at night©雪尔空间摄影

▼模拟珊瑚群的夜景灯光,the simulated coral colonies at night©雪尔空间摄影


Open and sharing, flexible and rhythmed are the attributes we endow to this site. We hope people in the park can enjoy a fine office life here.
















Project name:China Merchants Sanya Kechuang Square First Phase/Landscape design

Project type:Industrial Park


Design year:2020.5-2020.9

Completion Year:2022.7

Leader designer & Team:Zhang Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, Zhenni Li, Xingqi Che, Dan Li, Qinchuan Zhang, Shuai Xing, Meixiang Ming, Lingdong Zhang, Mingyan Diao, Yan Zhang, Hui Xiang, Ying Wu, Yuan Jiang, Manyi Liu

Project location: Deep Sea Science and Technology City, Yazhou Bay, Sanya, Hainan Province, China

Gross built area:38000 ㎡

Photo credit: Xueer Space Photography


Architectural Design: Huayang International Design Group

Landscape construction: Shenzhen Aocheng Landscape Engineering Design Co., Ltd.

Landscape Sculpture: Chongqing Yayayaya Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

Clients: China Merchants Sanya Deep Sea Science and Technology City Development Co., Ltd.


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