Because a bottle of wine remembers one person, it is the politics in the wine cabinet; Because a person wake up a bottle of wine, it is the art of social intercourse. Night is like a hole, change business cards than to hand in a cup.
Name|项目名称:CAVE Club
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China|中国
Design Time
设计时间:December 2016| 二零一六年十月
Completion Time
竣工时间:October2017| 二零一七年十月
Interior Design| 主案设计:Ray Wong 黄永才 | RMA 共和都市
Interior Design Team| 设计团队:Jet Wong 黄永杰、Jay Wong 王文杰、Eunice Wong 王艳玲、Bell Wei 韦士康等| RMA 共和都市
Construction follow - up|现场跟进:James Wu吴嘉庆
Light cooperation
Nickobe Lee 李毅
Author|撰文:San Yu 三愚
Photography |
Cave Club is designed for such a group of people.
They are men and women whose whereabouts are a mystery.
They are full of controversy and are not afraid of controversy.
All absurdity is not a problem, existence is reasonable.
Their capacity for liquor, orientation, temper, is the topic.
But day and night, accustomed to as if nothing has occurredly, also not interested in satisfy curiosity.
Do not care about where to come, do not inquire about places, Cave Club provides this group of people’s place.
The idea of Cave project stems from ancient cave, from its interfacial relationship between gathered-twigs fire and warmth. While mentioning ancient cave, the pure and good scene, like people clustering around fire, singing and drinking, will then occur in our mind.
Construction Site Record | 施工现场记录
After on-site inspection, found that the site is three-sided street - oriented, from the point of view of business, the geographical position is very good; But it’s very different from the club we’re envisioning.
Site Analysis |
We try to plan the guest sitting inside and seeing the outside, and the crowd around can see the space inside the cave from different locations, attract the crowd into it.
The designer reconstructed the entertainment and communication field before the birth of civilized order by visualizing the relationship between man and space, space and space. The creation, the cave-holes, combining sphere and wall, is used as the fundamental interface for the whole space. Thanks to the design, it makes the relationship between people and space, space and space, independent but also mutually interpenetrated.
These semi-round door and windows make it stand out the boxy buildings.
Construction Site Record | 施工现场记录
Through any exterior door and windows, the bar table of CAVE CLUB can be seen at any angle.
透过外观的这些半圆形的门窗,无论哪个角度我们都可以看到cave club的吧台。
After stepping inside, people will find it is a further experience than standing outside. The space is independent but also with obscure boundary, semi-open booths and open-hall are all shaped by variety-size holes.
Construction Site Record | 施工现场记录
These spaces are no longer the traditional spacing, space all the elements of the modelling is clever and free. The semi-open space makes the whole space all the time, events, characters, vision, smell, hearing all feel fusion superposition together.
Experience is open, but independent; So that people and space, space and space between the independent and mutual penetration.
Design Evolution| 设计演变
CAVE Club Floor
Construction Site Record | 施工现场记录
Republic Metropolis Architecture
Once again, the creativity of design.
Republican Metropolis Architecture(RMA) has been committed to the spirit of innovation for the community to provide a variety of design products, creative, imaginative creativity design to drive more brand value, works cover construction, top CLUB, catering office, private homes, Innovative bold design for the space into the new vitality, during the works won a number of top global event awards.
创始人 / 创意总监 / 黄永才
Founder / Ray Wong
殊荣 | Award
(德国)2018年IF Design Award 设计大奖(美国)2016-2017年度AAP美国建筑奖(德国)2018年红点设计大奖Red Dot Design Award红点奖(德国)2017年红点设计大奖Red Dot Design Award红点奖(英国)2017年英国Andrew Martin安德鲁马丁国际室内设计大奖(美国)2015年第11届美国纽约HOSPITALITY DESIGN AWARDS 冠军奖(加拿大)2015年北美GRANDS PRIXDU DESIGN国际金奖(意大利)2016-2017年度A’Design Award意大利米兰设计大奖赛金奖(意大利)2013-2014年度A’Design Award意大利米兰设计大奖赛金奖(意大利)2014-2015年度A’Design Award意大利米兰设计大奖赛银奖(意大利)2013-2014年度A’Design Award意大利米兰设计大奖赛银奖(中国)2017国际空间设计大奖Idea-Tops 艾特奖 最佳娱乐空间设计奖(中国)2016/2017亚太室内设计精英邀请赛“杰出设计奖”。(中国)2017年第二十届中国室内设计大奖赛“酒店会所类银奖”(中国)2017年第十五届现代装饰国际传媒奖“年度休闲空间大奖”(中国)2017年全球创意设计大奖-IAI最佳设计大奖(中国)CIID2016年广州杰出青年设计师(中国)2016-2017UNDER40中国设计杰出青年(中国)2016中国新势力榜(中国台湾)2015年台湾金点设计奖(中国)2014年全球创意设计大奖-IAI最佳设计大奖(中国)2015年第九届全球创意设计大奖-IAI杰出设计大奖(中国香港)2015年APDC亚太区室內设计精英邀请赛会所类金奖(中国上海)2016年上海国际室内设计节第十一届”金外滩奖"最佳休闲娱乐空间奖(中国深圳)2015 年Idea-Tops艾特奖最佳娱乐空间设计奖(中国)2015 年第十八届中国室內设计大奖赛酒店、会所类银奖(中国香港)2014第二十二届APIDA亚太区室内设计大奖赛双Best10(中国)2014年中国室内设计年度评选金堂奖休闲娱乐空间十佳(中国)2014年第十七届中国室内设计大奖赛双铜奖(中国上海)2014年上海国际室内设计节第九届”金外滩奖"最佳休闲娱乐空间奖(中国)2013第十六届中国室内设计大奖赛办公类铜奖(中国)2013年中国室内设计年度评选金堂奖办公空间十佳